Page 87 - ThePhoenix1989-90
P. 87
April 5, 1~1 Western Maryland! Page 7 Leith, Allwine Earn Mikulski Discusses Environment, Second Place In Student Activism, Discus Relay by Andrea Covington The Grounds and Mainte- nance crewman in the golf cart by Andrew Krevolin the top three team finishers were stopped at the curb next to the The Western Maryland Col- Messiah (132 points), Gettysburg smallgroupofpeople. Helooked lege Relays took place on Satur- .(90 points), and Swarthmore . hard at the group, then walked day, March 31. MessiahCollege College (67 pcints.) TheWestem over to one woman and held out won rust place in both the men's Maryland team dueledto a fifth his hand. and women's team standings. place finish, scoring 33 points .. "You're Senator Barbara In the men's. ccmpetiton, In the 4 x goo-meter relay, Mikulski, aren't you?" he asked. Messiah earned 132 points, out- Jill Richard, Kendra Wibele, "I sure am," she answered. distancingGeuysburgCollege(89 Kourtnay Sweeney, and Tracey "J know you. You're f~- points), Johns Hopkins Univer- Snyder earned fourth place, fin- mous," he said. sity (73 points). with Western ishing in 10:27.5. That's how Senator Barbara Marylandcominginseventhplace In the 4 x 16O)-meterrelay, Mikulski (D-Maryland) con- (31 points) out of nine teams. Jill Richard, Kendra Wibele, cluded her March 12 visit to In the men's 4 x tOO-meter Shannon Franklin, and Sarah Western Maryland College. relay, Jeremy Kenney, Rob Strickland took fifth place with a Sen. Mikulski had begun her Johnson. Matt Brown, and Brian time of 24:50.9. visit by speaking to students in Hughesfinishedinthirdplacewith In the women's distance Decker Auditorium about com- a time of 44.3 seconds. medley, Wibele,Sweeney, Rich- munity service and the environ- Photo by Juan Hid••go In the sprint medley relay, ard, and Snyder gained fifth place, mem. She spoke about theNa- ronmental Action Coalition; Dr. theWMCteam,behindMikeKun- completing the race in 14:08.2. tional Service Bill of 1990, which Robert Chambers, President of zer, Rob Johnson, Brian Hughes. In the field events, Sherr! she had co-authored with Sena- WMC; Tom Quirk, President of and Joey McClain, took fourth Mansperger and Jackie Miller tors Sam Nunn andTcd Kennedy, Other members of the WMC the Political Science Club; Dr. R. place. threwacombined 16.75 meters in and then asked students to tell her communitywhowereabletomeet Patrick Reed of the history de- Guido Stubenrauch, Ben the shot put relay, good for third about WMC's environmental ac- Senator Mikulski include Pat partment; and Dr. Herbert Smith Gonzalez. Joe Embry. and Doug place. tivism. Sen. Mikulski also at- BlackmimandMeeghanZiolkow- of the political science depart- Ripley, the 4 x 1600-meter relay In the discus relay, Jonelle tended a smaller conference af- ski, leaders of the Student Envi- ment. team, ran to a fifth place finish in Leith and Carrie Allwine threw a terwards to discuss student envi- a time of 19:16.1. combined 53.82 meters, taking ronmental activism. ~ OPEN SUPPORTI In addition, Rob Johnson and second place. In addition, Dr. Wilbur Long EDUCATION GROUP Mike Kunzer leapt 11.83 meters The next meet is Saturday, introduced the senator to the Po- in the long jump relay. April 7, at Messiah College for tomac-EdisonlWMC program, a for; In the women's competition, the Messiah Invitational. sophisticated computer software Rape & Sexual Assault Survivors Professor Appreciates Production Family Members & Friends Professionals Anyone Interested Continued from page 3 cast of actors and actresses bad done! Guill. shame. loss of control. confusion and fear are all feelinls that semll assault surviVOr!and their family and friendsexperienC!. learnirll about the tion of several songs all melded done it. Thank you for a wonderful I!COVetycycle.laininl support and understandinl the lelal aspects are into a thrilling musical first act The many spoken lines and production; it was one I will important steps toward recovery. The Iroup will meet on ·alternate MondaY1at the Rape Crisis office .1 224 finale), the rumble scene (for its unspoken actions; the many diffi- remember with pleasureforalong North Center Street. Room 001. Westminster, from 1:30 - 9:30 p.m. There is highly creative and emotional cult songs; the intricate. energetic. time. no charle to a"end and reservations Ire nol required. You ma1allend as staging), Officer Krupa (this and often long dances; and the Itwas great to see somanyof miny .s or as few .s desired. 80th male .nd female participants are marvelous and fast-paced parody total emotion of the production all yougivingsomucbotyourselves, welcome. wasarealshow-stopperduetothe had taken so much lime andeffort your time, and your talents to this FOf' more informatJon call 857.0900 enthusiasm and vitality oftbe Jet to Ieam and perfect. special campus activity. men), the duet between Mariaand They aU came together so Please know that you and Anita (which was one of the mu- successfully each night, provid- your efforts were truly appreci- 'fAN'S Chinese Restaurant sical highpoints in the play, for ing a true emotional experience eted. Hunan -. Downtown me). and the finale (for its emo- forthoseofusfortunateenoughto I hope that the success of this tionalism and strength.) be in the audience. endeavor will encourage you to Szechuan @ Westminster Frankly. each time I saw the So, to everyone in the play be involved in more such oppor- Cantonese 59 w. Main St. play I came away almost breath- and associated with it, let mecon- tunities in the future. Polynesian 848-0919 less, marvelling at how the large gratuIate you on a job very well American 876-3166 Students At Ease With Student Affairs Cocktail Service Quick Lunches Carry Out IIAM-lOPM Sun-Thurs &lIAM-IIPM Pri-Sat Continued (rom page 2 uponcriteriasuchasGPA,amount when school started, she was not ter system. of damage in their previous living notified of it until one or two "I don't see a lot of options area(s), and SO forth. . weeks into the semester. Fitzgerald's for independent upperclass stu- All of the students inter- However, when the situation Carriage House Liquors dents; if you don't get into an viewed seemed to be more or less was brought to the attention of the apartment, you're kind of stuck," comfortable with the idea of going Student Affairs office, she was 113 West Main Street stated one student. lOStudentAffairs tohandle hous- permitted to move into the prom- Westminster General proposals for im- ing problems. ised room after only one week proving the system include de- However, many were skepti- lnsteadofbavtng to waitthe usual Specials ... creasing the housing allocation calabout the possibility of getting month to change rooms. Coors, Coors Light, Coors Extra Gold for Greeks and affinity groups, a rapid response. "I think you will usually get $12.29 case/cans thereby creating more space for One female student in Elder- somewhere when you bring a Natural Light $8,99 case/cans the students in the lottery. diceexpressedhecannoyancewith problemto(StudentAffairs)."said Keystone &Keystone Light $8.49 caselcans Another idea under consid- the office's efficiency, explain- another srudent. "But it may not eration is the implemention of a ing that she had been first on a beexactly where you wantlO go." Miller Lite & Miller Genuine Draft $12.29 case/cans new system where panicipants waiting list for a single. and al- *********************** wouldbeassignednumbersbased though there had been an opening
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