Page 69 - ThePhoenix1990-91
P. 69
February 28, 1991 Western Maryland College Page 5 60 Seconds on Campus Bob Kirkendall and Andrea Covington What would you do to improve The Phoenix? Emily Oland Mark Hughes Kevin Richardson Carrie Arbaugh Debbie Keys -Freshman /Undecided -Freshman/Econ. -Junior/ Bus. Admin. -Junior/Comm. -FreshmanIMath. Imiss the Glarticle I think there should Talk about more They should have Have a consistant by Tessa Dominick. be a section where international things. more variety on top- schedule of events on different students just ics. The paper is campus. write something-just becoming more a freelance writing. thing on environ- mental issues and CORRECTION: In the February 14 issue of The Phoenix, "60 protestors instead of Seconds" was compiled by Helen lowe and Wendy Ruderman, campus life and not Jenn Scott and Andrea Covington. campus issues. Letter to the Editor: Wade Fannin Protests Tom Harbold's Protest Editor, our own jails are full of black people, that the world view which Also, while Mr. Harbold savaged by the V.S. Since Mr. Harbold has such a people. His spiritual advisors creates and nurtures such "isms" seems to have agenuineconcem govemment'sinhumanedomes_ hard time attacking my argu- believe AIDS is a punishment is equally responsible for War. for the people of Kuwait.who tic and foreign policy. The ments, it seems he must attack from God to gay and lesbian Hierarchy and dualism form the suffered under Saddam's brutal- Kuwaitis aren't the only ones my personal character and sex- people, and his AIDS policy basis of this world view. It is ity, he forgets the people of suffering in this world, and if we ual preference. Hell, he even reflects this inhumane perspec- characterized by an "us/them" Mexico and the Native Ameri- point one self-rightcous finger compared me to Saddam him- tive. His new environmental or "me/it" mentality in which cans who suffered (and still suf- at Saddam we'd bener noucc the self! I bet he could get a job at policy will increaseoffshoreand the two subjects are seen to be fer) the naked aggression of rest of them pointing right back CNN with that style. Jokesaside. wilderness oil drilling, deregu- inherently unequal. This pauem Manifest Destiny, a reality as at us. it is clear that his letter (P hoe nix, late gas and oil pipelines and fits not only war but race, sex, brutal as anything Saddam could Finally, I hardly Me. 2/14/91) is mostly an exercise in make licensing easier for nu- sexual preference, environment, cook up. Harbold suggests, Ihat freedom ad hominem. However, there clear facilities. Whyshouidn'tl and other such issues of oppres- He forgets El Salvador, Tur- of expression (mine in panicu- are some valid issues he brings speak om against him? He is sion and exploitation. And we key, Guatemala, Panama, etc. lar!) nurtures homophobia. No up which I wish to address. dangerous to me and the world I should know by now that this where V.S. financial and mili- matter how much some unin- First, apictureof'George Bush love! What respect does the sort of segregated reality is what tary aid provides governments formed people wish to blame with a "no-circle" across it is as officeofPresident deserve when we're fighting for. This war every bit as horrid as Saddam's gays and lesbians for the reac- "reasonable" as any political it is used to murder, exploit, and serves the elite in this nation- with all the help they need to kill tionary hatred and oppression charicature. Mr. Bush has cho- oppress? the rich, white,straightmenwho and economically enslave people which they face, it is actually sen a path both in foreign and Second, when considering arc few in number yet control in the name of freedom and intolerance and fear, such as Mr. domestic policy which I find facts such as those above, I feel most of the land, labor, and democracy. Harbold's letter expresses, that dangerous and threatening. He it is entirely appropriate to con- capital. This is most certainly a He forgets the millions of truly nurtures homophobia (and is willing to spend taxpayer's nect the issue of war with the rich man's war and oppressed homeless, hungry, and oppressed which also makes it easier to billions on a war against people issues of racism, sexism, and people have no reason to fight it in this nation and the world who blow people up than talk tothcm). of color in the Third World while homophobia. Iassert.asdomany for them. even today are victimized and Wade Fannin Letter to the Editor: Frank Huminski Writes in Favor of the War Editor, have kept up the sanctions, but Hold Peace Rally") in the Febru- but to date, there is no means of . shouted down by the fearful The time has come when I Iook at thecost of'thar. The Iraqi ary 14th issue of The Phoenix, running cars which is as me- crowd. On the fourth time, she must set pen to paper (fingers to people would have starved to Mr. Blackman states that the war chanically effective and as cost gave the government answer. keyboard?) and speak outagainst death, instead of being shot and has nothing to do with human effective as oil and petroleum Where is the freedom there? Ask this veritable wave of protests bombed. Further, judging from rights or freedom, but for the based fuels. So we do need the all of the hostages which were whichhassweptourcountry. So Hussein's previous disregard for "goals of the American govern- oil. But I bet that's not the real heldby Husseinas"guests"about much is said against the war that the lives of his people, simple ment." And just what are those reason. freedom. Ask the thousands and something must be said in its starvation would not have caused goals, Mr. Blackman? Is one of I was watching CNN about a thousands ofKuwaiti citizens favor. himtopulloutofKuwait. There- them oil? MayI remind you that week before me war started, and who fled for their lives about Let me make one thing clear: fore, the people of Iraq would we are not dependent on oil just saw a report on how the Iraqi freedom. Ask the Kuwaiti citi- no one, myself included, likes suffer even more under the hand for our cars, but for many other people were being forced to go zens who fought to stop the ter- war. It has also been proven that of their dictator. things, such as plastics and along with Hussein's dictates. A rorist threat of Hussein and are sometimes it is the only way to In the article about the peace machine lubricants. Research woman tried three times to give nowdeadorcapturedaboutfree- solve a problem. Yes, we could rally ("Students, Townspeople for substitutes should be done, her personal answer, only to be See Hnmlnskt, Pg.8 Col.I
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