Page 58 - ThePhoenix1989-90
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Page 6! Western Maryland College! February 15, 1990 Goldwater Unveils PRIDE Results Committee Searches For Cole's Successor by Andrea Covington floor, ElderdiceHall's 3rd floor, by Lee Spector didates by Spring Break. After ated from WMC last May. Forty-one of WMC's fifty- and all but one of the Pennsylva- At the end of last semester, the break, the committee will "I'm very happy tobeback," two residence hall common areas' nia Avenue houses. Associate Dean of Student Af- spend approximately one week Kristen said. will notbe billed for fall semester Goldwater also noted that fairs Charlene H. Cole announced and a half getting 10 know the Since Kristen arrived in the damages, announced Joanne Rouzer Hall had low damages, that she was leaving Western finalists, and they are planning to middle of the school year, a lotof Goldwater, Assistant Director of with only $20 in full dorm dam- Maryland College. According to make a decision by April. adjustments were made by both ResidenceLife, who attributes the ages and only three of eight com- Dean Philip R. Sayre, her position The search committee con- the female students of Whiteford low damages 10 the PRIDE pro- mon areas receiving bills. has not yet been filled. The Stu- tains two faculty, Susan Milstein as well as the Student Affairs grnm. The common areas with the dent Affairs office, however, is and Esther Iglich; two Student office. Of the forty-one common highest damages are, in descend- undertaking an extensive search Affairs members, Joanne Kristen says that the women areas nOI being billed for dam- ingorder, BiancheWardHall3rd to pick a successor for Dean Cole Goldwater and Mitchell Alexan- students have not been shy about ages, thirty-three will receive floor, Blanche Ward Hall 2nd by July 1. der; and two students, Becky greeting her or coming to her to pizza parties, compliments of floor,andMcDanieIHalI4thfloor. The position of Associate Cosentino and one who hasn't discuss their problems. Residence Life, for holding dam- , The residence halls with the Dean has been advertised in the been selected yet. Kristen is already familiar ages below_S149. Eleven com- highest damages are, in descend- Chronicle For Higher Education According to Dean Sayre, in with most of the Student Affairs mon areas, whose damages fell ingorder, McDaniel Hall, White- which specializes in administra- a job as important as the position procedures, since she was a peer between $150 and $299, will not ford Hall, and Blanche WardHall. tive jobs for colleges and univer- of Associate Dean, it is desirable advisor the first year that the pro- receive pizza parties, but will not Goldwater, who introduced sities. The position appeared in to have as many groups repre- gram was introduced. be billed for their damages. the program at WMC, com- the publication three times: Janu- sented to select the applicants. The feelings of being a stu- Several common areas mended the students, the House- ary 24, January 31, and again orr Dean Sayre also wants to have as dent at WMCarestillon the mind had no damage, including all of keeping staff, and the Physical February 13. many student and faculty mem- of the new RLC, but she is getting the.Daniel MacLea'Hail suites, Plant Maintenance staff for the Additionally, the announce- bers as possible 10 meet with the used to the adjustment. She says Albert Norman Ward Hall's 4th success of the program. ment has also been sent out to at candidates so that the selection it feels strange being able to call leasttwentycollegesintheMiddle process will be a group effort. administratorsbytheirfirstnarnes and hearing her friends that are In themeantime, the Associ- New Professors Reveal Atlantic area including both small ate Dcan'sjob is being split up in still in school talk. about campus- colleges as well as large univcrsi- ties. the following ways: Dean Sayre wide activities. Attractive Points OfWMC According 10 Dean Sayre, is in charge of the Residence Life Kristen is pleased with the candidates from small colleges, Coordinators and Joanne recent program that Whiteford is or those who attended small lib- Goldwater's office. about to start the Desk Attendant by Andrea Covington In the psychology depart- eral arts colleges, have a certain The judiciary committee is program. The desk auendams ment, Professor Sherri Hughes emphasis that large schools don't being run by Dean Sayre. Dean will be on duty from 9:00 p.m.- MostofWMC's newprofes- came because she"wanted 10 teach impress upon their students. Sayre'sdisplacedjob, which was 12:00 a.m. Sundays through sors were attracted for a variety of atasmall liberal arts school." She "Dean Cole came from the the appeals board, is presently Wednesdays; 9:00p.m.-1 :OOa.m. reasons, including the promised enjoys the small classes and the University ofFiordia, butshe went being head by Dean Palmer and on Thursdays; and 9:00p.m.