Page 11 - ThePhoenix1990-91
P. 11
September 13, 1990lWestern Maryland College/Page 3 Campus Welcomes New RLC's Kinsey to Direct Hall Programming by Andrea Covington ming and a decrease in the re- of Shepherd College in Shep- Charlene Kinsey, the new quired number of programs in herdstown, West Virginia, Residence Life Coordinator for the hopes of improving quality. earned a Bachelor of Science Hall Programming, is enthusi- Kinsey also said that she is degree in Speech Communica- astic about her new job. happy about the opportunity to tion. Describing Shepherd- Kinsey is making changes work one on one with students stown as "even worse" than to improve hall programming and does not forsee any prob- Westminster, Kinsey said she is and "overcome the reputation lems due to the renovation of used to the small town environ- of [programming in) the past" McDaniel Hall, the dorm she is ment, She has an interest in the Changes include alterations responsible for. antiques on campus, as well as inevaluationfonnsforprogram- The 23-year-old graduate the numerous ghost stories. Cooper Assumes Reorganization Responsibilities by Andrea Covington ate of Radford University. activities, including Treasurer Donna Cooper has an opti- The new RLC also expects and Dean of Pledges for the mistic attitude about being the to have to work hard to create a Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority Charlene Kinsey, New RLC photo by Helen Lowe first Residence Life Coordina- "unified community" in White- chapter at Radford. she pre- ford Hall, over which tor for Administration. earned At Radford,Cooper News in Brief... up since I'm new," she said. sides. Cooper was a residence a Bachelor of Science in Busi- "I guess Ireally can't mess ness Management. Still, reorganizing the rec- director while she was an un- Cooper, who is 23, is cur- ord-keeping systems for such o dergraduate at Radford, which rently working to earn a Mas- Sculptor David Fishbein, a comprise the backdrop of this student of Western Maryland year's History DepanmentFall things as disciplinary action and has about 9()(x) students. ters degree in Psychology, al- work orders will absorb most of College art professor Wasyl Film Series at Western Mary- the attention of the 1989 gradu- Cooper was also involved though she has not seuled on a Palijczuk both atthecollegeand land College. Two of the films in a number of extracurricular particular graduate school. at the Jewish Community Cen- chosen for this fall, The Battle ter in Baltimore, will have his of Britain and Mata Hari, fea- Lamas Fills StudentAffairs Position flrstcoe-personshowin WMC's ture such stars as Greta Garbo Gallery One from September andSir LaurenceOlivierinroles New Associate Dean Plans to Work Closely With Residence Life Staff 11 through 28. The exhibition, based on real-life heroes and consisting of Mr. Fishbein's heroines. All films will be by Wade Fannin New York. Other responsiblities will work in bronze bust portraits screened in theForum of Decker Earlier this summer the .Dean Lamas's educational include working closely with and abstracts, officially opens College Center. Office of Student Affairs an- background includes a the ResidenceLife staff and co- on Tuesday, September 11 from This year being the fiftieth nounced that Frank Lamas bachelor'sdegreefrom the State ordinating the freshman orien- 7 to 9 p.m. anniversary of the Battle of would fill the position of Ass0- University of New York at tation program. Gallery One is located in Britain, it' sappropriate to screen ciate Dean of Student Affairs. Potsdam (1977) and a masters DeanLamas hopes roger to theFineArts Building. Gallery the epic 1969 film of the same The position has been va- degree in Education from the know many students as the hours are 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. name. Olivier leads a star-stud- cant since January of this year Stale UniversityofNew York at semesterprogressesand eecour- weekdays. ded cast that includes Michael when Charlene Cole resigned to Albany (I980). ages students to leave a mes- Inaddition tohisworkwith Caine, Christopher Plummer, take a position at Arizona State He is currently working sage on his office phone mail Mr.Pa1ijczuk,Mr.Fishbeinalso Michael Redgrave, and Sir University. towards completion of his doc- (857-2241 or 848-7(0)ext 241) hasstudiedatTowsonStateUni- Ralph Richardson. The film, Dean Lamas comes to toral dissertation at the Stale with their comments or sugges- versity. AresidentofBaltimore directed by Guy Hamilton, is WestemMarylandCollegewith University of New York at tions. He hopes that many stu- County. he began his sculpting probably best known for its more than ten years experience