Page 10 - ThePhoenix1990-91
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Page 2IWestern Maryland College/September 13, 1990 Owsianiecki, Improved Department of Cam- pus Safety Now Governed by Student Affairs by Andrea Covington On September 1. the Divi- corned with open arms." Assis- the planned Motorist sion of Campus Safety at West- I Both Lamas and tance Protection Service emMarylandCollege,fonnerly . Owsianiecki'said that new poli- (MAPS). According to the under the Office of Adminlsrra- cies. will be formulated in order Department of Campus tion and Finance, was shifted to of com- the control of the Office of Stu- .to increase. tbe amount Campus Safety, MAPS will provide services sucbasjumpstartsfor munication between dent Affairs. Safety and' Residence Life. cars and antifreeze in emer- According to several Policies will also be instituted gency situations, in addition sources, the change has gone to make Campus Safety more to other emergency ~utomo- smoothly. despite strained rela- service oriented. tive services. tions between Campus Safety One change that has hap- Lamas has previous ex- and the Office of Student Af- pened already is that Campus periencelnworkingwnhcam, fairs in the past Safety officers and Residence pus security, since he dealt An example of those t Assistants will participate in with similar issues for seven strained relations occured this mutual training in order to in- years while at Ithaca College summer when The Carroll crease communication and in New York. County SUI! reponed the exis- understanding, according to Owsianiecki, a retired tenceofanadministrativememo Owsianiecki. Baltimore County Police Of- recommending the dismissal of Service oriented activities fieer, has been Director of JosephOwsianiecki,Directorof include crime prevention semi- Campus Safety at Western Campus Safety. after an un- Joe Owslanleckl, Director of Campus Safety photo by H. Lowe nars in the Residence Halls and Maryland since June 1989. specified period of time. The memo could not be WMC Development Office Names New Annual Giving Director confirmed, but when asked about the matter, Frank Lamas, Mark Stuart, former assis- ofthatinstitution'sAnnuaiFund ern Maryland not only the pre- leges, and excited with the pos- Associate Dean of Student Af· tant director of Annual Giving Phonathon. cise experiences in phonathon sibility of running his own pro- fairs, said. "What'shappenedin and AlumniJParent relations at Kenneth E. Dudzik, asso- and direct mail solicitations we gram." the past is over." Albion College in Albion, MI, ciate vice presidemand director require, butalso theexperiences "He will be a most wel- Lamas stressed his goal of has been appointed director of come member of the develop- having "the best [Department Annual Giving at Western "Mark will bring to Western Maryland ... the ment team." of] Campus Safety" possible but Maryland College. experiences of an internship and parent's Mr. Stuart's appointment could nor discuss Owsianiecki A 1989graduateof Albion, program we hope to develop." to Western Maryland began in particular due to the Campus Mr. Stuart also served as an August 13. Safety Director'S right to pri- interninthedevelopmentoffice of development for Western of an internship and parent's He replaced J. Michael vacy. of the Starr Commonwealth Maryland, said Mr. Stuart will program we hope to develop," Pressimone. who left Western Owsianiecki himself said Schools:asaninteminAlbion's be a great asset to the college's Mr. Dudzik said. Maryland last March to take a that his division has been "wei- Institutional Management of- ongoing development efforts. "He is bright, talented, development position at Catho- fice; and as student coordinator "Mark will bring to West- committed to liberal arts eel- lic University. "Fantastic" Orientation Leaders Helped Make Incoming Students' Transition Smooth Continued from page 1 ing. orientation's usefulness is an- bit intimidating. The Orientation Leaders, swered we move on to secon- There should also be less however, were fantastic. Stu- dary concerns such as "Does emphasis on a theme. What is dents felt they were very helpful anyone really read the assigned important is to get adjusted to a and friendly. Small things like articles?" The answer to this new environment and to get to helping them move in and ranged from enthusiasm over know each other. Students making an effort to get to know having a good introduction 10 wouJdratherparticipateinmore the first- year students individu- environmental concerns to dis- social activities than informa- ally set them at ease. gustatthe thoughtofeven look- tiveones. Inaddition,lhegroups they ing at the packet One sugges- Although many students led helped people make friends. tion was that the format would approved of the environmental They provided a group they bemoreappealingifnex.t year's messages, there were 100 many could feel comfortable with reading be a short novel instead f of them. Between this and being wbileuyingtofltmamongbun- of academic essays. oriented in regards to college deeds of strangers. All in all, students felt they policy, many students agreed Some students. however, had been successfully oriented. with the assessment, "I thought were concerned that the O.L.'s The program helped them to if I heard the wordenvirofUTlent were trying to intimidate them. make friends and become com- or condom one more time I'd Evidently,a frightenly coercive fortable with campus life. They scream." view of campus social life sur- felt that some activities really This sentiment was echoed faced. For example, they were didfacilitateacommunityspirit. in regard toJeremy Rifkin's ad- upset when told that they might Their major suggestions dress. Although he was a good. as well get used to drinking, were to increase these and to speaker and his views put the because sooner or later they minimize the preaching of environmental messages to re- would have to. school policy and values to cycle, conserve, etc. in a new Another serious concern include only vital information perspective, the address wasjust was the negative reaction to the (like when GIar is open). 100 long. HealthyLovingPlay. Although First-year students inter- In fact, some felt the orien- the comical presentation was viewed included Matt Claff, tation itself was "just too long" welcome relief after being end- Chris Cutler, Beth Grumbine, and would have preferred a two lessly lectured about school Kurt Lumpp, Tamitha Moore, rather than four day program. policy, some students were dis- Katie Names, Emily Oland, Other students suggested turbed by the audience's twit- Mark Steinman, Suzanne reducing the number of planned teringanddisapproval when the Stephano.Jennifer veteto.Kerri activities SOthat there was more actors portrayed a homosexual Wagner, Ricardo washington, time lO actually hang out with couple. Woody Woodward, and Mauea the new friends they weremak- Once the question of Ziolkowski.
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