Page 84 - ThePhoenix1989-90
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Page 41 Western Maryland Collegel AprilS, 1990 Editorial - !tOW foAI.tJy tio...~· DlI) ,,/Of.J COUNT? It's Time To Count It's that time of the decade again for the census. It's that time of the year for income tax forms to be filed. It's also that time for a short editorial. In the past decade, America has witnessed its population of people living below the poverty level increase determinedly. with the sharpest rise in the number of poor women and their children. The number of homeless is also at its highest Consequently, the U.S. government is conducting a census to see if everything is on track to be able to forge another ten years of similar prosperity. The outlook. is hopeful. The government claims that the census will allow.them to know which groups should receive federal aid for schools, environmental projects; and urban improvement plans. companies Letter To The Editor Often, in the past, the money has gone to financially ruined auto- mobile makers like Chrysler (these Cars HaveReally YoosJess Struts, Lights. Engines, and Radiators) and bankrupt banking instead of to the poor, because the huge companies had lost billions of dollars, while the poor have always been poor and are therefore used Dean Palmer: Phoenix "Inaccurate And Irresponsible" to it The principal reason for such a distribution of federal money is In Coverage Of Minority Hiring because American taxpayers have become weary of enonnous, ineffi- cient social programs, so they elected Reagan, and later Bush, to install Editor, The Phoenix: faculty. makes this editorial assertion: enormous, inefficient defense programs. I have been so pleased with The article was therefore not ''The administration has of- Tbaus not to say that the government ofthe United States does not The Phoenix'scoverageofmings a piece of investigative reporting fered the excuse that it doesn't have a place in its heart for the poor and homeless. After all, the in geneial that it is 'hard for me to butrathera''person-on-the-street'' have the money to hire minority government has spent probably hundreds of thousands of dollars write a strong letter of complaint collection of three impressions. faculty." during the past few months paying for census takers to go around the like this one, but Ithink Imust. No one interviewed Dean This assertion is absolutely country and COWltthe homeless. Your February 15front page Panek, who has devised new false. Even better than providing shelter, mOre generous than offering a article on minority hiring was strategies to attract minority fac- The nationwide shortage of little money for a next meal, (but not able to leap tall deficits in a singJe based on interviews with three ulty to our recruitment pools. minority faculty is indeed a mat- bound) the government is counting the homeless. veryflnemembersofthecommu- No one interviewed me on ter of grave concern, but The We've cornea long way from the days of the Stamp Act and the nity, but they are not. involved in my financial resources for hiring Phoenix'scoverageofthismatter Boston TeaParty(which,contrarytohistorical fact, was initiated when faculty searches. faculty,andIamtheonlyonewho has been-inaccurate and irrespon- the Celtics won their first N.B.A. championship: They were not involved in negotiates salary with new fac- sible. -"I do say. That Lawrence Bird chap sure put on bloody good the recent strengthening of our af- "ulty. Melvin D. Palmer show, Ishould say." linnativeactionsearchguidelines, Yourmostrecent(March 15) Vice President: Dean of Aca- -"You should say nothing, you hind part of a rat, 'Twas most and they do not know what re- issue has failed to undertake fur- demic Affairs certainly Mr. Parrish who perfonned most splendidly.") sources I have for the hiring of ther investigation but simply Back then, you were taxed, but you couldn't vote. Today, for tens cruel is the sense of helplessness of improving one's economic situ- Editor's of millions of Americans, you are taxed, but you can't eat Doubly ation. are secretly working with me Infernal Revenue Note Which brings us back to income taxes. It is not well-known that the census takers Service on a project to select which taxpayers will be audited. It was questioned in me last EdItor-ln-Chlef Bob Similar to the children' s game, the door -to-door census takers are editorial why The Hill did not BusinessManager StefanieR.Shaffer going from residence 10 residence patting each house on the roof publish me results of the survey AdvertisfngManager .AndreaCovington saying, "Duck. ...audit" concerning the present racial atti- News Editor- Julie E. Baile However, at WMC. we don't have the IRS breathing down our tudes on campus. Copy Editors .Julie E. Baile, Meg Gobrecht necks. and we don't have to pay taxes to be here, unless you look at According to Sherri Kimmel Sports Editor.... .. Steve Harlan tuition in that way. • Diegel, editor of the magazine, PhotograpbyEdltors Hctenl.cwe.Jon Marsh But unlike a census, many people feel that they don't count here. "mere were 100 few responses 10 Cartoonist AndreaCovington.MichelleKloss, Kellie Marsh ProductionAssistants KellieMarsh Why? warrant the publication of the Reporters Julie E. Baile, 1. 1. Boggs, Andrea Covington, Juan Becausealthough most students get tax refunds each year from the student survey." Hidalgo, Michelle Kloss. Andrew Krevolin, Mike Kubacki. Ed Rigling, government and are consnrutionally guaranteed to be able to vote in .....No valid statements or Todd Robinson, Wendy Ruderman, Lee Spector, Laurence Steck, Claire elections at several levels of public office, students pay fifteen grand conclusions could resultfrom such Inevenoux, Jon Whitby to attend WMC, but they can't even vote for president. a small response group" was me Advisor Dr. Pam;la Regis There is a sense of helplessness towards administrative decisions decision made by Diegel in con- that are made around them. Many feel that they have all the power of sultation with Dr. Howard J. Er- The Phoenix is published bi-weekly hi-the above staff. The opinions ex- a matchstick in a swollen, raging river. lich, research director of the Na- pressed do not necessarily reflect those of the administration. But that is not the case. We can take a part in the administrative tional Institute Against Prejudice Editorials are theresponsibilityof the Editor -in-Chief. Letters to the Editor process. There are many meetings which are open to students, where and Violence. must be one page, typed, double spaced, and signed in blood. Include a hone number, birthcertificate,pictureID, and your 1989 W-2 tax fonn for student voices would be appreciated. The results of the survey are verification. Findoutfrom thePresident'soffice, the Student Affairs office, the open to all students, Diegel Address-mail to: The Phoenix Boaid of Trustees, orother administrative branches how you can have emphasizes. Western Maryland College input into me decisions which will affect you and future WMC The Phoenix would like to Westminster,MD MiddleAtianticCOBSIConference USA North America students. make this clear. WestemHemisphere Earth Solar.system MiIkyWayGaJaxy 21157
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