Page 56 - ThePhoenix1989-90
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Page 41 Western Maryland Collegel February 15. 1990 Editorial: Assumptions several weeks, it does not physi- Our Constitution guarantees One must assume that the should be held accountable for an cally resemble a human being the right to own land, VOle, hold fetus is not a human being at con- abortion. unless the mother's life It is impossible to offer a closely enough. public office, etc., yet, for centu- cepuon. but that the fetus sud- were in danger. flawless argument detailing why A socio-historical look to ries, women were denied these denly becomes one a few months Rape and incest do cause abortion should be discontinued America'spastand present at how and other rights. before binh, most likely when it unwanted pregnancies, but they immediately. the person in the powerful posi- The assumption was that they resembles a human being closely are by far the exception, not the To a person who believes in lion has treated the person in the werenotvcreatedequal." Women enough. rule. But if society could change the continued legality of abortion. powerlessposiuon will shed some were kept in a powerless position One must also assume that itsattitude to respect and compas- it is a matter of personal choice light on the reasoning for the al- for the convenience and ease of being a complete human being sion for human life in one area. which no amount of government leged justification of abortion. the male. depends solely on characteristics many other areas could also be intrusion and emotional rhetoric At the same time. though, it Why was there. the assump- that must meet a certain. biased positively affected. should take away. will bring into view a continuing tion that women were not com- criteria. It is also quite convenient to Yet it should be safe to say story of national disgrace. pletehumanbeings? (And here is May God help those of us consider the fetus nothing more that if a fetus were assumed to be Forcenturies. the laws of our the documented proof of male ra- who have an artificial heart. or than adisposableappeadage.Hke a human being. then most or all nation and the majority of Ameri- tionalism at its best.) who have a kidney removed. or a gall bladder (as if a gall bladder Americans would condemn abor- cans lived under the assumption The woman had a few bio- who lose an ann. or who arebald. will ever beable to pick up a book uon, because. according to the as- that black people were not human logical variations from themale- or deaf. or scarred or disfigured and read it one day.) sumpnon, abortion would then be beings. They were property. kept the acknowledged standard by for whatever reason. If abortion were outJawed, the intentional killing of an irmo- in a powerless position for the which all genders are judged. She However. there must be a women wouJd not beforced into cent human being. convenience of the whims of the did not resemble the male closely good reason why the human fetus "back alley" abortions no more However. the laws of our white masters. enough. .doesn"t resemble a human being than bigots are forced into acts of nation and the beliefs of tens of Later, thanks to a generous Theselawsandattitudeswere closely enough for a few weeks racismandnomorethanchauvin- millions of citizens indicate that dose of Southern hospitality, just as wrong. in every sense of or months. ists are forced. into sexism. . we do not live under the above Blaclcs were accorded the status the word. then. as they would be It is quite painful for me and What is in question is the assumption. Instead, the current of three-fifths of a person, for today. other guys just imagining carry- very foundation of what our na- assumption is that a fetus is not a taxation and representation pur- But what if our treatment of ing around 500 million fully-de- tion was built on: freedom. human being. poses (although they were still the unborn is a manifestation of veloped persons in our testicles. The foundation was eon- And, yet, some people have not permitted to vote.) the same abusive power-madness In thatease,even Super Jock- srrucred with holes and fractures, so taken to beart the assumption What was the foundation of that our society seems content to strap would fail. and consequently freedom be- that a fetus is not a human being the assumption? The black per- exercise againsta group of people Just trying to squeeze them came the freedom to exploit that they ignore the risk that they son undoubtedly did have several in a powerless position? out during sex would be so pain- Oursociety is fueled, socially are sanctioning a terrible crime. similar physical traits to his mas- Our assumption of what a ful as to surely and rapidly take and economically. by the So. why then do many people tee. but he did not resemble the human being is has been wrong so away any of tile pleasure of