Page 20 - ThePhoenix1990-91
P. 20
Page 4/Western Maryland College/September 27, 1990 Editorial one of us, he'll learn why the women; awcmanisn'taperson patriarchialworldyouwere. It's We are on the verge of a Picture Eve throwing a whole universe was set in mo- with hopes, fears and faults like notour fault that we were force- new world, the possibilities are bottle into the ocean, and say- tion. And if any man harm any us, she's a perfect collection of fed such a false and dangerous limitlessbothpositiveandnega- ing, "It's a boule. And in the of us, his soul, the only soul he's perfectly tended parts ... breasts, understanding of women all our tive. boule is a letter. And in the got, had better be at the bottom She's lives. Overcoming sexism, inside letter is wriuen all the things a of that ocean and that's the only never whole, inside or out. I used to let it all slide by, and out, is nor an easy thing to woman knows. It's never been way to put it." Howoftendoweglossover happy in my ignorance and doformenorwomen. But if we told to any man and it's never Howdoesitmakeyoufeel? such material and simply accept angry at anyone who tried to are to make ourselves and this been told to any woman; and if Well it's more than just a great it as part of our world without pop my balloon. But I found if world whole, we must work on it finds its destination, a new moment from Thorton Wilder's questioning what it implies? I am to even think about being it time will come." The Skin of Our Teeth, it's How often do we make a sexist happy and real with myself, I Wilder is telling us, through "We're not what books and something men and women comment or joke, or let one slip have to confront the way I look Eve, that there is a place where plays say we arc. We're not should hear from childhood on. by without thinking about the at women ... my mother, my we are all whole and all our- whatadverusememssayweare. I think Eve said it all, but Ijust devastating inequality and op- sister, my lovers, friends and selves and all completely hu- We're not in the movies and want to make a few points. pression inherent in our atti- strangers. man; beyond gender, race, class. we're not in the radio. We're I wonder how many of us tudes? It's not my fault that I was ideology and sexual preference. not what you 'reall told and what (men and women) notice, for We see women as worth- tricked into believing the 'great We need to keep trying to un- you think we are ... We're our- example, how TV commercials while only in the role of care- myth' about women, but I'm cover that place in us. selves. And if any man can find and magazine ads portray taker, sex object or image of old enough now to think for None of us is perfect. (sort GLARtic1e perfection Sabina, of like Mrs. myself, have and I'm lucky enough Luckily, we don't need to be to met Antrobus, and Gladys perfect to make the effort to caring people by Tessa Dominick ton will have to revise his laws in Wilder's play.) I say ~ enough to kick me in the ass and understand and share each The saga continues. of motion. because Iwas raised in thesame point out the myth. other's humanity. Obviously, the campus Onequestion before Ic1ose. derelicts didn't fully agree with If a sign proclaiming "Fried eggs last issue's remark about hav- made to order upon request" ing pride in our dining facility; remains permanently on display, they never would have stolen is it totally unreasonable to the cacti otherwise. How can I expect the rendering of this serv- possibly endure waiting in line ice at 7:00 p.m.? Considering without that fabulous foliage to that they always reserve the most focus on? It'srough. Andspeak- palatable food for the athletes, I ingofthe lines .. suppose Ishouldbecontent with Understand, I'm not com- the anonymous entrees. And of plaining, but I can hardly help course, let's not overlook the being concerned over the fact ever-present chicken' and spa- that theGLAR queue frequently ghetti extends past the Pub at P.S. For those of you who lunchtime. Especially since it may be wondering: yes, I am has been proven possible to enter the person who triggered the the pub, eat a full meal, and buzzers and Flashing lights (the come back out to find that my GLARalarm) following the is- original place in line has actu- suing of the first Phoenix this ally moved backwards New- year. Thanks for notlaughing. NSO Makes Transition "Successful and Enjoyable" for New Student The Phoenix Editor: I personally would like to setting to another student, tobea program, all of our questions turned out for me,a "non-trad" were answered beforehand. event. for the excel- Editor-in-Chief ..... ................. .JulieBaile thank the Non-Traditional Stu- successful and enjoyable with my bers I feel that the NSO mem- dent Organization much Not being familiar of their who gave Business Manager...... .. Andrea Covington lent way they handled Orienta- new surroundings, Iwould have energy, time, and skill to the Technical Assistanl to the Editor Trevor Wysong tion for all of the new non-tradi- had to ask many more questions needs of new students on cam- Photography Editor... . Helen Lowe tional students this September. as to where I was to attend pus should be congratulated. Sports Editor... . Steve Harlan Because of the generous classes. Copy Editor ...... . Meg Gobrecht effort of the NSO, the transition Because of the thoughtful- Cartoonist.... . .... Greg Street of transferring from one school ness of those who designed the Bonnie Skane Production Assistants... ...Andrea Covington, Michelle Brown University Professor of English Kloss, Kellie Marsh, Keith St. Amand, Meeghan Ziolkowski Photographers.; . Bob Kirkendall, Jenn Scott Reporters... . Pal Blackman, 1. J. Boggs, to Discuss the Life of Emily Dickinson Andrea Covington, Wade Fannin, Phil Heavner, Lauren Barton St. Armand, Brown American history, although she hispopularEmilyDickinsonand Himmel, Andrew Krevolin, Matt Levy, Ed Rigling, Wendy University professor and re- wasalmostentirelyunknownto Her Culture in 1984. It was Ruderman, Jenn Scott, Meeghan Ziolkowski nowned scholar of American her contemporaries. reissued in paperback editions GlarticlisL. . . Tessa Dominick poet Emily Dickinson, will dis- Only seven of Dickinson's in 1986 and 1987. Advisor... . Terry Dalton cuss Dickinson's connection poems were published during The Phoenix is published bi-weekly bi-the above staff. The with Amherst College in a lee- her lifetime, all anonymously St. Armand has also writ- opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the ture at Western Maryland Col- and most against her wishes. ten more than fifty articles on the poet and has lectured widely Phoenix staff or those of the administration. Editorials are the lege on Thursday, September Following Dickinson's on her history and her art. responsibility of the Editor-in-Chief. 27. death in 1886, Dickinson's sis- The Phoenixwelcomes and encourages submissions and Letters The centenary of Dickin- The talk, scheduled for 8:00 ter turned over her collected son's first published collection to the Editor. Letters to the Editor must be one page, typed, p.m. in McDaniel Lounge, is works to a critic familiar with is being celebrated worldwide double-spaced, and signed. Please include a phone number for free and open to the public. her style; these were published in 1990. verification. Letters are due one week before publication. Dickinson, born in in 1890andintomeearly 19005. St. Armand's lecture is Address mail 10: The Phoenix Amherst, Massachusetts in St. Armand, a professor of being sponsored by the Western Western Maryland College 1830, is widely considered to be English and American studies Maryland College Department 2 College Hill qneofthe most brilliant poets in at Brown University, published of EngJish. Westminster,MD 21157
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