Page 57 - ThePhoenix1990-91
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Anti-War Poster Creates Controversy-Story on Pg. 2 .THE PHOENIX Volume XI, Number 8 Western Maryland College Residents No Students, Townspeople Hold Peace Rally Longer Charged Five Dollars for Wendy Ruderman tom apart by war." Approximately seventy Wilson, whose brother is a Lockouts people gathered in fron t of Big chaplain in the U.S. Anny, sypa- Micbael Kubacki Baker Chapel to participate in thized with the difficulty in de- This semester. unlike the past, the February 6 rally for justice ciding where one stands in tenns WMC is not charging anyone and peace. of the war while discussing her own feelings of "inner tension." Yellow ribbons streaked eve- for room lockouts. The previous rywhere served as a constant "I can still love the people lockout charge had been $5.00 reminder that the United States from the United States who are during the Fall 1990 semester. had gone to war with Iraq less there serving, even though Idon't The dropping of the charge was initiated by faculty mem- than one month ago. And both support what is going on over and the Western Maryland bers who expressed concerns Westminster communities came there," said Wilson. "I do, over the lockouts. togethertoexpress theirconcems however. support human life." Joanne Goldwater says that Student leader Pal Blackman she "wants the students to take about the war. approached the podium next His "The turnout is good," said a their keys, and lock their doors member of the Coalition for message was clear: "War is murder," to protect themselves and their Justice and Peace, Meeghan Blackman slated that he felt valuables." Ziolkowski. "It's important that that the war against Iraq had During theFall semester there were 133 lockouts, but many of we had this, so people who are nothing 10 do with liberty, free.. against the war can get together those were repeat offenders. as a community to share and dom,or human rights. 'TheU.S. feels," he continued, "that our Goldwatersays, "We are still support each others' feelings." keeping track of the lockouts, ::; Several speakers sat behind lives and the lives of the Iraqi people are expendable in order and if there are 100 many lock- 1thepodiumwhilepatientlywait- to achieve our goals." outs, then we-may -co,otinu,'-Io_-:::;'; ::!: ing for individuals from every Ranters sat perfectly charging." ~ generation to fill the pews of the Blackman sorrowfully still as can- Goldwater adds, "If students i:8 chapel. Laura Lee Wilson, are responsible enough to take eluded. "We can not ignore the their keys. then there will be no f ~:~~~r of Religious Life, situation in the Middle East, but problem, but if students don't war is not the solution." Fellow student Dina Soliman take their keys because they can ------------------'" to e"xAprepasb1s'woUha'CStocth,ieytYareha~oarrianghdt get free key-ins. then we will &~a;!~~S;:a'i~:~I~~~:::r;~~g Street played drums before what they are a~ainst:~ said stood up 10 express her personal have to charge." Wilson, "and our world is being feelings about the crisis in the Some students may argue that See RALLY, Pg. 2 Col. 1 it is an RA's job to do key-ins, Eric Frees Makes All-American Team but Goldwater says. "RAs and campus safety do lockouts as a Junior tailback Eric Frees has Frees was the only player Jon Warga, who plays for Wit- careerrecordsasheledtheGreen service. but they have other serv- another accomplishment to put from the Centennial Football tenburg College in Ohio. Terrors to their first winning ices to do." on his football resume. The all- Conference to make the AlI- Frees finished behind only season since 1981. Junior Mark Titus, upon hear- time leading rusher in Western Americanteam. He was one of Wittenburg. Trettel, and J.B. "It's easy to promote some- ing of the dropping of the Maryland history was named to three running backs selected to Bematavitz of Dickinson Col- body who puts up the numbers charges. said, "I think it's the the 1990Division IIIAlI-Ameri- the squad. The others wereGary legeinDivisionIIIrushing,with that Eric does," Scott Deitch, way it should be, because we can Team by Don Hansen's Trettel, who plays for St. Tho- a 159.4-yard rushing average. Sports Infonnation Director at pay so much for tuition." Q Football Gazette. mas College in Minnesota, and He set numerous season and See FREES, Pg. 6 Col. 1 Western Maryland's Fighters Talk about the War Joe vemettl their training. had been affected because of the into a corner, giving him no op- stopped. What upsets Lohr the The life of a professional LieutenantColonelJosephM. war, Colonel Cinquino said that tions except 10 fight, most about the gulf war is "the soldier is a paradox: soldiers train Cinquino, commander of the there would be no changes, that Cadet Robert Howell sup- numberofservicememberswho relentlessly for war, while pray- ROTC department. said that he "we do not concentrate on tac- pons the political aspects of the reaped the benefits of active ing that their skills are never could relate no personal feelings tics, we are developing leaders gulf war. He said that it was military service for many years, needed. Western Maryland is about the gulf war, because "we who must find a balance between necessary 10insure lasting peace and now [in the face of danger] proud to have individuals who are professional soldiers; we are two responsibilities, the men and by enforcing international law they are suddenly conscientious are committed to putting their ordered by the command struc- the mission." and by protecting the sovereignty objectors." Wbenfacedwiththe nation above themselves, thus turetodoajob,and we do itwith CadetJim Kaufman said that of all nations. reality of their paradoxical ca- dwelling within this paradox. nopersonal orpolitical attitudes." the war was a necessary evil to CadetMarvin Lohr servedon reers, they would not fulfill their W.M.C.'s military contin- Colonel Cinquino also said oust the dictatorship of Saddam active duty as an Anny infantry- duties. geney consists of threeelements: that he was pleased that thecivil- Hussein, and that "we utilized man before attending Western AdamPlumberisaveteranof (1) active duty instructors; (2) ian command had given control all resources available to avoid Maryland. He. like most veter- the MarineCorps whoseold unit student cadets; and (3) veterans of tactical decisions to the mili- war." ans on campus, has former is active in the air war against who served in the armed forces. tary; this is the only way the war Kaufman also asserts that the comrades in the war zone and Iraq. I interviewed Adam in his I interviewed representatives could be fought with precision coalition against Hussein may prays for their safety. room amid pictures of the air- of each component; they reIated and minimal cost. have erred by creating a "zero Lohr likens Hussein to Hitler craft that he used to service and how the war affected them and Whenasked whether training sum game" andbackingHussein and knows that he must be See MILITARY, Pg. 2 Col. 5
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