Page 61 - ThePhoenix1989-90
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INSIDE: Environmental March ..p. 2 Editorial p.4 Sports p. 6, 7 Vol. X. Number 9 Western Maryland College March I. 1990 Tuition, Room, Board Photographer Newman Focuses On Expected To Increase Creativity, Flexibility by Andrea Covington nomic picture will be for next by Michelle Kloss On Saturday, February 17, year, and the next, etc., which is "Photography is not real at the Board of Trustees approved not absolutelypredictable." all. It is an illusion of the world. raises of tuition, room, and board Dean Palmer continued by Through this illusion, we find our to a total of$15.980forthe 1990- sayingthattheestimatesarebased own world." 1991 school year. on "irs" and that estimatesrarely World-renowned photogra- The increase. which willeon- become reality. pher Arnold Newman visited the tribute to the college's $27.1 mil- Dr. Ethan A. Seidel partici- WMC community last Tuesday, lion budget, will be matched with paled in the formulation of the February 20, with a slide show an increase in financial aid to estimates. and presentation. $3,922,000. In addition to meeting' ex- Newman, who recently cele- Western Maryland has esti- penses. the college, according to brated his fiftieth year in the field mated, however, thatthetotal cost Dr.Seidel, hopes tohaveacontin- of photography, focused his dis- Projected Tuition Increases Until 1993 cussion oil development of pho- --' tographic techniques and artistic talent. . Costin Newman also showed ex- Dollars amples of his famous work. His subjects have included politicians, artists, doctors, world leaders, women figures, and nine United States presidents. "Honesty is the key in pho- School Year for attending the college may in- gency fund and a surplus. tography," Newman stated. "I'm crease each year and may be as WMC has had these in the. interested in what people do. How high as $17,115 for 1991-92 and past, and has used the money not Iperceive them and interpret them $18,330 for 1992-93. only for emergencies, but for is part of my life." The estimates are based on a campus improvement projects. Newman's life as a photo- 7% increase in the tuition per an- Some of the improvements grapher has been a full one. He num, a 9% annual increase in WMChopestomakearethereno- began his work in the Baltimore room cost, and a 6% increase in vauon of McDaniel Hall, replace- area in 1938. board cost annually. ment of the residence hall furni- Since his first show in 1941, All of the estimates are based ture, renovation of the Pub and Newman's work has received on a 5% annual rate of inflation. the college bookstore, the addi- praise and admiration from artists The estimates, according to tion of a second exit in clubrooms, and critics. the most widely distributed pho- boast his photographs. Vice President Melvin D. Palmer, renovation of the dining hall, and After numerous shows, tographers today. "As for my own work, Ido it Dean of Academic Affairs, "de- renovation of Harvey Stone Park. awards, and honorary degrees, Museum walls in Australia, because of the person I am. It is pend on what the overall eco- Newman is recognized as one of Amsterdam, Israel, and Tokyo Continued on page 2 Sidelights Library Renovation Continues On Schedule by Mike Kubacki two months. sions, will be located on every The workers are currently As is evident to the eye and ear from early morning to late af- digging footers to put in the con- floor. Thecurrent office area will become one of the large study ternoon, the Hoover Library is crete that will support the build- areas. How many hours do you sleep per night being expanded and renovated. In addition, there will be a on average? ' The $8 million project was ing. They are also presently con- large listening room with twelve structing the area for the staircase started in July, 1989, and it is and the elevator. to fifteen stations . .scheduled to be completed by the Mr.Neikirkaffmnedthat"the The current periodicals, beginning of the January Term in students will be able to use the boundperiodicals,andMicrofilm, 1991. elevator." which are currently on the sec- Renovation of the existing In addition, the corridor that ond, third, and founh floors, re- library shouJd be achieved during will link the offices, including spectively, will be contained to- • 4(J"1~s the summer.of 1991. new offices, is being built. gether onone floor,and there will .5-6 According to David Neikirk, When completed, the floor also be more shelf space to ecco- II 7-8 &I 9or!"l")(J"e the Library Director, "The plan is space of the library will cover modate them. to occupy the new building and 71,fI.XJ square feet, twice the area These are just some of the gradually renovate the old build- that it occupies now. changes which the Hillier Corpo- ing." The new library will have ration, the construction firm re- Due to the cold weather last five floors. There will bearch-ives sponsible for the renovation, is December, the workers were put on two of the floors, and study undertaking. Sample Size: 201 Source: Phoenix a little behind schedule, but they rooms, some of which will be According to Neikirk, "The are advancing rapidly thanks to securable so that the students will changes will make it easier for the mild weather during the past be able to have group study ses- everyone using the library."
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