Page 19 - ThePhoenix1990-91
P. 19
September 27, 1990fWestern Maryland College/Page 3 Focus on a Professor: Amy Yerkes by Lauren Himmel women's literature. em Maryland seems to be "very AmyYerkesbcganherfirst Yerkes recently finished different from what J am used year as an English professor at her master's degree at Pennsyl- to," according to Yerkes. Western MarylandColiege with vania Stale University. She However, she is adjusting ex- much enthusiasm. received an undergraduate de- tremely well to the small, inti- This fall, she is teaching gree from Penn State and also mate atmosphere at WMC. three sections offreshman com- spent the last two years teaching Her other interests include position, back-to-beck three there. She is taking the year off squash,swimming,andrunning. days a week. "It's vel)' tiring, " from school before she begins Reading is her primary interest; she stated. Teaching three studying for her Ph. D. "If I wasn't teaching, I'd be classes in a row is tough for Yerkes enjoys teaching and doing it twenty-four hours a Yerkes, for she feels she must considers it to be a very noble day." She also plays the bas- keep the ball rolling at all times. profession. "I love teaching, soon in a music ensemble that Yerkes plans to teach an- it's great fun!" she commented. recently formed on campus. other freshman course called Yerkes comes from a very Yerkes is yet another great Introduction to Literature in the large university where people addition to the warm ad friendly The Loft performs on the quad during photo by Bob Kirkendall the Welcome Back to WMC festivities. spring. Her interests include are basically only a number in faculty of Western Maryland classic American literature and the crowd. Teaching at West- College. Local Artist Ryman to Exhibit Drawings, Watercolors in Gallery One Artist MaryRyman.along- hours are 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 Palijczuk in 1982. drawings and paintings. vcrsitieshaveincludedRyman's time student of Western Mary- p.m. weekdays. Most recently, one of Watercolor is Ryman's art in their shows. It is also IandCollegeartprofessorWasyl Ryman, of Gettysburg, Ryman's watercolors was se- preferred medium. included in several private col- Palijczuk, will exhibit her work Pennsylvania, teaches senior lected by a jury for permanent Various colleges and uni- lcctions. in Western Maryland's Gallery high school art at New Oxford display in the new Harrisburg, One from October 2 through High School,Conewago Valley Pennsylvania headquarters of OPEN SIX DAYS A WEEK.FAST CARRY OUT October 19. School District, located in New the Public School Employee's The exhibition, consisting Oxford, Pennsylvania. Retirement System. of Ryman 's drawings and paint- Since earning her master's Ryman's an, comprised ings in a variety of media, offi- degree in 1959 fromPennsylva- mainly of landscapes, is realis- cially opens on Tuesday, Octo- niaState University, Ryman has tic and shows the influence of ber 2 from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. studied at several colleges and the impressionists. Weslminster Shopping Center (Rt. 140) Gallery One is located in universities. The rural area of her home Westminster, Maryland 21157 the Fine Arts Building. Gallery Rymanbeganstudyingwith often serves as the basis of her 857-4646 r-----------------~ I I Two Large Pizzas $10 89 I I I (Toppings Extra) • I : BR01HER"S P~ZZI"\ : I I ~-----------------~ I lOn7/90 Value: scocooi I Expires Cash 140 EAST MAIN STREET WESTMINSTER, MD 211S7 848-2844 876-1330 .Seruices Provided. OUALITY RESUMES QUICK PRINT RESUMES TYPESETTING WORD PROCESSING 800KS MANUALS BUSINESS FORMS ANNUAL REPORTS TWO AND FOUR COLOR 8ROCHURES Same 'Day Seruice On Quuf(Print Orders Pick Up And Delivery Service Available 21 ')'earsof serving the community
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