Page 92 - ThePhoenix1989-90
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Page 41 Western Maryland College! April 19, 1990 Editorial IS IT I.IV~ ... "Eeny, Media, D~ IS IT Miney, Mo" IN ~'''rrr I was talking with Kenneth R. Dudzik, Associate Vice President and Director of Development. about the funds that go to the various media on campus. Presently, he said, the school sets aside approximately $17,000 for the media organizations: UPLINK. WMCR, The Phoenix (which doesn't accept any money), the yearbook, and others. With theseallocations,orthrough funds generated independently. not only does each organization provide a service to the college, but they all serve as aconrrolled training ground for the post-college work world. What's more, each one furnishes a product forlheconsumption of the WMC community. Por example, UPLINK (pronounced up-link, not yeo-plink, as on a piano) will provide television broadcasts that will focus on campus concerns. Perhaps, in time. it will expand to include Saturday morning cartoons created by art majors, like Teenage MutantNinja Chem Lab Assistants: or Beers (or Jeers). a take-off on Cheers, to befilmed in the Pub. Why stop there? Whynothaveashowwherethedininghallchefs - prepare their favorite dishes. or a regular nature series, such as Mutual of Omaha's Wild Campus? It will be the day, though, when we can watch Terrors football games from the semi-comtortof ourresidencehall furniture, orrum on the news at dinner. •"This is Suzie=from Whiteford 504-reporting live from the quad, which is only fifty (hey, can you give me more slack on the microphone cord?) feet from our studio. "You were wimess to the two squirrels who chased each other around the tree, perhaps in a sexual frenzy, or perhaps just because that's wbarsquirrels do, fmally stopping, asone started to dig up some Letter To The Editor buried nuts, and as the other raided the trash can. "You saw it here firstcn Plenty20. Stay tuned tomorrow for more in-depth coverage as we try to resolve the question: Should squirrels Editor, The Phoenix: skills, health promotion, and accuracy of its reporting. You, have to pay room and board, or are they legitimately commuting from As a member of the Student AIDS. too. have a big role in the educa- their nests?" Affairs Division. Iappreciate The As The Phoenix continues to tional mission of WMC. WMCR's broadcasts are more preventive maintenance than Pnoenu's ongoing coverage of providecoverageof a broad range Marlene Clements anything else. The station was first started to put the music on the issues and events occurring in of campus issues, Itrust your staff Director, Student Health airwaves that college students wanted to hear. Student Affairs. will increase the preciseness and Services --Otherwise, Decker Center would be rocked with hard-hitting The April 5 issue had two classics from Neil "Big Dea1" Diamond and Barbara "Heavy Metal" articles [covering the Student Streisand, or with the country classics by the four members of the Affairs Division]: one on career Pollencount Trio from Topsoil, West Virginia services and one dealing with In reality, the newspaper has to deal with some of the same prob- housing issues. lems that the other media face, primarily an audience thatcan never be However, I urge The Phoe- Editor·in-Chlef BobBrown pleased. nix to be more precise in its re- Business Manager Stefanie R. Shaffer However, Ibelieve that the printed press is the most pure of all of porting and choice of headlines. Advertising Manager Andrea Covington the fonns of media. It's also the most flexible. Stcdent.Affairslsnotsynonomous News Editor .JulieE.Baile You can't read between the airwaves of a radio broadcast, and. with Residence Lifeas implied in Copy Editors .Julie E. Baile. Meg Gobrecht most significantly. you can't carry a TV with you when you sit on the thearticJe on page 1of the April 5 Sports Editor Steve Harlan toilet. issue. Photography Editors Helen l.owe.Jon Marsh Ithink that. as media, TV and radio are inferior to the newspaper The Division of Student Cartoonist Kellie Marsh (I'm speaking in general) because of their superior technological char- Affairs includes the offices of Production Assistants AndreaCovington,MiehelieKloss. KcllieMarsh acteristics. The unfonunate ramifications are that the viewer and Residence Life, College Activi- Reporters Julie E. Baile, 1. 1. Boggs. Andrea Covington, Juan listener receive totally pre-packaged programs. ties, Career Development and Hidalgo. Michelle Kloss, Andrew Krevolin. Mike Kubacki. Ed Rigling, Wendy Ruderman, Laurence Steck, Claire Thevcnoux, odd Robinson. You see the TV show. framed on the screen, exactly as you're Advising, Counseling Services, lonWhitby supposed to. You may not like or agree with what you see, but there's and Student Health Services. Advisor , Dr.Pamela Regis no disputing it Each area provides services In a newspaper setting, or in any kind of writing, the reader is much which support and enhance the ThePhoenb:. is published bi-weekly hi-us. Theopinions expressed in this less removed from the mind of the writer. The only thing that comes academic endeav~ of WMC paper are !he direct doing of the administration. Aaaaaggggh!! (Whack! between the writer and his thoughts on paper is his pen, his ally (and students [in addition to offering] !Pummel! Sock!) r mean (BQl1I! Oof!)_·no! no more! I'll say anything--they maybe the editor, his foe.) its own educational programs in do nOInecessarily reflect the opinions of the administration. I am not touting the newspaper more thari the other media. All are such areas as community living. Jnte editorials are the responsibility of the ...uh ...Production Assistants, so unquestionably worthy of the time, energy, and appreciation of the relationships, alcohol and drug go bother them and leave the Editor alone. student body. education, leadership training, But when all is said and done, it's printed. culruraI experiences, exploration Address mail to: The Phoenb:. Western Maryland College of career options, resume writing Weslrninster. MD 21157
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