Page 15 - ThePhoenix1990-91
P. 15
September ]3, 1990I\Vestern Maryland College/Page 7 WMC Cross-Country Teams Off to a Running Start Terrors Hope to Compete Favorably in Ten Scheduled Meets During 1990 Season by Andrew Krevolin brings strength and mental and Tiffany Pauerson and fresh- hard and should improve on last Eleven men and six women toughness to her first cross- man Kirsten Stockel round out year's dual meet record and championships. makeup the current 1990West- At Essex, the women season. ern Marylandcross-countryros- country Sophomores Dianne Byerly the women's roster. seventeenth place finish (out of brought home the second place twenty-four) Allthewomenareworking at the conference tel. plaque, finishing second be- The team's schedule in- hind the United Stales Naval cludes four invitational meets, Academy's plebe women's four tri- or quadrangular meets, team. the MiddleAtlanticConference The scores were Navy Championship, and the NCAA with fifteen points, followed mid-east regional meet. by Western Maryland with Six men are currently run- sixty points and Essex Com- ning very well. Sophomore munity College with sixty-five DerekJohnston has been Ihe top points. runner in all the workouts and Navy took ten of the top was the top finisher in the Essex eleven places. Invitational on Friday, Septem- Kendra Weiblewasthetop ber S. Western Maryland runner, fin- Johnston covered the five- ishing in fifteenth place with a mile course in 27:58 and fin- creditable time of20:43. ished second in his first inter- Kourtnay Sweeney, collegiate race. The WMC Men's soccer team won 5-1 Saturday against Goucher College and Kirsten Stockel, and Dianne Junior captain Guido Stu- 2-1 against California University of Pennsylvanlo on Sunday in the Green Byerly all ran well, breaking benrauch placed eighth overall Terror Classic. The team Is pictured here In scrimmage. 22:00. and just missed his personal best Anywomen whoareimer- forfivemiles,runninglhecourse ested in joining the Western with a time of 29:04. Maryland College cross- Sophomore Bob Kirkendall county team are encouraged to ran overaminutefasterthan his do so. previous five-mile best, finish- Please come to a practice MondaythroughFridayat4:15 ing in thirteenth place with a time of 30: 11. p.m. at the track, or talk to Head Coach Doug Renner. Junior captain Joe Embrey and freshman DaveRadosevich both placed in the top twenty. ******** Embrey was the top fin- You can buy your isher in last year's Dickinson 1990·1991 Invitational, and Radosevich is expected to improvelhroughout Crossroads the season as he learns to race now. the five mile distance. ***** Junior Andrew Krevolin See Diana raced to a 29:08 best as a fresh- in Student Accounts man, and after missing his so- phomore year due to a knee to purchase injury is expected to provide Chambers De- your copy. extra depth for the men's team. Reporters, sportswriters ... ******** Seniors Marshall Eiden- nies Re-entering berg and Matt Calender, junior the Job Market The Phoenix needs you! Steve Harlan, and sophomores All interested students are John Griffie and Bill Dolbow by Andrea Covington are working hard at trying to Dr. Robert H. Chambers, welcome at our meetings. Student break into the top seven varsity President of We stem Maryland roster. College, last week denied the Mondays at 8:30 p.m. in Help In the Essex Invitational, rumor that he is looking for an- Western Maryland lost the other job. the basement of Daniel MacLea. Needed tiebreaker to Hagerstown even The rumor has surfaced in though both schools finished various forms, but most say that with identical 43-point totals. Dr. Chambers is searching fora Fitzgerald's Hagerstown was given the job in the Midwest. Hoover win by virtue of a high sixth- Chambers, 50, came to Carriage House liquors place finisher. WMC in 1984 after serving as Library WestemMarylandonJyran Dean of the College of Arts and 113 West Main Street Specials ... five men in the varsity race. Sciences at Bucknell Univer- ............................. Rounding out the scores sity. When asked how long he See Pat were Essex CommunityCollege planned to stay at WMC, Dr. Coors. Coors Light, Coors Extra Gold Draft with 44 points and Goucher Chambersjoked, "I'llbehereas College with 82 points; Hager- long as you are." $12.29 case/cans Lawrence stown, the Community College Dr. LeRoy L. Panek, Asso- Keystone and Keystone Light of Baltimore, Howard Commu- ciate Dean of Planning and $8.99 case/cans or call nityCollege,andSalisbury State Research, also found humor in Heineken College were incomplete as the rumor. $8.99 857-2281 none of their teams had five "He has enough jobs here," finishers. Panek stated. Tbewomen'steamisyoung but returns experience in dis- BEAUTY BASICS tance running with sophomores Kourtnay Sweeney, Shannon Beauty Supply CtDNESE RESTAURANT Franklin (both captains), and 10% Discount with Student I.D. Szechuan. Cantonese. American Kendra Weible. SweeneyandFranklinwere both top cross-country competi- !Wholesale Discount to TEL: (30J) 848-09J9 (301)876·3166 tors last fall. and they alternated o the Trade the Public finishing as the top Terror. Weible qualified for the 59 Welt Mlin St" Westminster, Md. 21157 MACtrack3000-meterfmaland Westminster Shopping Center * 876-3400
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