Page 86 - ThePhoenix1989-90
P. 86
Page 61Western Maryland College! AprilS, 1990 Arnie Expands Smith Earth Week Festivities Approach House's Resources As momentum is gathering tap. and step dancer; and Doug On Thursday. April 19. at nationwide to halt mankind's as- EUiot,a storyteller and naturalist. 8:00 p.m. in the Forum. they will They will aJso Michael, a 1968 graduate of Continued rrom page 1 sistam Dean of Academic Affairs sault OR theenvironmenl, students, Western Maryland, is a premier stage a concert. hold an Irish ceilidh at 7:00 p.m. faculty, and staff at Western library and in the Smith House. Barbara Disharoon to increase practitioner of Appalachian rnu- in McDaniel Lounge on Satur- Arnie has found both the ad- referrals of students. 'who are Maryland College are mounting day. April 21. ministration and students to be undecided about choosing a rna- their own movement. The culmi- sic and a master of the hammered This loosely planned, spon- duk:imer. Hisgroupperformedal very receptive. but she admits. jo and/or a career, for individual nation of the college's yearlong the Lake Placid, New York, taneous event will feature music, "There are lots of things compel- counseling. pledge to preserve the environ- Winter Olympic Games to a tete- dancing, storytelling, poetic reci- iog for students' time and atten- Upcoming improvements to ment will occur on April22-the vision audience of 900 million tanons, and more by the artists, twentieth anniversary of Earth uon, so I am always uying to watch for include a summer jobs viewers worldwide, and they have faculty, and community mem- figure out better ways to reach newsletter, an "Out to Lunch" Day. appeared on Prairie Home Com- ters-e-anyone _whose spirit is and serve the students here." workshop on saving your semes- Then, the folk musicians, a panion and The Tonight Show. moved. For example, she sported a ter (April 24 at 12:00 p.m.) which dancer, anda storyteller who have New York resident Ira Bern- The culmination of the blue wig and clown costume in may become part of a series de- "raised a ruckus" during Earth stein is "part Appalachian clogger week's activities will occur on Week will join William Sloane the Pub to advertise tor the Hal- pending on its success, and a Coffin,Jr.,inadayfulloftrlbutes and part Harlem-street hoofer," EarthOay, Sunday, April 22. An loween Open House at Smith Parents Network for job leads and to the Earth. according to one reviewer. He outdoor religious service/com- House on October 31. career information to supplement On Tuesday. April 17,Stan- has appeared at festivals and on munion with nature will begin at Her efforts were obviously the existing Alumni Connections ford University human biologist television and radio throughout 1:00 p.m. in Harvey Stone Park. successful. because, according to Network. David Sutton will speak on the North America and Europe. A A WMC choir concert will in- When asked if she had al- Arnie, it was a "big hit". significanceofmakingEarth Oay solo dancer, he researches and elude music relating to nature at Other events included an en- tered her goals from the begin- gives lectures and demonstrations 3:00p.m. vironmental careers panel, a pres- mng of this year, Arnie replied, an everyday commitment to the dwing his travels. Rounding out the celebration Sutton, a graduate environment. entation to the Black Student "I'm not sure the goals have of the WMC c1ass of 1963. is the Doug Elliot, a resident of at 7:30 p.m. in Baker Memorial Union, a workshop (or nomradi- changed, but the methods I use Union Mills, North Carolina. is a Chapel will be activist William tional students, a summer job .and the emphasis I place on dif- founder and director of the An- naturalist, herbalist, and basket- Sloane Coffin, Jr. The president taeus Group, a non-profit educa- search workshop, and an asser- Ierem services may change ac- master whose art is storytelling. of SANE/FREEZE, the country's tiveness training workshop. cording towhatI'm hearing about tional and research institute which His homespun tales reflect his largest peace organization, is also Arnie has worked on other students and their needs." focuses on worldwide environ- an environmentalist. Last May, aspects of career counseling by Though she agrees the Ca- mental, technological, and social deep interest in the environment the WMC honorary degree re- and the relationship people