inter- powerful's exploitation of the believethatthefetusisnotahuman whitemaster-theacknowledged oftenbefore,I'mbettingthatwe're CO""". powerless. bcina? standard for human characteris- wrong again. For women, there would still For one person to choose to Whatkindofsupportingevi- tics-closelyenough. Unfortunately, this is the be a small problem concerning be rich, many people were norac- dence do they take such stock in The Black genetically dem- same cruel wrongness thatcloaks space that even us non-physics corded the choice to be poor. For that they permit themselves to onstrated a few biological vari- itself as justice. since the majority majors can recognize. the criminal who chooses to act firmly believe that abortion does ations (that Nature graciously declares it acceptable. Maybe. just maybe, and I violently, there is a victim who not do harm to a human being? bestowed on the human popula- Yes, considering the fetus a could be going out on a limb here. was not accorded the choice to be Itis surely not totally absurd tion to avoid the disaster of a race human being is an assumption. an so slapmeifIdo, the human being free of harm. to claim that a fetus is a human of Mick Jagger-Iike clones); thus assumption tharl tenaciously hold starts out tiny and undeveloped Forthe woman or couple who being because his or her parents (and this was the crowning glory on to. But look at the altema- for a reason. choose abortion. there is a child are. No. it is not a human being, ofWestem logical achievement). tive=-the assumption which gov- If the fetus were a human who is not accorded the choice to according to many, because. for he was not a human being. ems our laws today. being. then the father and mother live. News in Brief ..... year she became associate dlrec- in Baker Memorial Chapel at 7 torof development for major gifts. p.m. on Saturday. February 24. She has also worked as director In addition. Victor McTeer of annual giving at Alfred Uni- '69. one of WMC's first two Fundraisingdirector hired versity and as telefund director at African-American graduates. will Pennsylvania State University. lecture on Sunday, February 25 at To enhance the fundraising The Westminster resident is 7:00 p.m. in the Black Student Edltoc·ln-Cblef .... ........................... .BobBrown efforts at Western Maryland Col- working toward a graduate de- Union clubroom located on the BusinessManager.... . StefanieR.Shaffer gree in general education at the lower level of McDaniel Resi- AdvertislngManager.... . AndreaCovington lege. Karen S. Cochran has been dence Hall. Copy Editors .Julie E. B"aile.Meg Gobrecht, Alisa Rock hired as director of major gifts. University of Maryland. Coltege McTeer was the first black Sports Editor.... . .SteveHarlan Before joining the WMC devel- Park. Mississippi lawyer since the Re- PbotographyEdltors... . Helenl.owe.Jonjdarsh opment staff on February 12, Cartoonlst...... . Kellie Marsh Cochran was associate director of construction to argue a case be- ProductioD Asslstants :.MichelleKloss, Kellie Marsh development for major gifts at WMC observes black his- fore the United States Supreme Reporters..Andrea Covington, Juan Hidalgo. Andrew Krevolin, Mike Gallaudet University. tory month in January Court. He was one of Jesse Kubacki. Ed Rigling, Todd Robinson, Wendy Ruderman, Lee Spector At Western Maryland, she Jackson's main advisers during Advisor.... . . Dr. Pamela Regis wiU be responsible for obtaining Western Maryland College Jackson's 1984 bid for the presi- The Phoenix is abi.weeklypubIicationofWestemMarylandCollege. Our all leadership gifts for the annual is celebrating February as Black dency. editorialofficeisloc~inthebasementofDaniel MacLea,justoutofthe fund and for capital giving. History Month with events rang- On Wednesday, February 28 range of WMCR (purely coincidental, we sweert) A graduate of West Virginia ing from comedy to song. . at 8 p.m .• comedienne Bertice Theopinions expressed do not necessarily reflect Ihoseofthe administra- State University. Cochran helped Members of the Black Stu- Berry will perform in Decker tion. Editorials Letters to the Gallaudet dramatically increase dent Union will present excerpts College Center. Admissionisone EdilOrmust be one page,lyped,. double spaced and signed. Include a phone from the works of black poets at dollar. Hercomedyconfrontsthe nwnber for verification. its fundraising. In 1985, she was Address mail to: The Phoenjx employed as assistant director of the Drama-feston Saturday, Feb- racial barriers existing between Western Maryland College development for annual giving; ruary 17 at 7:00 p.m. in Baker Blacks and whites. She has per- Westminster.MD21157 then. she was named associate di- Memorial Chapel. A Gospel formed at colleges and clubs rector in 1987. The following JubileeConcert will be performed throughout the country.
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