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February 14, 1991 Western Maryland College Page 3 WMC Community Clips Tax Refund records can be used to learn about To apply for an award, a stu- Stalinism to Pluralism: ADocu- Baltimore District Office. Recipients Sought the post-war careers of African- dent must a have a WMC grade mentary History of Post-War Enlisted personnel do not Americans who enlisted in the point average of 3.2 and obtain Eastern Europe. He is also the Both the Internal Revenue have to pay income tax on their Union Army. Speakers will also the direct involvement or close author of more than 20 anicles military pay. Commissioned Service and the Maryland State discuss the Union and Confed- sponsorship of a faculty mem- Comptroller's Office are seek- erate junior officer corps from ber. The awards are competi- published journals such as World officers can exclude up to $500 ing area residents due tax re- Maryland, Marylanders in the tive. Politics, Journal of Modern per month from their income. funds from 1989 and before. Confederate Army, African- The grants are intended to History, Slavic Review, and The exclusion will also be The average refund from the Eastern Europe Politics and So- granted during periods of illness that IRS is $512 but federal refunds Americans in the Civil War. and to encourage special projects major cieties, as well as some 30 schol- or injury resulting from work in a student's complement and artifacts use of records range from $1.00 to $15,941, learn more about the Civil War. arly papers. the combat zone. according to IRS district direc- Following the conference, a academic emphases; they are Dr. Stokes most recently Desert Stonn personnel will tor for Maryland and District of reception is planned for Phebe not intended to cover the normal served as chairman of the Joint not have to file their 1990 fed- Columbia HJ. Hightower. The R.Jacobsen, in whose honor the expenses of a course. The proj- Committee on Eastern Europe eral income tax returns until at IRS is trying to distribute 1,657 conference is being held. Jacob- ect mayor may not beconnected of the American Council of least 180 days after leaving the refund checks totalling with a particular course. It may LeamedSocieties and the Social combat zone. No penalty or sen retired IastJuneafter3 Iyears bea special studies outgrowth of Science Research Council. In interest will be added to any tax $849,175. with the Archives. a course. A grant may cover the 1989 and 1990, he was a recipi- Stale Comptroller Louis L. due during this time. Goldsteinsaidthe Stateoffvlary- For information on the con- cost of materials for such proj- ent of the George R. Brown Desert Storm personnel who land is hoping to deliver 1,443 ference or the reception, contact ects. It may cover travel ex- Award for Excellence in Teach- die will not owe any income tax checks totalling $248,174. Mimi Calver at (301) 974-3916 penses to libraries of special ing at Rice University. for the 1990 tax year or any year are merely These War According lO him, the typical or write Jacobsen Civil State collections. Dean of Academic Alvin Ailey prior. Unpaid taxes from prior examples; Conference, Maryland state refund is $172 but refunds taxes will be forgiven. range between $1.00 and Archives. 350 Rowe Blvd., Affairs David Seligman would American Dance Taxpayers and those calling MD 21401. Annapolis, like to see what kinds of creative $14,001. Theatre to Perform on behalf of taxpayers in the A listofpeopledue refunds is New Director of proposals students may devise. at the Mechanic combat zone can call (301) 962- with appropriate in consultation available in western Maryland Reunion Programs faculty. Grants may range from The Alvin Ailey American 2590 or 1-800-829-1040 for more information. College's personnel office or $25 to $500. Applications are Dance Theatre will perform at Ba1timorearearesidents maycall Appointed the Morris A. Mechanic Theatre Internships Available (301) 962-2590 for infonnation Western Maryland College available in Dean Seligman's on Feb. 14, 15, and 16. on federal refunds. For else- announced thatLisa H. (McKin- office. The company will perform at State Archives where in Maryland or D.C., the ney) Freel, a member of the Stokes to Speak on Night Creature, Cry. Forgotten The Maryland State Archives phone number is 1-800-829- WMC Class of 1984, has been Eastern Europe Time,andRevelationson the 14th has four internships available this 1040. The number for state re- appointed Director of Reunion at 7:30 p.m .. Come and Get the summer for its Ten-week 1991 fund inquiriesis(3QD974-3701. PrO&TIiI!lS for the college's Of- Dr. Gale Stokes. professor of Beaury ofit Hot.Shards. and The summerintemshipprogram. The ficeofDeveiopmenl Sbeprevi- history at Rice University and a Slack-Up will be performed on internships are available to Art Competition ously worked as a marine infor- well-known expert on the poli- the 1Sth in R:OO n.m HiMnl Maryland college students Open to Students mation specialist for the federal tics of Eastern Europe. will dis- Rites, Games. Revelations. and (graduate or advanced under- cuss the recent