Page 58 - ThePhoenix1990-91
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Page 2 Western Maryland College February 14, 1991 Controversy Rages Over Anti-War Poster Fighters Share Thomas E. Quirk other student leaders and called ing the poster to remain up. written. Feelings "Fight racism, sexism and into question their "patriotism." President Robert Chambers According to Mitchell Alex- MILITARY. from Page 1 homophobia, not a rich man's One of these student leaders called for the Dean of Student ander, the new policy will qual- he admitted to feeling guilty war against the Arab people." asked, "why do you always say Affairs, Philip R. Sayre, to reo itypostersonthreemorc grounds. about not being there. Plumber This statement, along with a pic- racism? Thereisnoracism! We view the poster policies with the They are: the poster must be said that he will re-enlist if the lure of President George Bush took care of that in the 60's." College Activities Office. The "written by a specific organiza- war is still going on when he with a slash through his face, was Wade Fannin said that most of Council also called for the poster tion on campus"; it must be graduates this spring. placed on a banner and put up in the angry students did not ques- to be put back. advertising a "certain", specific There were several common the stairwell of Decker Center by uon the war or the slash through The following day the poster activity; and it must be "open to themes ineveryone'sstatements: the Gay and Lesbian Alliance on the president but "racism, sex- was put back up, but this time, the whole campus." Mitchell * All agree that citizens have November 12, 1990. This poster ism and homophobia." Another outside of Glar hanging between Alexander said February 6 that a right to protest, but each feels touched off a series of reactions person said that she wasn't sure two columns. Within minutes it the "written policy" should he that in this situation the protests from the WMC community. It if the poster did "more harm than was tom down by angry students, distributed to all student leaders are unwarranted and largely also drew a reaction that is still good" in getting their point which upset some student lead- within the next few days. Ac- uninformed. The protestors are felt today as the WMC adrnini- across. crs. cording to Alexander this writ- perceived as both ignorant of the stration attempts to draw a line TheCollegeActivitiesOffice, One student leader remarked ten policy will not apply to the facts, and as 60's want-to-he's between freedom of speech and at first, allowed the Gay and on the "unaccepting nature of bulletin boards. Frank Lamas, who will rally for or against any acceptable language on its prop- Lesbian Alliance to put up the varying opinion on this campus Associate Dean of Student Af- cause. They feel that this war is erty. poster. According to Cynthia by some." Another student fairs, will be in charge of super- no more just a war over oil than WadeFannin,astudentleader Zeiher, Assistant Director of remarked on the "censorship of vising the content of posters in the Civil War wasjust over slav- who had involvement in the College Activities, the CAD did differentideasbyafewstudents." the resident halls. ery. conception of this poster said the not view the actual poster but When Mitchell Alexander, Di- When told of the new written * Most are concerned that purpose of the poster was to was told the general message. At rectorof'College Acuvities.heard policythatwastotakeeffect,one the protests (which face strong present an "opposing viewpoint that time the only policies that of this incident, he supplied the studemleaderquestionedthetrue public, military, and political on the inevitable war to counter were known by the Alliance in Alliance with new supplies so intent. She felt that non-centro- support for the war) will create a the propaganda machine from the regard to the message of posters they could make another poster. versial posters, that did not fall negative atmosphere for our re- White House." He said that he were that it could not contain or When the new poster was made, under the new qualifications, turning troops. and other student leaders of the allude to alcohol and that itcould within thesameday,it wasplaced were all around campus. She * There is little concern {hat college wanted people to realize not be obscene in language or in on the glass window in front of questioned whether "they too any WMCcadets will see action that "the United States has many nature. the information desk where it would becensored." She fehthat The earliest anyone will be as- social injustices it must deal with The poster was taken down could be watched by CAO em- thismaybeanotherwayinwhich signed to an active unit will be internally before it can look and later that same day . Zeiher said it ployees. The poster was then the adminlsuauon could "decide five months after graduation. accuse others externally." wasremovedbecauseof"people allowed to stay up for the rest of whatisrightand what is wrong." Everyone I spoke with had a Other students questioned the calling and complaining about the week. The majority of students that professional attitude. It was poster and its purpose. One stu- the picture (of George Bush) on Today, the question of what were interviewed agreed that obvious that each has emotions dent did not understand what the sign." Later, that same night, can go on posters and what can- posters of controversy should be about the war, but those emo- "racism, sexism and homopho- the issue of the poster and its not is still nor clear. Dean Sayre allowed, even though many of nons will not interfere with the bia had to do with the war," removal was brought before the said that he supports "any poster lhem personally disagreed with mission they have been given. Another student felt that the All-College Council-a council expressing a political view" and the Alliance poster. They have alileamed to put purpose of the poster was "de- comprised of faculty, students also states, "I encourage the free- When asked if he would al- the needs of our nation above strayed" when they drew a slash and administrators for the pur- dom of speech." However, as a lowe a similiar controversial their personal needs and are through the picture of George pose of open communication. result of the "anti-war" poster of poster to be put up in Decker prepared tofaceany threat to our Bush. Some angry students The dominant opinion of this the Alliance, an unwritten policy Center, Mitchell Alexander re- way of life. 0 approached Wade Fannin and council was in support of allow- is now in the process of being plied. "no." 0 RALLY, from Page 1 ions on Bush's tactics. She had "I'm here because I want to rnem. professors expressed their the world." Gulf, and urged her peers to been called a "communist" for feel connected with the human views. The tone of the rally was both question why the U.S. is at war. reasons that she could not under- family," said Carroll County Julie Badiee, professor of art peaceful and hopeful and it came "It's o ..k. to ask why," Soli- stand. Asked where she stood, resident Gerard Steffener. "I and deparunent chair, said she to a close as participants joined man stated."This is not Plato's she said, "It's not unAmerican don't want to bejustanobserver dreamed of a united planet, and in a circle and held hands. Republic and Bush is not the or unpatriotic to want peace." of events." was optimistic about humanity's The Coalition for Peace and MercifuIKing." Besides students, several Professors were among the future. Justice will meet every wcdnes- However, Soliman became members of the Westminster participants. From the art de- "We can change the world," day in the downstairs of Big distressed when speaking about community joined campus dem- partment to the Spanish depart- ~sa;;;;d;.;B;;;a;;.d;~ee~. .;"I~de;;;as~c;;;a~n~ch;;;an;;g:;;.e~B;;;ak;;;er;.;C~hapel at 7:00 p.m. 0 some of the reactions to heropin- onstrators in their plea forpeace. FAST Wanted: Reporters for T at 6:3 are Mondays Meetings FUNDRAISING basement of third section, Daniel PROGRAM $1000 in just Feeling Alone? one week. No one to discuss your feelings with? Earn up to $1000 Confidential help is only a phone call away. 140 EAST MAIN STR~ET WESTMINSTER. MO 21157 849-2844 876-1330 for your campus Services: COUNSCUNG INDIVIDUAl/GROUP StrVius ProvUfei organization. 2A HOUR HOTLINE NOW FORMING NEW SUPPORT GROUP aUAUTY RESUMES QUICK PRINT RESUMES Plus a chance at CRlSlS COUNSEUNG TO PO...ICE. COURT, TYPESETTING WORD PROCESSING ACCOMPANIMENT PRESENTATIONS HOSPHAL INFORMAnON BOOKS MANUALS $5000more! This AI counseling ond support servces ore free BUSINESS FORMS ANNUAL REPORTS program works! TWO AND FOUR COWR BROCHURES No investment Sam.t 'Day Servia On Q} Orders Pick Up And DEliVEry ServicE AvailablE needed. Call 1- 21 9'earsoj Stf1)in.g t~ community 800-932-0528 Ext. 50
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