Page 89 - ThePhoenix1989-90
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INSIDE: Focus On A Student p.2 Editorial p.4 Sports p.6 Vol. X, Number 12 Western Maryland College April 19, 1990 Mysterious Stone Foreign Language Department Refuses To Comply With Security Revamps Course Schedules by Andrea Covington He was holding upa window by Bob Brown Do you have any information in the room of a Phi Sigma Sigma The foreign language depart- on him? sister. ment at Western Maryland, He IS described as short, One of the sisters fell asleep chaired by Thomas G. Deveny, heavy, green, and hardheaded. His in her room with the door shut, has undergone several changes distinguishing characteristics are and she found the thirty-pound over the last few years as it seeks a large and a small "e" carved in sculpture when she awoke. to provide the most thorough the back of his head, possibly The Department of Campus language instruction. standing for Easler Island. Security is working furiously The most noticeable and His real name is unknown, sweeping changes have occurred in the first-year courses. Three years ago, the first- year courses entailed three hours of contact time, a film, and a drill session (usually run by a foreign language major) each week. This year, the intensive courses meet with the professor four times per week, spend one hour weekJy under the tutelageof an apprentice teacher, and watch videos and films. Consequently, this schedule has generated problems with other but in certain circles he is known the art department, departments, since the five-day- as TheStone.Rocky ,orTheGoon. Meanwhile, The Goon is still per-week class cuts across two He is also known as com- in custody, but he is a model pris- time periods. plaint number 9OD0125, and B. oner and is adjusting well. In For example, students in a McGough, who oversees prop- addition, he has good for conver- first-year foreign language course erty and evidence for the Office of sation. meeting Monday through Friday Campus Safety, considers him to "We get more people coming at 9:00 a.m. have the MWF 9:00 be oneof the strangest complaints in here talking about the piece of a.m. to 10:00 a.m. period sched- she has ever handled. art," said McGough. uled, and they are also unable to According toMcGough, The If you have any information, take any of the TIh 8:30 a.m. to Dr. Martine Motard·Noar, professorofFTench Photo by Jon'Marsh Goon was apprehended on the call the Campus Security Crime 10:00 a.m. classes. "elementary" from "intensive," Dartmouth method which calls third floor of Blanche Ward Hall Solversatextension202. Youdo Thus, next year's elementary because the intensive program is for a minimum of six hours per while engaged in a hold-up. not have to give your name. (the name is being changed to associated professionally with the Continued on page 2 Ommert's Pitching Leads Softball rbJ Sidelights rbJ Team Which dorm needs the most renovation/repair? by Ed Rigling "Compared to last year, we vided the pitching connection for Afterashaky stan,the West- have a much beuer attitude, and the young team. ern Maryland College women's weadjust well tolhclevelofplay," Ommert has revealed in- softball team has jelled into a co- stated Dix. creased maturity as theseasm has hesive unit and is riding a three- Adjust they' have, as some progressed. In her three wins, game winning streak going into a freshmen have come to the fore- Ommert and the Lady. Terrors doubleheader against Washing- front. Leadership has also been have allowed only three runs on ton College. displayed on the field by the up- six hits. 100 The team, consisting mostly perclassmen. Defensive plays by center- of freshmen, has allowed its abili- After losing the first four fielder Amye Walker, third base- ties to take over from early nerv- games, the team came together man Sandy Wood, and shortstop ousness and miscommunication. against Mt. SI. Mary's College, Anita Cauebiano have provided Coach Dix, now in his second and they have continued to dis- the backbone for a toughdcfensc. year, believes the team's tough play ateam-oriented style of play. The offense, however, has BJa:cte ItDaniel Remer 'M1itefcroOthers times are over. Several major factors in the been a different story. As assis- "Our toughest five games team's winning ways are thepitch- tant coach Kathy Liule stated, were in the beginrungoftbescbed- ing and the defense. "Every game, there's a differenl Sample Size: 216 Source: Phoenix ule,and we wanted tcstay in them April Ommert and Christine [offensive] star. They've made to pull off the win. Utley, both freshmen, have pro- Continued on page 6
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