Page 57 - ThePhoenix1989-90
P. 57
February 15, 19901 Western Maryland Collegel Page 5 60 Seconds on Campus Helen Lowel Wendy Rudennan Do you feel that black history month is a success atWMC? Semester Teaching Load Belize Pleases Reduced To Three Courses Student Travelers Continued from page 1 And Dr. Charles Hemnan, mantl y opposed to the decrease. Continued from page 3 to go." fessors] must stay." Jr., of the sociology department, "J disagree with the thought serve next 10 Dangriga, not to Most of Central America Dr. HerbertC. Smith, also of has questions about the drop. "Is that it is important to copy other mention the bumpy roads, or the seems scary in comparison, and the political science department, it affordable by the institution?" schools in the area.and Itls going excessively greasy Chinese food, we all agreed with his judgement. disagrees. he asked. 10cost us, although notas much as or even the rainy days. "Belize is a place that has a 'There is an expectation of Dr. Herrman then noted that I thought." Butall we seem tcremember lot of possibilities," said Perez. professional activity. Teaching the leftover courses would proba- Dr. Claycombesaid that most now are the sun, the smiles, the "You can see the possibilities in wuhomresearch.Itblnk, will lead bly be handled by part-time per- of the business and economics satisfaction of reaching our desti- the people." to a burnt-out case. To keep ex- sonnet. faculty will teach overloads and nations, and the singing of the And Disharoonadded that he citement in the class room, you ''Thepart-timepeopleareless observed that the move will effec- birds. felt "the energies of the..people have to be excited by your field of expensive. they don't receive any tively be a "pay raise," since pro- Each of us has his or her and the culture of Belize." study." benefits, and they only getsornany fessors will be compensated for favorite place: Dangriga because While on the trip. he learned Dr. Smith does not fear acut dollars per course. but there is no overloads. it was a sort of time capsuleand of more about the people. because it in thecumculumoran increase in recognition of experience. ·only "The one strength of the pro- ethnic interest, San Pedro because went "beyond economy and gov- class size. slating that all release the degree. posal is that we need it to attract it was sunny and the people ex- ernment," topics so often associ- time-periods of carrying less "If we don't maintain a cer- faculty," continued Dr. tremely friendly,orTikal because ated with Third World countries. than the required credit hours- tain [maximum] number of stu- Claycombe. ''Let'sseeifwehave it was very impressive and wild. For this reason. many of us has beenabolished fordepartment dents per section," Dr. Herrman that problem. We were offered And for Dr. David, it was a are dreaming of going back. chairs, and believes lhismove will continued, "then we're not talk- nothing but assertions." really pleasant trip. It was his Dr. David's next trip to Be- compensate. ing about money, but we pay in Another professor, who re- fifth trip to Belize with a group of lize is not planned yet. but for Noting that the college will larger classes. If there is no in- quested anonymity, believes a students from Western Maryland those interested in traveling with hire a part-time politica1 science crease in faculty, then we damage conflict of interest exists. and College since 1911. him. he might lake a group to the faculty member, Dr. Smith esti- our identity." stated that it might not benefit the He decided 10 lake students South Pacific next year. mated that his department will Dr. Richard Claycombe of school in the long run if the fac- there because "it was close to Start getting your malaria lose one section of one course due the economics and business ad- ulty make decisions about their WMC, they spoke English, and it pills ready! 10the cut. ministration department is ada- ow'!. work load. was a peaceful, democratic place
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