Albany. dents will get involved in some career as an adult. He has breathtaking aerial footage of in various positions in several DeanLamasreportsthathis ofthecommitteesandprograms quickly developed remarkable dogfights between Allied and Student Affairs offices. job responsiblities will include that his office is responsible for hand-eyecoordination,senseof German fighters. It will be His most recent position working closely with the De- so that "we can all work to- observation, and a keen eye for shown Monday, October 15 at was that of executive assistant panment of Campus Safety, gether to build on the strong the unique. His subjects often 7:30p.m. to the vice-president for Sur- which recently joined the office foundation we have here at are men and women associated MataHari, the lavish 1931 dent Affairs at Ithaca College in of Student Affairs. Western Maryland College." with World War II, as well as production, features Garbo as friends and family members. the famous Japanese-Dutch spy Sphincter Scandal Hits Spy Magazine "Sculpting is a very physi- of World War I, with Ramon cal outlet which allows me to Novarro as her lover. George express my innermost self," Mr. Fitzmaurice directed Garbo to National Publication Encourages Letter-Writing Campaign Fishbein said recently. "With great effect, especially during each new piece of work, I try to the vaguely surrealistic "snake by Andrea Covington achieve grace and balance and dance" sequence. The film will The Sphincter scandal has tor, and Chief Writer for The The column gave a brief totransmitaninnerfeelingabout be shown on Monday, Novem- gone national, or at least it has Sphincter , was mentioned in account of the incident involv- the subject" her 12 at 7:30 p.m. hit Spy magazine. the column "From the Spy Mail- ing a personal ad about a WMC All films in this series are Believe it or not, our own room" in the Ju!y 1990 issue of professor and promoted a letter War, espionage, and love free and open to the public. Chris Rowley, Publisher, Edi- Spy. writing campaign to have Rowley readmitted to WMC. GLARtic1e: Impressions of a Jaded Upperclassman Letters are to be sent to Dr .. Robert Chambers, President or Student Focuses on Fake Foliage, "Exotic Decor" in Campus Culinary Center Review Philip Sayre, Dean of Student Affairs. by Tessa V. Dominick Iiveswiththeadditionofasingle theaunosphere-thefeltflow- swallowing one. He probably Dean Sayre said he has not Just a speedy preview to letter: changing "busing" into ers also. just somehow managed to con- received any letters, but Dr. help lessen the shock of such "abusing," and providing a jus- Most impressive yetarethe fuse it with the dessert .•. not Chambers said he has gotten overwhelming renovations. tification for the graffiti fanat- cacti Trust GLAR to value our that they have any similarities.) two. No remarks will be made con- TheonlyactualcomplaintI The first one was from a cerning the quality of the food; "Most impressive yet are the cacti. have is with the spotlights over developmentofficerwhoworks that merits an article (or two, or the salad bar. at a preparatory school in Los ten) of its own. [lrust GLAR to value our welfare Granted,they make the let- Angeles, California. Instead, the focus will be tuce glow and the butter gleam; The second was from a on the exotic decor - possibly above its reputation ... " still, it seems to me to also be doctor in Houston. intended as a diversion from the drying out the food. (A new Neither letter was written contents of our plates? ICS. welfare above its reputation: fonnofmoldcontrol,perhaps?) in support of Rowley I but the wbateverthereason.Ican't Perhaps the dining hall's ratherthanspendingafewextra I suppose that appearance authorswrotetoChamberssince refrain from commenting. unexplained changes are an at- dollars on genuine plants, they should take priority over the taste they were previously acquainted Mostnotable toupperclass- tempt to shift the vandalism thoughtfully purchased harm- ... sorry, I can't imagine what with him. men should be the absence of elsewhere ... after all, the stu- less ones, guaranteed safe for got into me. "The didn't even ask about the "Thank you for busing your dents cannot help but take pride all buttheundeniablymoronic. It's not as if the thousands the (Sphincter) Issue," said Dr. own table" signs. in their facility now. Correct? (No, I am not insinuating any- of dollars I exchange each year Chambers. "They thought it Recall the way that an Those fans along the walls thing about the guy who was forGLAR food aren't worth it. was interesting that I was men- unnamedentitytransfbrmedour certainly make a difference in rushed off to the hospil.a.l for tioned in the magazine."