Page 73 - ThePhoenix1990-91
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Newman Heading Off to Nationals-Story on Page 6 THE PHOENIX Western Maryland College Trustees to Increase Number of Student Visitors Joe vemeni ning Commiucc. three visitors to the Student In response to a student peti- The three committees not Affairs Committee, and the Stu- tion circulated last semester, the approved for visitors are the dent Government Association Board of Trustees will assign to Membership and Nominations president. Sayre hopes the five six trustee committees two vot- Committee, the Human Re- remaining positions will befilled ing student visitors each, Dean sources Committee, and the from students on the All College of Student Affairs PhilipR. Sayre Executive Committee. Sayre Council. Any remaining posi- said. said these committees arc closed tions will be advertised in WMC According to Sayre, the because they discuss private This Week, according to Sayre. Board, which has nine standing personnel mauers and other The three current student committees, approved the visi- confidential topics. representatives to the board are tors for the Buildings and The visitors, who will assume Greg Cherundolo '91, Andrea Grounds Committee, theStudent their posts at the April 19 and 20 Covington '92, and Jennifer Affairs Committee, the Budget trustees meetings, will be se- Scou '93, while the two student and Finance Comm inee, the lected from the holders of the visitors to the Student Affairs College Relations Committee, seven established student board Committee are Melanie Tull '91 Ruth Thomas, Director of Financial Planning and the Budget, the Academic Affairs Commit- positions which include the three and Lea Stanley '92, according will discuss rising tuition at the Student Affairs Committee tee, and the Long Range Plan- during the Board of Trustees Meetings on April 19. representatives to the board, the See TRUSTEES, Pg_8 Col.l Blanche Teach-In Held to Discuss Perspectives on War Arsonist Jenn Scott eluded war in the Middle-East. hold a "mood of some mourn- pacifism could be dangerous. Western Maryland By helping Released held its second Teach-In College understand ancient the audience to ing, some sadness over the de- of the Coalition for Peace and the member Pat Blackman, Iraqi art and March rather than [a mood] of struction 7 at McDaniel Lounge. Spon- culture, the definition of a "just celebration." Justice who introduced the guest Barbara DeCesare sorcd by the Coalition for Peace war," military censorship. the The audience, at thirty, num- speakers, later said that. though Those who weren't here in andJ ustice, this semester's topic subject! ve view point of politics, bered half of those in attendance some may have thought the calk's July of 1988 can probably recall was entitled "Perspectives on and ourselves as our own en- at the first Teach-In. Most ofthe purpose was "war-bashing, there stories of Richard Marc Fisher- War and Culture." emy, the speakers sought to give audience overwhelmingly sup- wasn't any anti-war talk or pro- the security guard who set rue Thefiveguestspeak:ersshared a greater frame of reference in ported Braune's statement. Saddam talk." to Blanche Ward Hall, Rouzer an alternative perspective than understanding Lhe war. However, a few students, as well Instead, the Teach-In was Hall, Lhe Caboose, and other the generally held euphoria David Braune, a local peace as a veteran of the Korean War "planned as a forum for altcma- campus structures and eaused concerning the recently con- activist, said America should from Westminster, felt such See TEACH-IN, Pg. 8 Col. 5 approximately $235,000 in damage. Incentives Terminated for Low Damage Areas He made $5.84 per hour as a security guard, a job that Fisher The common areas that had would have been eligible. five areas were billed. Those and McDaniel Hall first floor claimed gave him such a heavy less than $150 in damages last The PRIDE program, which areas were: McDaniel Hall first back hall ($4,117.24 or $213.13 work load that he set fire to an semester will not receive the is abouta year old, was designed floor front hall ($191.16 or per person) which the Office of occupied building [Rouzer Hall] incentives that Lhey were eligible to reduce damages in the resi- $19.12 per person) occupied by Residence Life considers inde- to relteve Lhe stress. for under Lhe PRIDE program, dencehalls by providing students Gamma Beta Chi fraternity, pendent male but is occupied by The stress compounded when according to Joanne Goldwater, wiLh an incentive. While pizza McDaniel HaJJ third floor the unrecognized Delta Pi Alpha Fisher was arrested and charged Assistant Director of Residence parties are not being passed out, ($473.25 or $21.51 per person) fraternity, according to Delta Pi with two counts of arson. Judge Life. the Office of Residence Life is oceupied by Delta Upsilon fra- Alpha secretary Chris Lynch. Donald J. Gilmore handed down Goldwatersaidthattheschool continuing to nor bill areas with ternity, Blanche Ward Hall sec- Goldwater said that Blanche a sentence totaling 30 years for did not collect enough money in less than $300 in damages and and floor ($1 ,(X)J.25 or $22.76 Ward fourth floor and McDaniel Fisher to serve as a first offender. fines to cover the costs of the less than $10 in damages per per person) occupied by Phi Delta Hall first floor back hall had Judge Gilmore strayed from Lhe incentives, which traditionally resident. Theta fraternity, Blanche Ward unusually high charges because guideline sentence of probation are pizza parties for the common Although the campus had Hall fourth floor ($1,929.05 or of damage done to the newly See ARSONIST, Pg. 8 Col. 3 areas. Of the 52 common areas $13,315.73 in damages last $64.30 per person) occupied by renovated marble stalls in Lheir on campus, said Goldwater, 38 semester, Goldwater said only Alpha Gamma Tau fraternity, bathrooms. a Student Residence Requirement to be Reinstated Andrea Covington R. Sayre, Dean of Student Af- Sayre said the poliey was million on refurbishing Albert and in residence hall revenue TheOfficeofStudentAffairs fairs, defined "nearby" loosely reinstated because the college Norman Ward Hall. Daniel due to Lhe policy. announced the reinstatement of and said that students whose wishes to affirm its identity as a MacLca Hall, and areas of Rou- Before the policy was rein- a policy requiring all freshmen parents lived as far as Essex and residential school and would like zer Hall, Blanche Ward Hall, stated, the college's other vice and sophomores to live on cam- Towson would be eligible for to provide the traditional student and McDaniel Hall. McDaniel presidents and the Budget and pus unless they fall undercertain the exception. with all the learning experiences is the last of the renovation proj- Finance Committee were con- exceptions. According to Maryland State associated with dormitory life. ects and is expected to be com- sulted and a survey was done of Exceptions include non-tra- Police spokesperson Corporal The policy was discontinued pleted by the end of the summer, several comparable schools. ditional students, married stu- William Hartman, boLh Essex in the early 1980s because the according to Sayre. Other schools with a residential dents, students with unusual and Towson are approximately dormitories needed to be reno- He also said that he predicts requirement for freshmen and circumstances, and students 45-minute drives during non- vated. Since 1984, the school only minor increases in the sophomores include Goucher, whose parents live nearby. Philip rush hour traffic. has spent approximately 2.5 number of residential students See RESIDENCE, Pg_ 2 Col. 1
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