Page 60 - ThePhoenix1989-90
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"" ',,..//' February 15, 1990/ Western Maryland Collegel Page 8 Hockey Team Makes Winning One Game Its Goal by Ed Rigling and advisor Paul Welliver. time with them. After a well-played first pe- "They were digging it out of "We had to drop a few games After winning both scrim- riod. the Terrors were only down the comers and taking the body to After coming back from a because they were financially mages and playing a well-coordi- 4-1. us faster than we could catch up much needed semester break. the impossible at the point we are at," nated game. the team felt hopeful A dismal second period fol- with them. I only hope that we Western Maryland ice hockey explained Rigling. to play well against powerhouse lowed as the Western Maryland can bring our game back together team soon Ioundout thatthc rough As a result, the February 3 Towson State University on Feb- defense broke down to allow in time for us to get at least one road to the end of the season was and February 19 games against ruary 9 in the Baltimore Arena. Towson State's run-and-shoot win this year." far from over. conference opponent Bucknell A fewdie-hardWMChockey offense to barrage goalie Steve Only two games remain on Overthesemesterbreak,half University were cancelled as well fans turned out for the game. Due Colby. the year for Western Maryland, of the hockey team had left the as the February 7 game against to traffic difficulties, the Western Down 14-2, the Terrors fin- and both are against the Univer- Western Maryland campus. in- George Mason University. which Maryland team was unable to take ished out the game by only allow- sity of Maryland, Baltimore cluding formercoacb/admirustra- does not belong to the Mason the ice until a half-hour after the ing two goals in the final fifteen County at home. tor Darryn Du Shane and sopho- Dixon Conference Hockey Asso- scheduled starting time for the minute period to lose to the Tigers The series begins on Friday, more Mike Eden. ciation. game. 16-3. February 16, and concludes on With only seven players re- Instead, the team used the Foregoing the pre-game After the game, Terror cap- Wednesday, February 21, as the maining on theteam, some sched- extra ice time to restructure their skate, the team was thrust into the tain Mike Shanahan stated, "The Terrors will try [0 gain a confer- uling changes became necessary team and to scrimmage opponents action immediately against the lack of players really hurt us in the ence win to preverua winless sea- for new administrator Ed Rigling who were willing to split the ice waiting Towson Slate Tigers. second period. son. Wrestling Team Pinned With Losses by Steve Harlan Bakewell at 142 pounds, Tony Spagnola at 150pounds,andBrad Not much has been heard of Rogers. at 190 pounds, contrib- the Western Maryland wrestling uted to the team effort. team in recent weeks. In fact, not But the high point of the much can be said about the team. season was on January 20 when The Terrors, led by interim the Terrors came in first out of head coach Paul Johnson,are ]-6 eight teams to win the York Invi- as of February 3 in dual meets on tational. the season, with the only win Bakewell again won at 142 coming against Johns Hopkins pounds, followed by secondary University. efforts of Johnson at 126 pounds, However, the team is still Jim Jakub at 134 pounds, Spag- strong with returning starters Joe nola at 150 pounds,_ and Chris Bakewell (11-10-1 at 142 Ibs.), Madden at 167 pounds. The. win Rich Edwards, Rich Hensor, and was a long time coming for the Gerard Johnson (11-6-1 at 118 team. and 126 Jbs.). The next meet will be home In the February 3 loss to against Gettysburg College, Lebanon Valley College, the team Lafayette College. and Moravian showed its strength. Wins by College on February 17. And Now For More Of "News In Brief" Harnessing the daily work- location of onepercentofthe U.S. much interested in soliciting for to 1983. and paper to photography to black ings of businesses for the cause of military budget (currently one fund raising but in raising moral Sponsored by the Phi Beta and white and color photocopies peace is the message Neil Sch- percent equals $3 billion) and support for a position regarding Kappa ChapterofWMC, Wood's to collage and three-dimensional wartzbach will explore on March through the commitment of peace." lecture is free and open to the assemblies. 1 at 7:30p.m. in McDaniel Lounge American citizens and businesses. public. Dayhoff began his artistic at Western Maryland College. Some of the businesses give Combining history, political career as a landscape designer. The executive director of the a percent of their income to the commentary, and personal opin- Carroll Counuan Kevin Hisartisgreatly influenced by his Ithaca.NY-basedOnePercentfor project to support its goals. while ion, Brown University History Dayhoff will exhibit his exten- previous profession, as his pieces Peace will explain how the or- others advertise One Percent for Professor Gordon S. Wood will sive variety of art in Gallery One often take on a layered-stratified ganization is recruiting businesses Peace through communication compare and contrast the recent of western Maryland College's three-dimensional course. to support its peace agenda. devices and packaging. revolutions in Eastern Europcwith Fine Arts Building, February 6 Since March of 1988, he has One Percent for Peace was For instance, Ben and Jerry's the American Revolution on through February 23. been teaching landscape classes founded, in pan. by Ben Cohen gives one percent of its pretax Thursday, February 15, at 7:30 Since 1985, Dayhoff has ex- pan-time at Carroll Community and Jerry Greenfield. of super- profits to the group and carries a p.m. in McDaniel Lounge at hibited his work at the Art Honors College, and has lectured each premium ice cream fame in late message promoting the cause on Western Maryland College. Alumni Invitational held yearly spring to Linda Van Han'sclasses 1988; itissupportedbyabout200 its Peace Pops box. Patrick Reed, Wood is the author of the atWestemMarylandCollege. He on collage at South Carroll High businesses mostly on the East and a WMC assistant professor of Creation of the American Repub- "considers himself an avid ob- School. West coasts. history, indicates that Ben and lic, 1776-1787, and he is the re- server of society and attempts to The gallery is open from One Percent for Peace em- Jerry's will provide free Peace cipient of the Bancroft and Dun- document and chronicle the in- 10;00 a.m, to 4;00 p.m., Monday phasizes citizen initiatives to pro- Pops to the March I audience. ning prizes. He also wrote The congruent and paradoxical social, through Friday, and exhibits are mote global understanding and to Reed, who teaches the Rising Glory of America. 1760- economic, and political forces of frce and open to the public. address world problems of hun- college's History of Philanthropy 1820, and co-authored The Great our environment." For more information about ger, health, housing, and environ- course, says One Percent for Peace Republic. This artist uses a wide vari- the exhibit at WMC, please call mental distress. It seeks funding represents a type of philanthropic He was Pill Professor at ety of materials to express ideas, 857-2599.or from Baltimore 876- for these programs through a real- organization which is "not SO Cambridge University from 1982 utilizing everything from pencil 2055, ext. 599.
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