Page 17 - ThePhoenix1990-91
P. 17
THE PHOENIX Western Maryland College September 27, 1990 Sports Illustrated Names Steckel Player of the Week by Steve Harlan thing different this year during stated Steckel. The combina- Western MarylandCollege practice. Gettysburg shut down tion of Hamm, Steckel, and junior Andy Steckel was named our run early on in the game, Frees do make for most of the the Centennial Football Con- and we saw the opportunity for broken records on the Terror ference (CFC)Offensive Player the pass." team. of the Week for the game of In regards to being notified Steckel also moved from September 15. This was the of his honor. Steckel said, "I eighth to fourth on the school's second consecutive week that found out Monday [September career receiving yardage list, theWMCfootba11teamreceived 17] at practice. Coach [Dale] going from 778 to 1,070 yards. the honor. Sprague said that it was great to He also moved from tenth to Steckel, the starting wide have the honor twice in two seventh in all-time receptions, receiver for the Terrors, earned weeks." Junior tailback Eric as he now has 56 grabs, 12 for the honor after catching 12 Frees received the first CFC touchdowns. passes for a school single-game honor for the September 8 game As for the future, Steckel record of 292 yards. The after scoring four touchdowns stated, "I want to concentrate Ephrata, Pennsylvania native in me Terrors' 45-31 season- more on the team's victories. had touchdown catchesof9, 29. opening win at Albright. We have the talent and are ca- and 75 yards from senior quar- Steckel also received rec- pable of winning the CFC if we terbackMike+lamm, who threw ognition from Sports Illustrated take it one game at a time. I for a WMC-record 359 yards. magazine as the small college want to continue to help the However,lheTerrors fell to Get- PlayeroftheWeek. "It's nice to team." WMCR Returns to Airwaves tysburg 28-25 in the CFC game be noticed, but I 'II be mentioned of When questioned as to University with to drop their record to 1-1. along After a week of technical problem stood in the way. The Phoenix. found Andy Miami's quarterback Craig whether Terror fans will be able from to sec more of the same problems and hours of frustra- "The station would only working in Hoover Library for a Erickson. He's somewhat out Steckel and the team, the soci- tion, WMCR went back on the broadcast in the studio," said September 19 interview. When of my league." ology major said, "Definitely. air Sunday with a new studio Matt Levy, the general manager asked if he was aware of his As these words passed from If any more records arc to be and an improved sound. ofWMCR. accomplishment, Steckel stated, Steckel's lips, WMC quarter- broken, Iwant them to be while The station, which broad- "There was a problem with "I had no idea right after the back Mike Hamrn walked into Mike [Hamrn] is throwing to casts on an AM carrier current our transmitters and the wiring, game. The loss was the main the library. "Now, there's the me. The talent of the team has (640), and on the campus cable but now everything is working thing oneveryone'smind." The man you should be talking to," come together." sytem (channel 3), was origi- great." team came together that game nally scheduled to go on the air Levy says that the station to give the Bullets a definite last Monday, but a mechanical See WMCR, page 2 challenge. "We didn't do any- Eight Faculty Members to Participate in Public Forum on Persian Gulf Crisis A Western Maryland Col- Tentatively scheduled to interest in professional ethics, lege faculty roundtable discus- participate in the discussion are: military strategies, and tactics. sion on the situation in Kuwait Dr. Robert J. Weber, associate Dr. Melvin D. Palmer, pro- will be held October 1 at 7:00 professor of political science, fessorofcomparativeliterature, p.m. in McDaniel Lounge. The with teaching interests in inter- will moderate roundtable dis- event is free. and the public is national law and American for- cussion and pose questions. Dr. strongly encouraged to attend. eign policy; Dr. Ethan Seidel, David 8. Seligman, professor Audience questions and com- professor of economics and of philosophy and vice presi- ments will be taken throughout business administration, with dent: dean of academic affairs, the discussion. teachinginteccsts in banking and will provide brief opening re- "Defending the Gulf: corporate finance; Dr. Gregory marks. The audience is invited Noble Cause or Cause for Alles, assistant professor of to address questions and con- Alarm?" will feature eight philosophy and religious stud- cerns about the Gulf crisis to members of the Western Mary- ies. with teaching interest in faculty members throughoutthe land faculty, who will discuss history method of studying re- evening. the ramifications of the Ameri- ligions; Dr. Julie O. Badiee. Students of all ages, friends can response to Iraq's annexa- professor of art. with interest in and family of military person- tion of Kuwait. They will con- non-Western cultures; Terence nel assigned to the Gulf region, sider issues rooted in politics, A. Dalton, assistant professor and anyone interested in the economics, Middle East relig- of English, with practical expe- crisis and iLSimpact on the post- photo by Hob KIrkendall ions and cultures, the media, rience in journalism and an in- Cold War order are all encour- Vice president: Dean of Academic AlTalrs David Sellgman will and military affairs. Two Iac- terest in media; and LTCJoseph aged to attend. provide opening remarks at the public forum on the Persian Gulf ultymembers will moderateand M. Cinquino III, professor of The event is expected to CrIsis on October 1. Seltgma-n was chosen to fill the vacancy left by provide opening remarks. military science, with teaching last until 9:00 p.m. Melvin D. Palmer's retirement from the posItion.
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