history which International Art Horizons is government for the past eight fomented great change in that Read Mathew are scheduled for graduate) or Maryland residents offering $30,000 in prizes and years. and as a social work intern region during his lecture "From the 16th at 8:00 p.m .. attending an out-of-state school. at Rosewood for two Qualifications Hospital are academic an opportunity for winning art- Tickets for the Alvin Ailey years prior to that. Freel holds a Stalinism to Pluralism: Trans- American Dance Theatre cost excellence and an interest in ists to exhibit their work in Art bachelor's degree in social work formation in Eastern Europe." between $25.00 and $40.00 and archival science, history, library 54 Gallery in the Soho district of and psychology from WMC and on Monday, February 25 at 7:30 science. or related fields. The New York City. expects to receive her master's p.m. in Decker Auditorium in are available in person at the saiaryis$2,100beforetaxes. To Students, new artists, and the Lewis Hall of Science. Mechanic Theatre Box Office established artists may submit from Western Maryland as well Sponsored by the Western Mary- (Hopkins Plaza) and the Lyric apply, write to Archival Intern- Maryland State later this spring. Freel received ship Program, work in the following fields: the Equal Opportunity Service land College History Depart- Opera House (Mt. Royal Ave. Archives, 350 Rowe Boulevard, painting, drawing, sculpture, ment, the lecture is free and open and Cathedral St.), or may be Annapolis, MD 21401. Dead- watercolors. mixed media, pho- Award thrce times during her to the public. charged by phone by calling lineis April 1, 1991. tography. printmaking. pastels. tenure in the federal government Dr. Stokes, currently a Fel- TeleCharge at (301) 625-1400. miniature art, illustration. and was presented the Alumni low at the Woodrow Wilson Financial Aid Forms Greek Organizations graphic art, computer art, metal- CitizenshipAward from her alma mater in 1984. She is a member CenterinWashingtOfl,D.C., will Deadline Announced Recognized work, fibers/textiles, furniture. of the Pi Gamma Mu honor discuss the history which has ceramics, jewelry, glass, wood- Reminder: These WMC greek organiza- society and the Delta Sigma shaped Eastern Europe since the working, and design. Kappa sorority. end of World War II. He will Deadline date for submiuing tions were recognized for their Applicants must submit slides the financial aid fonns to Col- accomplishments last semester: Freel will be responsible for consider first the subjection of of their work with an application organizing and presenting the the region by Stalinist Russia lege Scholarship Service, P.O. -Phi Delta Theta brothers form before April 12.1990. college's reunion program. She after 1945. then show how criti- Box 6313. Princeton, NJ 08541 helped relocate the westminster Anyone who wants an appli- is March 1, 1991. Failure to High School baseball diamond cul- cation form can write to Interna- will recruit, instruct, supervise cism of Soviet domination upris- meet the deadline may mean that and assisted Summer Enterprises minated in the Hungarian the alumni volun- and motivate tional Art Horizons, Dept. teer organization required for the ing of 1956. The third portion your financial aid will not be in recycling work: at the Carroll RASU. P.O. Box 1533, NJ program, and conduct planning will describe the retreat from available for September 1991- County Recycling Center. 07450, call (201) 487-7277, or and fundraising programs to politics after the crushing of the 92. -Alpha Nu Omega sisters fax 10 (201)4884004. Contact the Financial Aid packed boxes of donations for assist reunion classes in their Prague Spring in 1968. In the informa- troops stationed overseas as pan Civil War fundraising efforts. last portion of the lecture Dr. Office for additional of the "Memories on the Line" tion. Conference Planned Student Research Stokes will show how the revo- event sponsored by WITR and lutionaryeventsof1989occurred Mall last October. TheMarylandStateArchives and Creativity neither overnight nor in a vac- Tax Benefits Cranberry States serviceman A United will sponsor a Civil War confer- Grants Available uum. Available for Desert thanked the sorority during a ence in Annapolis on Saturday, Dr. Stokes is the author of Storm Personnel public service announcement April 20, 1991. The deadline for applications Politics as Development: The Taxpayers serving in the broadcast on WGAL. which Scheduled to talk at the con- for student research and creativ- Emergence of Political Parties Operation Desert Storm combat ference is State Archivist Ed- ity grants for Spring 1991 is in Nineteenth Century Serbia; zone are eligible for certain tax serves the Lancaster, PA area. of Alpha Gamma -Members ward Papenfuse, who will ex- February 28. 1991, according to War,!nsurrection. and the East- relief provisions. according to Tau fraternity helped a senior plain how copies of original the Office of Academic Affairs. ern Crisis 1875-78; and From the Internal Revenue Service See CLIPS. Pg. 8 Col. 1
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