Page 91 - ThePhoenix1989-90
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April 19, 19901 Western Maryland College! Page 3 Don't Panek, It's Only Graduation Seniors: When you graduate. you well as those who have demon- When the ceremony began, over and that you are now com- becomeaMemberoftheCollege; strated creativity and those who the College understoodthatgmdu- plctely and thoroughly one of us. We could, I suppose. fax youjoin a body of men and women show the best potential to succeed ation is not an ending but an ini- Graduation.ourmotualgood- them, or send them by bonded that stretches back well over a in graduate school. tiation, and that every meaningful bye-hello, ought to be more than a messenger, or electronic mail, or century. There are also awards for initiation is accompanied with dash across the stage and a rushed carrier pigeon, or we could use You can't do that by fax. activity and leadership---inc1ud- some sortofritual waiting period. handshake. Federal Express, or even the U. S. The first parlor graduation at ing the Bates Prize, theCoJlege's Investitureisthebeginningofyour It ought to be just what we Post Office to get them to you. WMC actually happens three oldest award dating from 1905. initiation; graduation is your in- make it here at WMC, a thought- Your degrees, that is. weeks before the day that you Giving these awards is the duction into membership. ful celebration of you and your Or we could clothe you in walk across the stage. College's salute to the senior Western Maryland still un- classmates that starts with the In- black robes, have you listen to a On April 29. we will hold the class-s-and your salute to your- derstands what graduation means. vesurure Convocation and ends musty speech by an interim assis- Honors and Investiture Convoca- selves and your friends. It is not the simple acquisition of with Graduation. tant undersecretary from the Bu- lion. The other part of the convo- a piece of simuJated sheepskin. We can't do this by mail or reau of Surface Mining Rcclama- The convocation has two cation is the investing of the presi- It isnotjustarecognition that by messenger or by fax, and we tion,and then confer your degrees chief purposes. The first is the dent of the senior class with cap you have completed the steeple expecially can 'tdo it without you. en masse with a waveofPrcsident celebration of the achievements and gown inpreparation forgradu- chase of BLAR's, major require- The Honors and Investiture Chambers' hand. ofthemembersofthcseniorclass. ation. ments, and one hundred and Convocation is.Sunday, April 29 But we won't. We know Thecollegepresentsfouneen A meaningless bit of baber- twenty hours of course work. at 2:00 p.rn. Be there. what graduation ought to be. awards to seniors who have ex- dashery? Not really. It may be a celebration of We've been doing it, after all, celled in art, biology, business This investiture goes back to your achievements or endurance, Dr. LeRoy L. Panek since 1871. and economics, education, Eng- the nineteenth century, and so it but it means something more Associate Dean or Academic First of all, we know that !ish, foreign language, history, connects you with every class important than that. Affairs graduation isn't simply a day. mathematics, and psychology as graduating from WMC. It means that the tests' are Pretty Woman: A Fairy Tale For The Nineties by Helen Lowe as Prince Charming, Edward pens within a week. Thechemisrry and combined If you have seen Cinderella, Once upon a time, there was Lewis in this modem fairy tale. Besides the Cinderella plot, witofthepaircarrythemovie,but then you have seen this movie. It a poor but virtuous girl who was Vivienispickedupfrom Hoi- several allusions are also made to thecomedy is mixed with enough is definitely a "feel good" flick, chained into her poverty by those lywood Boulevard by Edward, Rapunzel, but if you can get past drama to connect the film with but there is nothing wrong with around her. who needs directions and some- the blatant comparisons 10 reality. !haL That is. until one day, when one who can drive a standard H children's stories, this film is the Most of the drama centers In today's Hollywood, the she was seen by a handsome stick shift. From there, they rake fantasy of most adults in the nine- around Vivien and reactions to trend is usually towards realism prince, who fell in love with her off. ties. her profession, including harrass- and pessimism in drama or brain- and carried her off to his castle. Vivien is transformed from Julia Roberts dominates as ment from a sexist lawyer and the less stupidity in comedy. WeU, that's the basic plot of prostitute toprincess with the help Vivien, with her beauty, charm, refusal of a class-conscious Rc- This movie is a refreshing Pretty Woman, and if it sounds of the hotel manager and lots of and wit, but Richard Gere is not dec Drive saleswoman to serve change. It'samoviewhichleaves familiar, that's because it is basi- plastic. too shabby as the cutthroat busi- her. you with the feeling you got as a cally a revamped Cinderella. She cleans up nicely and nessman, who is transformed by Of course, in the end, a1l of kid, that you would grow up and Julia Roberts is the beautiful everyone notices her. Edward his encounter with Vivien into a these evils are thwarted by the find a prince or princess to face Vivien, virtuous prostitute turned becomes fascinated with her, as businessman with morals (I told goodness of the couple and every- the world with, and with whom and Richard Gere stars should. All this hap- this was a deserve. ever after." tI. \V1n the computer you need to succeed inthe real world and a chance touseitthere. 1lya Macintosh· and enter Apples RealWlrld ~ • You oould win a week at one Of these leading organizations _ Pro    86   87   88   89   90   91   92   93   94   95   96