Page 83 - ThePhoenix1989-90
P. 83
AprilS, 19901 Western Maryland College! Page 3 Lightner Praises West Side Story Production by Dr. James E. Lightner a number of members afthe cast, The haunting Bernstein everything went. how much at and interesting set and" lighting .~ Having read several reviews perhaps it was because it was an music was played and sung with easeeveryoneappearedtobe,and complementedtheproductionand of the recent campus-wide pro- amateur production rather than a great feeling, and the orchestra howeveryoneworkedtogethuin set the moods for the various I ductionofWestSjdeStory,Iwou1d more "glitzy" professional one, was always kept subdued and ensemble. scenes. like to respond by expressing my or perhaps it was because our under the singers' voices because The acting was so well di- Iremember with special ad- warm thanks to everyone involved production emacted so many ac- of the able and professional masi- reeled by Dr. Ron Miller that. miration the Prologue (because of in the production for giving me tors and actresses (many in their cal direction of Dr. Margaret even though I knew many of the the physical diff:tCuity of the Ire- several evenings of wonderful fItSI stage roles) from across the Boudreaux. actors andeciresses.theircherac- netic action), the balcony scene theatre. campus. The songs were all sung with lets quickly took' over, and I no (for its warmth and love and I have seen many musical Whateverthereasons, Ifound appropriate feeling and emotion, longer saw them as friends buras rendemess),America(foritsspirit. theatre producuonsoverthe years, the production exceptionally fine and I understood every word. the Jets and Sharks, vulnerable excitement.andenthusiasm),Coo! including at least three of West in all aspects.and, from the enthu- The choreography by Billy and volatile young people seek- (for its interesting interpretation Side Story, and this one, for many siastic responses on the three Burke was appropriate for an ing a better life in a difficult soci- in song and dance), Tonight (for reasons, was the best nights I was there, so did the amateur group. ery. its extremely difficult juxrapost- Perbapsitwasbecauselknew packed-house audiences. IwasdeJightedhowsmoothly Ira Domser's stark. flexible, Continued on page 7 WMC Faces Stiff Competition For Announcing an ofler Small Pool Of Minority Faculty designed to savemoney Continued rrom page 1 fbr people who are, Dean LeRoy L. Panek stresses, ''WMC doesn't want to get into the practice of stealing well,a bit long-winded other school's faculty," Because of the shortage, Dean Palmer says that "the market when itcomes to, forces favor minority faculty in hiring." you know, talking on When interviewing minority faculty, Dean Palmer has the op- tion of going to the top of his the phone,and who, range in me budget, Anomer problem WMC is having is getting minority faculty quite understandably, to apply. "If they don't apply, I can't tell them about all the stuff don't want to have we can offer them," tens Pa1mer. The job of encouraging mi- nority faculty to apply belongs to towait tillafter 11pm tbesearchcoinmittee. DeanPanek has told the search committee to actively seek minority faculty, to get a deal on The search committee took a listofminority alumni,gave them long distance prices. alistofpositionsavailableforthe coming year, 10ldthemofWMC's desire for a diversified faculty, and asked them to spread the word and encourage those who have the necessary credentials to ap- ply. Dean Panek says that the alumni "get the word out to the minoritycommunitythatthereare positions here, and [that] we wel- come and actively' seek minority faculty members." Also, the search committee America Han could save you a lot on your If you spend a lot of time on the phone, me A1&T Reach ~ has advertised in professional and long distance bill. And you don't have to Stay up late to do it. Starting at 5 pm, the A'J&[' Reach om- America minority academic journals, as Plan takes an additional 25% off our already reduced evening prices. welt as put in advertisements at To find out more, call us at 1 800 REACH OUT, ext, 4093- traditionally minority colleges, And don't worry, we11 keep it brief. According to Dean Pa1mer, AlaT the goal of WMC is to have "at The right choice. least ten percent minority faculty, Dio
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