have offering two sections of a career reer Center isn't located "right changes and the challenges they with the it. cipiem urged graduates to "only developmentJ anuary Term class. smackin the center of things," she present. During their residency, the accept such employment as bene- She has also .expanded the refuses to be a passive observer. Thefollowingday,artistswill performerswillentenainandedu- fits yourfellow human beings and Smith House's resources for list- Instead, she constantly attempts arrive to drum up enthusiasm for care in classrooms spanning the isnotharmful 1Olheenvrronment." the rest of the week. They include ing part-time jobs, summer jobs, to keep abreast of relevant career Walt Michael & Company. a rra- liberal arts curriculum and per- For more information on and internships. information and to pass this on to ditional and string band quartet; form in public concerts for a col- Earthweekevents.calt (301)857- Much work has been done students. lege and community audience. 2290. with faculty advisers and with As· Ira Bernstein, a percussive clog, Tennis Teams Look To Ace Opponents Two matches have already There are twelve women on by J. J. Boggs three of these men play in the top College, the defending section the team this year, seven of whom been held this season. Thewomen six singles positions. champion, and other top confer- suffered two losses against Besides celebrating tennis' The team has spent the last ence teams like Dickinson Col- are returning players. Like the Goucher College and Hood Col- men, they are also a young team one-hundredth year at WMC and four weeks drilling on specific lege and Muhlenburg College, the with no seniors. . lege. WMC men's tennis team feels Dr. Alex Ober'stenthyearashead aspects of the game and challeng- However, according to team There will be several close coach, the men's tennis team has ingteammateswhoarepositioned very little pressure. Qlembers,juniorErikaBerenguer- matches within the league to look high expectations of ending their above them in the ladder. The players simply hope to Gil provides the necessary lead- forward to, especially toward the losing streak. So far this season, the top six improve their overall record, to ershipandteamspiritastheirteam end of the season. According to sophomore Cris singles players to watch for are attract more support from the col- When asked about the goal Conklin. co-captain of the team juniorPaui Tunmons,sophomores -lege, and to begin to develop the captain. of the women's team this season, As the season unfolds, the along with junior Eric Geuemy. Chris Conklin and Doug Raiball, potential they have for the next top six singles positions seem set. Michelle Kloss replied that their this year's relatively young team and .freshmen Jamie Sutzman, few years. JuniorsBerenguer-GilandTracie focus was on improving their has the potential to achieve a .500 Derek Johnston, and Marty Theirnexthomematch isSat· Myers, sophomores Rosea Jaffe, overallgameperformancethrough record (6-6) and to break a four- McGreevy. urday,April7 .ar I:OOp.m.against Michelle Kloss, and Dodie Laird, drilling in order to focus on weak yearstringduringwruchnoleague The top three doubles teams Moravian. and freshman Katie Keller com- aspects and on strengthening the matches have been won. consist of Salzman and Raihall, prise the starting team. lower pan of the team ladder. The team lost five singles McGreevy and Scott Kripowicz, The women's tennis team, The women travel to In doubles, Keller and Ber- starters from last year, and there and Conklin and Tim Ruggles. on the other hand, is celebrating enguer-Gil, Laird and Myers, and Susquehanna University on Fri- are no seniors this year. Despite the difficult sched- one hundred years of tennis at Kloss and sophomore Kim Ber- day,April6,fora3:00p.m.match. In addition, six out of the ule which includes matches WMC and the twentieth year of sixteen players are freshmen, and against Franklin and Marshall its head coach, Joan Weyers gen are the top three teams Does your organization want to do something CRAZY and earn $$$ for it? Then play tennis all night for WMC's Tennis Centennial! .J1l{umni5lffairs wi[[r ionate money to any organization tfiat provit£es a 'degation to pray from 7p.m. to 1 a.m. orfrom 1 a.m. to 7 a.m. on 'May 9,10, or 11. carr;r, 297for more information.
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