Page 18 - ThePhoenix1990-91
P. 18
Page 2/Weslern Maryland College/Seplember 27, 1990 Teeth Interpretation "Refreshing and Provocative" Lambros's Performance Filled with "the Fire of Human Anger and Aggression" by Pat Blackman to some confusion on the part of our strength and energy. "Demetri. the actor") drove Overall then, I not only Westem Maryland College the audience. At one point, when the ac- home feelings of emptiness and enjoyed the play, but I found it Theatre's recent production of Forexample,thewholepro- tors feigned stopping the play to anger while also showing vul- quite meaningful. I hope those The Skin of Our Teeth, while duction seemed rushed; some- keep Demetri from choking nerability and humanity. I was who took the time to see it took technically far from perfect, was times to the point that the actors Scott (Grocki, Mr. Antrobus), impressed by the depth of his a little bit of that power and a refreshing and provocative spoke so fast I couldn't make Demetri (acting the part of performance. meaning home with them. interpretation of Thorton out what they were saying, or if Wilder's challenging play. I could make out the words, I Director Ron Millerwrites, couldn't process their meaning "Thorton Wilder's chaotic fast enough to follow what was comedy is concerned with a going on. serious subject: the survival of Ican't speak for everyone, the human race. He suggests but even though it was a long mat the survival of human civi- play, I wouldn't have minded lization is not a foregone con- sittinglongerifitmeamaclearer clusion, that it requires detenni- and more meaningful presenta- nation, moral intelligence, and tion. not a little luck... Can it also Atotherpoints, Ifound that raise consciousness about the absolutely hilarious lines were precarious state of [humanity] being spoken but the majority on the planet in the advance of of the audience wasn't catching [human]-induced calamity? the humor. This is the question posed by I felt this had to do with a Robert H. Chambers, our production." certain lack of intensity on the dentofWestem Maryland presi- tee, will serve as chair for the Education Commission. of 1990. Col- It is a relevant question, partofsomeactors. It's hard to remainder Since last Dr. Chambers's initial particularly in tcday's world of laugh ata line when it's spoken lege, was recently named chair- March, he had acted as the public appearance as CHE Commit- committee's vice chair and act- man of the Executive ecological crisis, poverty, sex- as if it were a hollow and irrele- chair occurred in late June, ism, racism, heterosexism and vant piece of fluff. teeoftheCommissiononHigher ing chair. Dr. Chambers has when he welcomed 350 col- specieslsm. Despite these problems, the Education, Middle States Re- beenamemberoftheExecutive gion Association of Colleges Commiuee since 1986. The Anddespite my feeling that production was still powerful. and Schools. Dr, Chambers, certain actors really didn't care The acting was consistently about, (or maybe understand?) good overall, and even some- who previously had served as the particular messages in the times inspired. vice chairman of the commit- play, I came away with a sense I was particularly moved of danger as weU as hope for the by DemelriosLambrosasHenry world. 1 was quite honestly Antrobus (better known as the moved to tears more than once biblical Cain). during the show. Lambros's performance Iwas, however, puzzled by was filled with thefireofhuman the fact that many people I talked anger and aggression which his todidn 'tsharc the same senscof character represented. power in the message which I However, Lambros didn't felt. Perhaps it was casy for me make his character stereotypi- to ignore certain technical prob- cally "evil"; rather, Lambros lems with the production be- took Cain and made him hu- cause I primed myself to catch man. He showed us that 'dark' Wilder's message. But the side in ourselves which we are problems were definitely there, all uncomfortable with, but and they certainly contributed which is perhaps the source of WMCR Continued from page 1 has been calling around campus ning. to see how the station sounds. WMCRbroadcastsSunday The 640AM signal, a problem through Friday at various times in the past, is sounding better (look for their schedule in this than ever. issue of The Phoenix on page "I don't know what hap- six). A wide variety of music pened but it the sound is better can be heard. Classic rock than ever. Ican't explain it, but dominates the airwaves along I'm not complaining." with progressive, top 40, classi- WMCR is now located cal,jazz, and more. across from the Dining Hall WMCR can also be seen Contact: George Fisher. Apple HESC Rep where the Marketing Office DJing parties around campus, Westminster Computer Center. 301/875-5454 Every Wcunesday from 11-2 in the existed. and the station will be heard College uooksore. Decker Hall Aside from its office area broadcasting a few WMC bas- and main studio, WMCR now ketball games during the 1990 has a production studio. This season. innovation allows the station to "We plan on doing a lot maketheircommercialsandpro- more this year," says Levy. motions in one area, while they "We've come along way broadcast in the other room. since we came on the air in A staff of over 35 students Februaryof'87. Thisycarwill will help keep the station run- be better than ever."
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