Page 54 - ThePhoenix1990-91
P. 54
Page 6 western Maryland College November 29, 1990 Football Loses to Johns Hopkins Eric Frees in the Off-Season By Matt Levy WMC's Leading Rusher Enjoys Outdoor Sports The clock struck midnight and The Green Terrors could do lied around the Green Terrors. By John Rapp the glass slipper did not fit. nothing after that and finished Homecoming had become a What does the second leading rusher in the state of Mary- Western Maryland's dream second in the CFC with a 6-3-1 time to sec old faces, drink a lot land do in his free time? of winning their first Centennial overall record of alcohol, and guess how bad Western. Maryland's Eric Frees, who has 3,736 career Football Conference (CFC) was Dickinson College won the the team was going to lose. Not yards, second only to the Naval Academy's Napoleon McCal- shattered when Johns Hopkins CFC the title for the third straight this time. Western Maryland lum with 4,179, claims to be an outdoorsman, with hunting University defeated the Green year. defeated Dickinson 14-7,andthe and fishing being his favorite hobbies. Terrors 31-21 on Saturday, Despite the disappointing loss place went wild. It took some Football, amazingly, is not Eric's favorite sport. He admits November 10. to Johns Hopkins, the Green time, but eventually the goalpost that deck hockey is his span of choice and participates in it Eric Frees ran for a career Terrors had a season that no one came down. whenever possible. high 273 yards and two touch- expected. With many starters returning, Eric, a junior English major, said he passed up the big downs. His 94-yard touchdown If somebody told me before 1991 looks like itcanbeabanner schools tocome to Western Maryland because he wanted to be run in the first quarter gave the the year began that Western year for Western Maryland. an impact football player right away, as well as to have the Green Terrors a 7-0 lead. Maryland would win six games, Frees will also be looking to chance to play college baseball. It was the only time that battle for first place, beat de- become the leading college Eric, who was born and raised in Ephrata, Pennsylvania, is Western Maryland led in the fending CFC champion Dickin- rusher in state history. quiet about his accomplishments. game, thanks to another running son on Homecoming, and get Circle September 7 on your "A lot of my success is because I was fortunate to have a back. ranked nationally in Division 1fT, calendars. The Green Terrors great offensive lineman and fullbacks through the years," says The Green Terrors' defense J would have told that person to open at home that day versus Eric. 0 .could not stop Hopkins sopho- seek some help . Albright College. 0 more Paul Ferren. Ferren rushed It was an incredible season for 252 yards and four touch- with many highlights. The of- Eight Green Terrors Honored by CFC downs, to lead a Blue Jays of- fense broke numerous records. Frees, Steckel, and Campbell Selected to First Team fense that gained 383 yards on Frees became the school's all- the afternoon. umeleadingrusher. MikeHamm By Matt Levy ster (linebacker), and seniors Ben Gettysburg game, finished the Johns Hopkins led at the half broke the school's passing yard- Eight members of the Green Kling (center) and Daryl Reisin- season with 33 receptions for 24-14. Western Maryland got a age mark. Terror football [earn were hon- ger (defensive end) received 704 yards and eighnouchdowns. break early in the third quarter Split end Andy Steckel was ored by the Centennial Football honorable mention. Campbell's blocking helped when the BlueJays could not get namedSporlslllustrated's small Conference (CFC) for their play Frees, a two-time ali-confer- the Green Terror offense break a punt off. college player of the week after throughounheycar. luniorsEric ence player, led the CFC in rush- various individual and team Six plays later, Rob Johnson his performance against Get- Frees (tailback) and Andy ing for 1990. records throughout the season. scored from four yardsouL to cut tysburg College. Steckel (split end) were named The all-time leading rusher in Johnson ran for 580 yards, the Green Terror deficit to three, Aagh, I had to bring up Get- to the all-conference team along Western Maryland history fin- caught 26 passes, and finished 24-21. tysburg. Western Maryland had with senior Chris Campbell (left ished the season with 1,594 yards the year with eight touchdowns. In the fourth quarter, Pat the ball inside the Gettysburg tackle). and 12 touchdowns. Robinson led