Page 67 - ThePhoenix1990-91
P. 67
February 28, 1991 Western Maryland College Page 3 Student Pushing New Smoking Policy From the Bottom, Up Todd Robinson Pat Blackman Ajunior buslnessadmmistra- side; God bless the troops; Pray tion major is lobbying Western "Injustice is relatively easy to God for victory, etc." (I sus- Maryland College's administra- to bear; it is justice that hurts." pect that God doesn't support -ttL. Mencken tion to ban smoking on campus One of the uglier things to anyone killing each other, and everywhere except for private that the idea of 'Just War' is a come out of this war against the rationalization which is not lim- offices, residcncehal1 rooms, and Iraqi people is an enhanced ra- ited to our culture.) the outdoors. Brett Cohen, who is also a cism against Arabs and Mus- While we visit such Ameri- member of the Political Action lims. Our own community has can cultural bastions as Cran- Coalition, introduced the pro- seen some shameless examples berry Mall and McDonald's, we posal to the All -College Coun- of this (the details of which I should remember the complex cilandtheAdministrativeCoun- withold to protect privacy), as and beautiful architecture of Is- cil last semester. Cohen said have many communities across lam, and the fact that Islamic that none of the indoor areas on the country. peoples were developing calcu- campus have adequate venula- We should know that every lus while Charlemagne was lion to prevent passive smoking. armed conflict we have entered learning how to write his name. into since World War II has pit- Philip R. Sayre, Dean of Stu- While we laugh at flowery led us against people of color. language such as "the Mother dent Affairs, submitted the pro- And every time, our enemy is posal to several groups, includ- of All Battles," we should rc- ~ labeled insane. Part of why it is ing the residence hall govern- member how much of OUf own ] so easy for us to kill the Iraqis is ments, the food service commit- language and science is derived tee, and the faculty. Sayre then ~ because they are not white and from Islamic culture, returned to the All-College -g we call them crazy, or at best, While we compare Saddam Council witha policy that banned ~ deluded. to Hitler, we should remember smoking on campus except for ~ They are totally different that Hitler modeled his concen- the outdoors, private offices and ~ from us, and our le.:'-ders have tration camps after US govern- residence hall rooms, the Physi- never gone an extra Inch to try ment reservations for Native cal Education Learning Center and understand what their side Americans. Then, we should of this is all about. It's much lobby during athletic events, the Brett Cohen, a junior business administration major, is the remember the US concentration enclosed fireplace area in the originator or the proposed smoking policy. easier to call them terrorists and camps for Japanese-American Pub.andresidence hall hallways. butdoesnoteliminate,theexpo- The resolution states that charge them with 'naked ag- citizens during World War II. Cohen reappeared in front of sure of non-smokers to environ- smoking isan infringmentofthe gression' so we can justify mur- While we denouce the exis- the ACC on February 21 and ment tobaccosmokethaus what guarantee to the right of life in dering them. (1 suppose that is tence of Saddam's secret po- asked that all the exceptions be that involuntary smoker inhales the Declaration ofIndependence decently clothed aggression.) lice, we should remember that We need to embrace a vision eliminated except for private and, and that smoking should end our current elected leader used areas and the outdoors. Sayre, 2) Hazardous chemicals in where it affects the health and which gives Arabs, and all to head the CIA, an organiza- peoples, as much validity as whose office will enact the pol- second-hand smoke include: well-being of others. tion with a well-documented Europeans. And certainly we icy, did not say at the meeting carbon monoxide, nicotine.tar, Cohen believes it will be well history of violence and oppres- our own his- whether the exceptions would hydrogen cyanide, arsenic, for- accepted by students here on need to remember affairs. sron. tory and current be suuck or not but does plan to maldehyde, and radioactive ete- campus, and his resolution was And finally, while we so have a new draft of the policy by menta. for which there is no safe virtually unchallenged in MSL. While we're labeling Arabs self-righteously condemn Iraq's March 8. exposure level; and, But Cohen expects that pro- as terrorists. we should remem- 'naked aggression' against Cohen has also drawn up a 3) One hour in a smoke filled smokers will question if secon- ber that the real terrorist threat Kuwait, perhaps we should resolution for the Maryland Stu- room is equivalent to smoking dary smoke is really a health in this country comes from remember what we did to the dent Legislature calling for the one cigarette; and, hazard and raise the question of white males in the KKK and Native Americans and the "enactment of a unitary federal 4)Smokingemployecscause smoker's rights.Glenn Jackson, Operation Rescue, who vio- Mexicans in the name of a God- law banning smoking from pub- a health impact on non-smoking a non-smoking junior business lently destroy property, intimi- given right to expansion. Per- date and even murder people as haps we should open our eyes lic places and places of work". employees at a cost of $608 administration/economics ma- In his resolutions he states: annually, and damages to the jor, played devil's advocate and a matter of policy. and look at how many brutal 1) The simple separation of employer's property of $1,200 stated,"they(smokers) will want While we denounce the Is- regimes OUf government has smoker and non-smoker within annually in the form of bums, the right to smoke and if nor. lamic idea of holy war, we supported and still supports the same air space may reduce, extra cleaning, and pollution... See SMOKING, Pg. 8 Col. 1 should look at our own con- across the world in the name of cepts of war. "God is on our freedom and democracy. 0 New Poster, Banner Policy Released Thomas E. Quirk of alcohol enticement or obscen- pus. Political expression is viewed ity. Posters must aJso be spon- The reasons why banners are in two different ways at our col- sored by amemberofthe college not pcnnitted to contain potui- lege. The difference, at least in community. cal expression in the three areas Decker Center, is between the The CAO also said that ban- of Decker, according to Alexan- definitions of a poster and a ners are defined by the dimen- der, is that these locationsshould banner. According to a state- sions of at least 3' by 6' and can only be used to advertise activi- ment released to the Presidents only be placed in three areas of ties by campus organizations; of Student Organizations by the Decker Center: Ensor Lounge and people "automatically as- College Activities Office(on 2/ window and the stairways in the sume that the college is endors- 13,191), political expression is upper and lower levels ofDecker. ing them." allowed to be on posters but not According to Mitchell Alexan- When asked if he would per- on banners. der, Director of College Activi- mita banner that metall other re- Are you really looking forward to spending the sum- The CAO states that posters ties, banners are not a "vehicle quirements but contained a po- mer living at home with PARENTS, LITTLE BROTH- are of dimensions usually less for expressing political and per- litical statement, Mitchell Alex- ERS AND SISTERS? There is an alternative, you than 3' by 6' and can be placed in sonal viewpoints." These ban- ander replied yes but he said that could spend the summer WMC. You are probably "How can I afford to live on campus this asking most areas of Decker Center ners have to advertise a specific "political expression must not summer?" The answer is by working forthe Office of (except on glass doors and ban- program or activity, the program be the entire banner" and that the Conference Services. All positions are salaried and ner locations). Posters can con- must be open to the whole cam- date and activity would have to include room and board. For more information stop tain political expression. How- pus and it has to be sponsored by share a good amount of the space by the Conference Office located at 149 Pennsylvania Avenue and ask for Mary Jo. ever, they cannot have any form a club or organization on cam- on the banner. 0
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