Page 13 - ThePhoenix1990-91
P. 13
September 13, 1990IWestern Maryland ColiegelPage 5 60 Seconds on Campus .. Helen Lowe! Julie Baile If you were in charge of Freshman Orientation, what would you change? Wayne Hurd Sean Lombardi Erin DiGregorio Todd Mekulski Elisabeth Fuhrmann I would plan more ac- Planmoreactivitiesre- Thediscussionisgood, Firstofall, Ithink they Ididn'tthinkitwasnec- tivities. The first day garding student social but then you've got to need more social essary to go to every- wasreallybusy,but the life on campus. go to a film or a play-- events, like a Forum thing... they should weekend was really you'vegottogivethem event, to make their have more social stuff. lame. . .there wasn't moretimetomeeteach transition a lot Discussingissuesisnot anything to do. other and get to know smoother;also, amore how you get to know people right away as a u. S. Cannot Appease people in their class relaxing atmosphere would enable them to freshman. instead of worrying Dictators about a book. feel thattheywerepart of the school right Continued from page 4 away. Bill of Rights nexed a country with two cen- ation more explosive when New Scanning Elec- turies of independent govern- Saddam turns outside the Middle Display Exhib- ment behind them. That Sad- East. Turkey, a NATO ally, dam is only reestablishing bor- borders Iraq directly to Lhenorth tron Microscope Aids ited In Decker ders changed by the West made and has noted mobilization of doesn't hold water. Iraqi trcopsinthatarea. We,the Center I have been through Army United Stales, along with the "To Preserve These basic training and know many United Nations, cannot tum our Biology Study and Rights," a traveling exhibit people in lhemilitary. Wearen't cheek. To do so would inevita- marking the bicentennial of the a bunch of crazy warmongers bly lead to a war that could add Bill of Rights portion of the just itching to shoot something. nuclearannamentstohisa1ready Research United States Constitution, will We are the people who are most stockpiled chemical weapons in be on display at Western Mary- directly affected by war: we are as little as three years. Saddam Equipment Strengthens WMC's Biology Pro- land College September 17 theones shoret. Peaceisalways thought he could take control gram through 28. highly valued. However, the with no Questions asked; I ap- A scanning electron microscope capable of magnifying ob- The exhibit, designed to short term peaceof Slaying home plaud the world's leaders in jects up to 100,000 times has been purchased for the Biology encourage a thoughtful appre- now will only make the situ- giving him a rude awakening Department at Western Maryland College. ciation of our rights, will be THE PHOENIX Han, where it will be used by WMC undergraduates. graduate shown in Decker College Cen- has been installed in Lewis The device. an ETEC Autoscan, ter weekdays from 10 a.m. to 5 students, and faculty members to examine biological samples. p.m. The exhibit is free and Editor-in-Chief .............. .JulieBaile The microscope was purchased by the college forS7.500 (half open to the public. Business Manager... . Andrea Covington of its value), with a service contract valued at $7,000 donated by Produced by the Pennsyl- Technical Assistant to the Editor Trevor Wysong ScannersCorporationofFinksburg,MD,thecompanythatsoldthe vania Humanities Council, "To Photograpby Editor. . Helen Lowe device to the college. Preserve These Rights" consists Copy Editor . Meg Gobrecht The microscope was originally used in a Motorola laboratory. of several panels which feature Sports Editor . Steve Harlan According to Wilbur L. Long, professor of biology at Western contemporary photographs, Cartoonist... Greg Street Mary land, the A utoscan should be Quiteuseful in both research and informative captions. and QUO- Production Assistants Andrea Covington, Michelle teaching capacities. tations by noted jurists and Kloss, Kellie Marsh, Keith SL Amand, Meeghan Ziolkowski "I expect the machine to be of extreme value in my own statesmen. Pbotographers......... . Bob Kirkendall, Jenn Scott research in fish embryology and in my teaching," Dr. Long said According to the exhibit's Reporters Pat Blackman, JJ. Boggs, Andrea Caving- recently. "Others in the Biology Department have expressed introductory brochure, .. 'To on, Tessa Dominick, Phil Heavner, Wade Fannin, Andrew interest in using it for their classes as well." Preserve These Rights' shows Krevolin, Matt Levy, Ed Rigling, Jenn Scott, Meeghan Dr. Long noted that he plans to make use of the microscope what the Bill of Rights means to ~iolkowski _ very soon as he investigates the embryonic development of the all Americans: how it is en- Advisor ,., : Terry Dalton longnose gar, Lepisosteus osseus. The fish is a "living fossil" of joyed-by voting, by demon- The Phoenix is published bi-weekly bi-the above staff. The which little is known. strating. by worshiping, by opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect those of thePhoe- Dr. Long said that the limited electron microscopy he has done speaking cut-e-and how these tx staff or those of the administration. Editorials are the on the fish so far has provided some "startling surprises," which he rights are being tested today in responsibility of the Editor-in-Chief. plans to publish. tbecourts. Withthisexhibit,we Letters to the Editor must be one page, typed, double spaced,and On the teaching front, the embryology class plans to use the have the opportunity to rededi- signed. Please include a phone number for verification. Leuers Autoscan to study a variety of organisms this fall, including the cate ourselves and our commu- to the Editor are due one week before publication. developing zebra fish. nities to the preservation of these Address mail to: The Phoenix (but you don't have to italicize) Dr. Long estimates that about 75 percent of the microscope's rights." 2 College Hill operating time will be used for teaching purposes, giving students ThePennsylvaniaHumani- Western Maryland College plenty of opportunities to work with .the highly sophisticated ties Council is a private, non- westminster, MD 21157 instrument profit affiliate of the National
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