Page 68 - ThePhoenix1990-91
P. 68
Page 4 Western Maryland College February 28, 1991 Editorial: Help Me Andrea Covington about how glorious and noble Iamoncoftheluckiestpeople World War II was, although more in the world. My family is finan- people died in that war than in cially sound. I am straight. I any other war in history. The have no shame of being female. book also made a concession to lam white. politically correct thought by I never quite realized what including a one paragraph blurb blessings those factors arc until at the end of every chapter about high school. Up until then, I the condition of blacks at that thought the norms that I had point in time. internalized were morally right Mrs. Horsefleld's work was and justified. If those norms the history left out of the history included thinking of blacks , his- book. She taught us about slav- panics, and other minorities as ery and rape and systematic ter- inferior, than it was because those ror. She taught us about the groups had done something to Chinese who died working on deserve it. Everyone around me the Southcrn Pacific Railroad. at my 97 percent white high She taught us about the "cap- school was right, or so they all tains of industry" who manipu- had me believe. lated the Italians, Jews, and Irish lam still fighting thosenorms in the tum-of-the-century union today. Although I decided al- wars so that labor costs stayed most five years ago that bigotry down. That was what made me is obscene, I still occassionally change my mind. I learned that slip and say something stupid people can be manipulated by an Editorial: Language and Reality that inevitably hurts sorneone's otherwise useless unwritten rule feelings. of society. Meeghan Ziolkowski function independenlly is indeed is not 'evil', yet they are out of The person who most helped I know that my unintentional As we end asuccessful Black a huge degradation. It implies touch with the reality of human- me change my mind was my bigotry can be insulting and frus- History Month on campus and that she is helpless and naive; ity. And it is in this ignorance teacher for U.S. History B. Mrs. trating. Bull hope that by under- prepare to begin a Women's perhaps that she needs 'a good that the seeds of prejudice grow Horsefield was a raging liberal standing my history the world History Month, we confront man' to provide for her. These into oppressive acts; everything from New Jersey-clean still hear can understand me and not hate many issues concerning racism, are harmful assumptions. from racist jokes to rape. her talking about how she wished me for saying stupid and insen- sexism and other forms of op- We can then see the danger of Finally, some feel that it is she didn't have such a "boring" sitive things. pression. One issue which can oppressive language; not only somehow the duty of the op- white Anglo-Saxon Protestant I know what I must do and if stand more scrutiny is oppres- that someone else labels you as pressed to educate their oppres- heritage. someone told me when I was sive language. something you aren't, but also sors. Well, this sort of education Anyway, her class was a lot doing the right thing, and not The point of replacing 'op- that you begin to believe them. can happen effectively (as evi- of work, because she insisted just the wrong thing, I think I pressive' words with 'empower- In this way, oppressed people dencedby Black History Month), that we not just do me course would be much more enthusias- ing' ones is not only that certain give up power to the structures but it is not the ill!!y of the op- work dictated by the county tic about the task. I "find it very words are SImply offensive to which oppress them. pressed to give their oppressors board of education, but that we hard to respect people who make some people, but also that lan- Oppressive language reveals educational absolution. As do her work, too. me feel guilty. So please help guage shapes reality. In other deep-seated prejudices which we Donna Kate Rushin writes, "I Thecounty's work consisted me by understanding me. I need words, oppressive language cre- have all been taught. So one am sick of having to remind you of a text book that prattled on all the help I can gel. 0 ates oppression. who uses such language without to breathe before you suffocate Some people feel too much making an effort to overcome it your own fool self." 0 attention is payed to saying the An Open Letter to correct word. For example, is a person 'black' or 'African The Phoenix "KFF" & "BEe" American'? Is a female in col- Is lege a 'woman' or a 'girl'? At 6:00 p.m. on Monday, February 11, 1991, the new someone who has suffered sex- Editor Andrea Covington Editor Jenn SCOll Hoover Library was opened to the college community. At ual assault a 'victim' or a 'survi- Assistant Manager Laurie Lutche Business 8:00 a.m. on Wednesday, February 13, 1991, the first acror vor'? Should we use inclusive Copy Editor ยท , Julie Baile vandalism was reported: initials carved into the new counter language, or docs 'man' really Layout Editor , Constantine Frangos top along the main corridor through the Card Catalogue and mean 'all people'? Matt Levy and Ed Rigling Reference areas. Yet each one of these ex- Sports Editors Assistants Andrea Covington, Julie Baile, Production Dogs and other mammals leave scent marks on trees, fire amples illustrates how a certain Meeghan Ziolkowski hydrants, car tires, etc. While hundreds of people have ex- word implies a different reality Photographers Bob Kirkendall, Helen Lowe, pressed their enthusiastic appreciation of an outstanding new thananotherword. Forexample, Ines Perez, Jenn Scott building, one puppy in human guise had to make his or her there is a whopping big differ- Reporters Pat Blackman, Andrea Covington, Lauren E. mark, staking out a territorial claim on the new library literally ence between a woman and a Himmel, Bob Kirkendall, Mike Kubacki, Ines Perez, before the paint was dry. What a jerk. girl. And to call someone a girl Thomas E. Quirk, Wendy Ruderman, Todd Robinson, Harold D. Neikirk, Library Director who is actually old enough to Jenn Scott, Joe vemeni make her own decisions and Nag Terry Dalton Letter to the Editor: Isn't This America? do not necessarily reflect bi-weekly. The opinions expressed or The Phoenix is published those of Phoenix staff members Editor, based on. (For anyone who is does not mean I hatemycounuy. those of the administration at Western Maryland College. All right, what's going on curious, I don't think we should Yes, we are the (in my biased, The Phoenix welcomes submissions and Letters to the Editor. here? If I say to many of the be the world's policemen, and communist, anarchist, hate the Letters to the Editor that arcane page, typed, and doublespaced Letters to the peopleon this campus tharl think that's what we're doing again.) I U.S. opinion, of course) best are guarenteed publication in the upcoming issue. a~ space permits ~at limit will be published Editor exceeding our troops should be home, I am was under the impression that country in the world. However, and must be submitted on a Macintosh disk in either Microsoft told that I should either love the first amendment gave me the we are the best because we have Word, WriteNow, or MacWrite formats. Please include a America or leave it. Well, ex- right to speak up if I don't agree therighttospeak:out. Iwon'tteU phone number for verification. cuse me, I thought this was the with something the U.S. govern- you that you cannot express your Address mail to: The Phoenix United Statesof America, where mentdoes. opinions, so don't keep me from 2 College Hill we are free to hold our own opin- Just because I disagree with expressing mine. Western Maryland College ions, whatever facts they are one action of the government, Karen Irvine Wesrminster,MD 21157
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