Page 72 - ThePhoenix1990-91
P. 72
Page 8 Western Maryland College February 28, 1991 BUZZ, from Page 7 After he New Hoover Library Now Open for Business and was in the crowd. hl~~i:the :a~k;t, and rO~ed LIBRARY, from Page 1 compoundcdproblemsinscarch- SIg t y to lee t he spots er; ing for resources. his last thoughts: MOM you've lines of the "NOT HOOVER A temporary moving-aid, changed your hairstyle! UBRARYCATALOG"Micro- who asked not to be identified, • Or, Dam I had two months cat computer, but will be much said, "It would have been better ~e~~~7Y fishing license. What more sophisticated, Collier said. if they had completely finished • Or, if he was extremely ~!:~l~~~,~~~~:~;~i~~~~ ~~on~::~~~,befOrc opening health conscious, his head falls eluding an annual update fee. Ed Jacod, a senior, said. sothatheisstaringdirectlyatthc The addition also houses a "Yeah, its annoying, but when blade, and by gosh h'srusty. His new computer lab with 26Macin- elscarethey going togetitdone?" last thoughts: Somebody please toshes and IBMs, according to SincegroundbrcaldngonJuly get me some kind of disinfcc- Dr. Linda Eshleman, Director of 10,1989, thecostoftheHoover tanto Academic Computing. Public construction/renovation project I could go on but what would Information slated that when the has been 10million dollars:eight be the point; I'll never know for lab opens the ratio of students to million for the initial work sav- certain. Which is of course computers will be 11:1. ing two million for an endowed ~~~~~~7;r:;:~n~~~~~~~~~~ fin~~OUo~nt~~ ~~u~e~~:~:~ fund for operation and main- paramount issue confronting ever, it is far from completion. ~~~~n~c~~:~,!j::~:~~~~~~: researchers today! Why is there As sightseers toured the new by gifts and grants, without use such a lack of concern? section February l l th.unstaincd of tuition funds. O.K., so we all want to know co woodwork, un assembled Dr. Robert Chambers, Presi- Ihavearighnoknowj two things: ] shelves, and uncarpeted stair- dentofWestcm Maryland Col- at zero hour plus one? ==--_~===---:-:- (a) do decapitated people have e, ways were still visible. Ongoing lege,saiddedicationdayisslated thoughts -:-_-:--,---:-construction has bothered stu- for October 13, the Sunday after and (b) what do they think about? 3rd floor view of quad provides sunny atmosphere for study. dents as they try to work and has Homecoming. Q My research grant proposal L--------------,----:------'-'--:-_-:- __ -:-~:-__"' c: to answer these very questions of the project's success. The biology department should be accurate assumptions about part forward me their respective so- was shot down, so we will have details are aliule gooey, so I will able to provide an answer topart (b). Therefore, until I can secure lutions. Then, maybe, I can stop to find another way to discover spare the readers who aren't (a), and the psychology depart- proper funding, I would appreci- pondering this question, and put the truth [by the way, anyone willing to fork over mucho mentcouldgeneratesomepretty ate it if those departments could that poor guy to rest. with mucho bucks who would bucks]. to my some- like to fund my research is wel- An alternative plan would be to Black Activist Speaks at WMC come to call me. I will give full what grandiose detailsandyouwillbeconvinced divide the question. WMC's A civil rights activist visiting stretches of applause and whis- 1960's movement when he Western Maryland College said pered agreements from the audi- helped found the Student Non- SMOKING, from Page 3 mind the new policy and I re- February 13 that America is ence. Approximately 150people violent Coordinating Commit- theywillbecomefrustratedwheo speer.other's health and r would losing ground in the battle for attended, including many non- tee in 1961 while attending they may be ultimately required put up with the inconvcnicco." racial equality. students and older African- Morehouse College in Atlanta. to smokeoutside ofbuildings on Cohen said that it is only a Julian Bond, a former Geor- Americans. He left school that year to be- campus" matter of time for the proposal to gia state senator, said thatAmer- Bond also talked about the come SNCC's communications SeniorpsychologymajorLisa be be implemented into COllege ica is experiencing a "renais- history of the civil rights move- director. Yost.asmoker.said, "I wouldn't policy. Q sanceof racism" during aspccch ment in the 20th century, stress- Bond became further in- Professors Accept Load Increase at McDaniel Lounge. is dominated ingtheeventsofthe 196Os. "By volved when he was elected to Public opinion said Bond, 1965," SEVEN, from Page I meeting, Seligman said that he by a "neo-conservatism" which was legally dead." "Jim Crow the Georgia House ofRepresen- of tauves in 1965. In January be reduced. The Budget Com- was still committed to the six- is "led by scholars andacademi- The '60's were also notable, 1966, the House denied him a miuee, whose members include course-load. clans [and} funded by corporate Bond said, because that decade seat because of his statements three faculty members, the vice Thecollegeisplanningtosave America," Bond said. rnarkeda high point in civil rights about the Vietnam War. presidents, and the budget direc- $120,000 dollars with the in- Bond also charged that the activism. "A voteless people After three special elections tor, then recommended the in- crease, according to Ruth Tho- administration of former Presi- voted with its bodies and its feet," and a ruling from the U.S. Su- crease. In an interview after the Q dent Ronald Reagan was to he said. preme Coon in his favor, the Huminski Feels War is Justified blame, calling Reagan "an ami- WMC's Black Student Union of House admitted him. He served Martin, president Joslyn able incompetent." until 1974. craft carrier whieh is stationed The speech, which was part and a senior music major, intro- HUMINSKI, from Page 5 In 1974, he was elected to the there right now, and I have two of WMC's Black History Cele- duced Bond. Georgia State Senate, where he dom. Ask the advisor who dis- other friends who might just as bration, was marked by long Bond was a participant in the served until 1987. Q agreed with Hussein about free- easily be sent, yet r am not pro- dom. (For those of you who testing. Why? Because they don't know, he was shot by knew when they signed up for Husscin.) the military that there was al- The Classifieds are Coming!! These people appreciate free- ways a chance that they would dom far more than you and lever be called into action. Let's not Have a computer for sale and can't find a buyer? Looking for a used Iruro to Soc book that will, Mr. Blackman, fonhey had have a repeat of what happened doesn't seem to cxisr? Or just wanl to send a message to a special someone? Buy a classified it once and then had it stripped to our Vietnam vets. or personal ad in The Phoenix at 30¢ a line using the order form below. Send form, with check from them. Oh yes, this is about Human life was the price we (yes, a check!) payable to fhe Phoenix, to P.O. Box 208 by Wednesday before publication. human rights and freedom, for had to pay for our freedom. they once had them, and r am American, British, and other quite sure that they want them foreign lives were given and the back. endresultwasourfrccdom. Now To all of you who protest this we are helping others fight for war, remember this: for all of that same freedom-the freedom your noble intentions and anger to live their lives without fear of or grief that your friends or rela- government reprisals-the same tives are in Saudi Arabia, we freedom that Mr. Blackman and must support them. One of my his fellow protesters enjoy. best friends is sitting on an air- Frank N. Huminski
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