Page 53 - ThePhoenix1990-91
P. 53
November 29, 1990 Western Maryland College Page 5 60 Seconds on Campus Jenn Scotti Andrea Covington If you were elected to the S.G.A., what would you try to do while in office? Elenor Lydecker Jennifer Gordon Robert Chambers Dan Dias "Shel" Fink -Student -Student -Adrninistrator -Student -Student Organize more so- I think the S.G.A. If I were the presi- I know that the Lower the damn cial events so the should make us more dent of the S.G.A., I S.G.A. distributes tuition. At the rate campus is a lot more aware of what our would seek means of money and things they're going they're fun on weekends. options are concem- obtaining more fre- like that, but I don't not going to have ing making changes. quent and better know what the goals anybody here. ways to communi- of S.G.A. are. cate with the admini- strati on and faculty. ACC, from Page I CULTS, from Page I The meeting was cutshort pendent-oriented social activi- cult," said Rokos, "start a reli- be found in the operation of every down the critical thinking of its during discussion of the third ucs.poorhousing condiuons.and giousone." Religious cults.said cult. Starting off with control 01 members issue, but Seidel felt that open suggestion of a tiered tuition Rokos, have the greatest free- the cnvironmcm and the infor- Techniques ro make the cult meetings could hinder the nor- system were points discussed. dom to operate, since they can mauon that a person receives, sacred include "loading [he Ian- mal operation of the Board. The presidents of the seventy hide behind their first amend- the process moves into what guagc'' which is when the croun Chambers said that he would recogntzedcouegeorgaruzauons ment rights. Rokos called "planned spoma- uses jargon to draw the group bring the petition before the were invited LO the meetings. The common denominator neity." together and exclude non-mcm- Executive Committee of the Eightcen auended thcfirst mcct- among all these organizations, Those who arc most vulncr- bers, emphasizing [he impor- Board or rrustees and that he did ing, nine attended the second said Rokos, is the usc of fraud able to cults. people in transition ranee of the group over the indi- not'objecrlOanyofthefirstthree The Open Forum will be and deception to recruit people (freshman and seniors in col- vidual requests. conducted by the SGA and re- and the use of mind control to lege, recent divorcees, etc.) are In the end the cult will strive Subsequent meetings were corded for presentation before keep them then informed thai they arc "Ior tbcdtspcnsing orcxistcncc," sponsored by the SGA and took the ACe. These organizations, which impure. "They will tell you that where the leader threatens that place on November 14 and 19. The next ACC meeting will are always led by a charismatic something is wrong with you leaving the cult will result in Themeetings were geared to- be held on Monday, December leader, manipulate their victims and that you need to be fixed," destruction and death wards developing a more com- 3,at8:30p.m.intheLe.idyRoom. systematically. Rokos referred said Rokos. Rokos drove these points prehensive list of student griev- ThcAll-CollegeCouncilcon- 10 an eight-step process which Cult leaders will then have home by dcmonstrating them in ances, in addition to the student ststs of students, faculty, and has been documented by Dr. confession sessions in which they 15 minutes on a local high school petition, and planning the Open administrators working to in- Robert J. Lifton in his study of gather information that can later student. "Give me 48 hours and Forum. crease communrcauon on cam- "brain-washing"techniquesused be used to blackmail members. Nathan (the student I would not Non-delivery of mail on Sat- pus. on American prisoners of war in According to Rokos.the next want to go back to Dad." said urdays, violation of privacy by Meetings are open to the Korea. step involves raising the cult to a Rokos .:_ ==:.:::::.::::...::...:_.:_ resident advisors, lack of inde- campus. a ....L__ Thisproccss.said kokos.can :....._ sacred level, which will shut with Rokos finished his lecture .:_ ~ warnings [0 the several PLAYTHINGS, from pg. 2 Domser, upholds his usual stan- Theonly problem with it was "normal" which can destroy a audience. "The brighter. more almost as ifhe was not fully into dards of excellence. While por- thatas each character came close person. attractive people arc the easiest the role. traying an actual library area, he to the seating area, the top of whncthcsecharactcrsarenot 10 recruit," Rokos staled. He Aside from that, he was very also manages to capture the con- their head was lost in shadow. "destroyed," the pursuit of their went on to S<1ythat "the most in- convincing as the failed writer, fusion and chaos that the charac- The costumes, designed by passions lead them to a state of credible thing thut you have, tbat with the right edge of despair tors feel. senior Tammie Gin, were very decay, each of them hiding their separates you from every other present in his voice. Further, the seating area is good. Withoutdrawing tco rnuch faults and problems. thing on this planet, is your brain. Covell again had the right separated from the stage by Oats. attention to themset ves. they en- There are probably still other Use it!" amount of energy and gave a The audience is boxed in, and hanced the overall image of each meanings that arc hidden, wait- Bonnie Grady, a senior ma- convincing portrayal of a person kept separate from the stage as character. ing to be found by the audience. joring in communication, found trying to come to grips with her well as three-fourths of the rest But what, then, is the central All in all, Wendy Ruderman's the lecture fascinating, "I think neuroses. of the audience. point to this show? On the sur- Playthings is a show which it's interesting that he thinks Completing the circle was a This gives the impression that face, it seems like a comic com- screams for audience interpreta- churches are largely to blame for marvelous performance from one is on the outside, looking in mentary on the human psyche- tion, for it drags the audience their lack of involvement." Dean, who showed the effects of without the knowledge of the and indeed, it is that right into the midstofitall,and "If there is one single advice religion taken to its limits, from characters. However, it is also a tragic forces them to not onty examine that I want to leave you with," claiming to believe to actually Domser's light design aided look at what one's passions can these people and their psyche, concluded Rokos as he shook believing. the show by adding the correct lead him or her to. his the desire but also to examine themselves his finger at the audience, "it is The set, designed by Ira atmosphere to it all. for success or the longing to be and their own psyche. a 'Jearnto bc a quesuoncr.:" ':J
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