Western Mary- Duncan had a punt blocked and one-yard line, but fumbled. That Sophomores Rob Johnson Steckel, who was named land in interceptions (5) and Ferreri scored his final touch- game brought the team together. (wingback) and Mike Robinson Sports Illustrated's small col- passes broken up (6), while fin- down of the game with 9:34lcfL On October 13, the school ral- (cornerback), junior Jim Web- lege player of the week after the See CFC, Pg. 8 Col. I Ice Hockey Squad Starts Off Strong Against Georgetown, Stumbles Versus Hopkins n y Ed Rigling The second period started out for the team when senior Todd week against Johns Hopkins Maryland never really got it After two strong practices, much the same as the first, as Kingsbury and sophomore Will University. Again, a poor first together ,and they were handed a the WMC ice hockey club felt Georgetown set the tempo for Dator became involved in a fight few minutes of the game hun the disheartening 9-1 loss. good going into its first game the game. Western Maryland with several Hoya players. Terrors as Hopkins scored virtu- Stili, the team is confident versus Georgetown University regrouped and began to playa Both Kingsbury and Dator ally off the first faccoff. Things that it can rebound and win fu- on Novem bcr 7. There was solid, hard-hitting defensive were given ten-rmrune rmscon- got worse when Western Mary- ture games this season. There Strong enthusiasm on the team, style. Slowly, the team began to ducts and were out for the rest of land goalie Curt Walters was as- aremanydifferenccs in the team and old members looked for- get its offensive chances, but the game. Shanahan left for the sessed a two-minute slashing since last year. Led by two re- ward to the possibility ofa win- Georgetown cleared away all hospital where he received penalty. cent outstanding efforts on the ning season. As they finished rebounds. The game began to stitches soon after, and the al- The Blue Jays scored again, part of freshman goalie Walters, their pre-game warm ups, the take an ugly tum as the Hoyas ready lean Terror bench was and the Terrors were in the hole the team does not feel out of it spectre of a supposedly big and started taking runs at Western shortened by three. The Terrors early. The team never recovered when behind by a few goals. mean Hoya team had little effect Maryland players. The Terrors hung on and scored twoce on as Hopkins played a more Euro- Also helping the morale of compared to the strong support stood firm, and the score was 4- nice individual efforts, but it was pean run-and-shoot style of the team is the growing fan sup- issuing from the large crowd of I after two periods of play. not enough as Georgetown game. This swift attack kept the port from the college students. Western Maryland fans. With Western Maryland only scored again in the last period Western Maryland team offbal- During the past two games the Unfortunately, the Green down by three and Mike Sha- for a final score of 5-3. ance most of the game. The support has been strong from the Terrors got off to a shaky start nahan back on the bench, the What confidence the young Terrors were never able to put fans, and the team hopes it will when Georgetown scored two Terrors charged out in the third team had gained from playing together a sustained offensive continue to grow. With a new quick goals. It didn't get much period and began to put pressure close against the more experi- rush, and as the game wore on it attitude, the team is hopeful of better during the period as the on the young Georgetown goalie enced Hoya team was lost when was evident that the young Ter- finishing the first half of the Terrorsscrarnblcdaround in their things took a tum for the worse the team took the ice the next ror team was rattled. Western season on a good note. 0 own end while trying to over- their bump- I~ come first-game jitters. Geor- getown established Cal & Robin invite you to a dining the I~ and-grind style of play, and at expenence to remember. the end of the first period Terrors trailed 3-0. Added to the Terrors' prob- Specializing in seafood and daily chef creations. lems was the fact that senior All dinners include farm fresh endless salad with oven baked bread. Mike Shanahan had been cut by a skate on the arm and temporar- You'll never leave this restaurant hungry! i~y put out of action, dropping Western Maryland to only two Rt.140, Finksburg-861-8797 Lunch and Dinner Daily full lines. -r---------~ -- - -----
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