-2:00 work load decrease. residential campus. She was also to Oberlin College, so she could Helen Wolfe. a.m. on Fridays and Saturdays. Dr. Robert Patrick Reed of drawn to the area by the opportu- appreciate the environment of a They indicated that they do Everynon-residentofWhite- [he history department was "anx- nities for her spouse. small liberal arts college, " stated not have to worry about the fresh- ford will have tosign in and show ioustoputstability"inhislife. He "My interview was a lot of Dean Sayre. men orientation program, because either a student ID or a driver's was impressed with the school, fun,'" remembered Professor According to the advertise- it doesn't become crucial until license. and WMC was "attractive in a lot Hughes. "It was very relaxed and ment, the main points that the mid-summer. They will be obligated to of ways. a very social exchange." candidates must have are a Ph.D. "We will just spread it out write down who they are visiting, "This school was an ano- Concerning the three-course or an ABD (all butadissertation), until the end of the semester. It where they live, and the time they moly," commented Dr. Reed on load, Professor Hughes said that three to five years of residence willbegoodwhenwecangoback entered the building. the twelve-hour load. "I taught she was told that "it was in the hall administration or student to normal," says Dean Sayre. Visiting hours will not be Dean Sayre is very pleased for three years on both coasts be- works. That was a real drawing affairs administration, and three with the job that Kristen Albert, regulated, but if the desk atten- dant is present when they leave, fore coming here. My presump- card. to five years supervising staff. the new RLC, is doing in White- they must sign out. tion was that the three-course load "I like to teach, but I want One of the points that Dean She says this is a trial run would be instituted soon. time for research and interdisci- Sayre stressed was a "familarity ford. Dean Sayre says that they period for a similar program in "If there is no time to keep plinary activities." with the commitment to the mis- current," continued Dr. Reed, Professor Nina Gregg of the sion and environment of a small had wanted her job filled quickly, Rouzer. Kristen is not planning to go "we're notable to bring that to the communication department was liberal arts college," a message so they created a small committee tograduate school duringherflrst classroom. Ultimately, the stu- attracted simply because "there that appeared intheadvertisement. and had five applicants come to year as an RLC. dents pay." was a job. According to Dean Sayre, the college. They selected Kris- She feels it would be best to Dr. Carol Rouzer of the "I was looking for a full-time the deadline for applications is ten in early December. chemistry department came for position; Ihadbeen working part- February 28. He feels that she can do a concentrate and learn the job. Once adjusted, she might goon to different reasons. She is a mem- time. The more I learned, the After that time, the search good job, because she is familiar other things. ber of the class of 1976. "I was a more interested I became. committeewillstartselectingcan- with the college, since she gradu- student here, so I've got this little "One of the main advantages is that this program is different soft place in my heart." from other undergraduate com- Helen Lowe Makes The Grade "I'm originally from Hagers- town," noted Dr, Rouzer," and munications programs in that it is for The Phoenix. my husband's from Reisters- not practice orientated. It takes a According to USA Today, Lowe is majoring in art and The criteria were designed to town." Dr. Rouzer also was at- theoretical, cultural, and histori- junior Helen Lowe makes the communication, and she was rec- find students who excel not only tractedbytheopportunitytowork cal approach. grade at Western Maryland Col- ommended for the team by Dr. in scholarship but in leadership LeRoy Panek, associate dean of at the Fredrick Cancer Research "I was told that the course lege. academic affairs and professor of roles on and off campus. The Institute. load was going down to three. I She was one of sixty-one English. She is attending West- most weight was given to the "I didn't look at the load, I do research, and I will have more students and the only Marylander wasn't even smart enough to ask time to do research. to receive an honorable mention ern Maryland on a Dean's Schol- student's description of his or her original academic or intellectual arship. the question," observed Dr. Rou- "I think it's a good move," in the selection of the All-USA she noted, "but I hope the 'four- Academic Team of outstanding In 1983, she came to the endeavor. Dr. Rouzer has "mixed senti- to-three' isn't the end of it. college students. United States from England and Examples included publica- tion of an original article, com- ments"aboutthedrop, noting that "We [in the communications A panel of judges picked was an honor student at Westmin- pletion of a scientific project re- ster High where she placed third she will teach an overload inorder department] have to offer fewer twenty top students designated as to teach the lab of one of her courses with bigger enrollment. the "first team." Forty students for a Soroptimist scholarship. sulting in new information in any scientific field, creation of an lecture classes, since she consi- Student involvement is different composed the second and third An honor student, Lowe is original play or musical compcsi- ders student-teacher contact im- inclasses withhigher enrollment." tearns. First team members only currently a third-year member of portant. will receive a $2500 scholarship. the swim team and photographer tion.etc.
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