Page 55 - ThePhoenix1989-90
P. 55
February 15, 19901 Western Maryland Conege/ Page 3 Beast Brings Out Beauty In Student- Directed Drama Production by Todd Robinson I had a hard time determining whether her character was being People have often told me evil in order to be vicious and an" not to attend the opening night of tagonisuc or if she was lightly a play. participating as comic relief in- Well, being in the production stead. of a play myself, I was unable to In addition, I got confused attend the performances of Beauty with her character. In my opin- and the Beast on any other night ion, she was play-acting the char- than Friday. acterof Jonquil and not giving her And I can now say that open- all in the part. ing night wasn't as bad as myth Finally, Kelly Schoen did a would have it. fair job at taking on the role of Overall, the play, which was Beauty. directed by Scott Grocki, was Kelly gave her character well done. The opening of the beauty, elegance, and simplicty. show is wonderful anddeIicately But r feel that she could have sets up the story of the play. added to the character more of Grocki did a fine job at cre- her own personality in terms of ating an intense mood of fear and making her more romantic, more mystery. His use of modem con- tnrnfor the Beast.andmorefright- ventions brought a new light to ened of him. the classic fairy tale. As for the set and light de- Such conventions were the sign, I did like the use of the plat- use of music from "Indiana! ones," remarkable performance as the Beauty. Deborah Thigpen gave a form instead of the old uaditonal "Peter Gunn," and background Beast, totally involving himself At moments he was truly good performance as the light- monastic castle and peasant cot- music from "The l.iuleMermaid." in the character. As the unhuman funny, and at others he was heart- headed sister's servant to Jonquil. tage. The use of black and white Theonly problems I had with beast, I really believed that this warming as the father. His mo- The two do a good job as comic paint madeeveything more broad the play were that it moved at an creature actually existed. ments in the play really shone relief. and drew more attention to the awkward pace after the opening, Armand'sactingability truly through. However,ldowish her char- characters. and it had somewhat of a sloppy brought his character to life in his Jim Seeker gavea marvelous acter wasn't in and curse fast. J Scott Grocki and the rest of ending. best stage performance this year. performance as the campy. brave; could have enjoyed her even more the students who put together 1 believe that Grocki could Demetri Lambros as Blotti hearted Manello. as Rougi if her appearances in the this production of Beauty and the have come up with a more imag- also did a winning job at portray- His moments in the play were play lasted a little longer. Beast certainly did an outstand- initiveending than the one 1 saw. ing the concerned and caring fa- hilarious. He did a terrific job as RebeccaMeasdaycouldhave ing job at this level of theatre Armand Reiser turned in a ther of Jonquil, Rougi, and the comic relief in the play. done a much better job as Jonquil. performance. Dr. David Leads January-Term Class To Central America Continued from page 2 Buubeuipwasnotonlyabout been found to dale. There are Another unforgettable rno- possible." Interestingly, environmental Belize governmental directives. many temples and residential ment was our five-day stay in San Some of us saw sharks, bar- concerns were mentioned in ev- In fact, the first part was adiscov- buildings excavated, and the ruins Pedro on Ambergis Caye (pro- racudas, eels, lobsters, angel fish, ery town we visited, from Orange ery of many pre -Columbian sites. are very impressive. nounced Key). squid, and corals of all colors and Walk to San Pedro, and it was We first went to Lamanai Furthermore, the flora and Belize has a 176--rnileBarrier shapes; others just enjoyed the somehow reassuring to see that after a humid boat ride, and we the fauna in the park are very rich, Reef, the second greatest in length sun and the boat ride. this Third World country had set climbed cur first temple. and one frequently sees monkeys, after the Great Barrier of Austra- "San Pedro was one of the the preservation of its ground and Thefeelingwas exalting, and colorful birds, and even poison- lia, and between the reef and the nicer places we were at," said Ines patrimony (helping sma11 farmers the view was incredible. Miles ous snakes while hiking on the continent, there is a garland of Perez. "We did not have to wear and creating jaguar and marine and miles of dense vegetation en- trails. sandy islands, the largest being shoes. It was really relaxing." preserves) as a priority over an circled the site and the mystery of "Tikal was definitely the Ambergis Caye where we stayed. -And her statement seems to accelerated growth helped by the Mayas floated there. best," said Disharoon. "It was in- Toaccess the island, we flew be a unanimous one among the substantial foreign investments. Going down was the first credible to see animals out in the in small nine-seater planes, and participants of the trip. and even This view was reinforced thrill of the journey. The lime- wild, and I was totally interested from the sky we got a preview of for Madonna who was inspired by when we went to the capital, stone was very slippery, and it in Maya civilization, art, and cul- the beauty of the waters. San Pedro to write 'La IslaBonita': Belmopan, and talked to the took us a rather long time to get lure." gut nothing was better than " ... All of nature, wild and free! country's officials. down without any damage. What can be added? Well, actually being in the water. De- This is where I long to be ... " "It seemedtomethatthegov- Cuello on the other hand was perhaps the recollection of my spite the salt, it was incredibly Now, three weeks after our ernment people who talked to us conrrasnngstronglybecauseitwas rust impression at Tikal when, agreeable! Most of us wentsnor- return, our trip to Belize is re- had a fairly consistent view of old; yet it is believed to be one of after having climbed the steep keling; some of us went scuba membered by most of us as a very what they saw for their country," the oldest sites. And Xunantan- steps of Temple II, I sat down, the diving. exciting experience. wrote Dr. David in his report on ich, with its magnificent fresco, sun caressing my face, and saw "Being ninety feet under Of course, there were incon- the trip. was a marvellous introduction to parrots and toucans flying over. Belize was one of the greatest veniences such as the threat of ''They 311seemed to be tak- Tikal in Guatemala. It was the meeting of life and things I've ever done," stated banditos on our way to Guate- ing a long range view, rather than Loeatedin theTikai National death, of past and present, of fray Grant Chambers. mala, and an army of mosquitoes favoring policies which wonld be Park, a222- square mile preserved gility and strength. It was breath- "The Belize Barrier Reef of- _using us as their feeding ground good mainly in the immediate area. Tikal is one of the most taking and mystic at the same fered me the most incredible di- when we visited the jaguar pre- future." important Mayacenters that have time. It was unforgettable. versity of life that I thought was Continued on page 5
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