Page 85 - ThePhoenix1989-90
P. 85
AprilS, 1990/ Western Maryland College! Page S 60 Seconds On Campus , Helen Lowe/Wendy Ruderman How do you perceive the relationship between the college and the town of Westminster? I think that the townies Not good. The majority From what I hear, I I think it's really poor, It seems that we try to don It like us, because I of the students view understand that they but it's improving. avoid each other as much don't see Westminster as members of the West- dislike our school, but as possible, and therefore a middle to upper class minster community as other than that, I don't you can't say that there town, and most of the hicks, and I'm sure that see too many problems. really is a relationship people who go here are their view of us isn't very between the two. pretty well ofT. The gap positive either. causes difficulties in social relations . . Jay Koonin Ed Jacod Scott Stampp Carol Hofmeister R. C. Curtis 60 Seconds Off Campus Helen LowelWendy Ruderman (Members of the Westminster community were asked the same question.) I guess there could be a Well, as a WMC alumni, Well, you're always in The community likes the better relationship be- I think that while I was the paper for something college because the stu- tween the two. WMC is in college, everyone or other. So we are dents give the commu- secluded from the town, thought that the commu- interested in you. nity business. They go to and it's the community's nity hated us, but that is all the places around fault because they stere- not at all the case. WMC here and put money into otype the college stu- is good economically for Westminster. denls. the town. James Jolm Joe Earl Billy
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