Page 53 - ThePhoenix1989-90
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,. I" " r '. INSIDE: Beast : page 3 Editorial: page 4 60 Seconds: page 5 Vol. X, Number 8 Western Maryland College February 15, 1990 Professors Drop One Western Maryland Falls Behind In Course From Load Hiring Minority Faculty by Andrea Covington the 199()..1991 school year will be by Bob Brown "a good year to do it because we On February 17, the Budget are hiring fournew faculty [mem- The celebration and learning Committee will recommend that bersl. anyway, plus one re- that go on in the Western Mary- the Board of Trustees drop the placement." The four new pro- land community during Black full-time faculty course load from fessors will be in art history, History Month bring into focus twelve to nine credit hours, but computer science, anthropology, theareaswhereWMCisstillstrug- some are unsure whether the and English. The replacement, gling to rid itself of its prejudicial change will be advantageous. who will fill a currently vacant characteristics. The nine-hour load, which position, will be in social work. The discussion of the film wouldbethreeclassespersemes- According to Dean Palmer, "Do The Right Thing," the ter, is expected to free professors the college is also expecting a DramaFcst, the Gospel Jubilee, for supplementary student con- certain number of senior profes- and the visits by Victor McTeer saltations, committee work, and sors to retire in the near future, and Bertice Berry are to get stu- research. and, stating that one and a half dents, faculty, and staff to reflect The administration also new professors can be hired for on the history of racism at WMC, hopes that the move will make the the salary of one retiring profes- the differences between people, college more competitive in hir- sor, he believes that the school and toexperience differerufacets ing. will have little trouble financing of black art and culture. Dr. Donald Jones of the new faculty to teach the credit However, these programs II chemistry department, who is on' hours unaccounted for. also expose the year-round lack the Budget Committee, stated, Dean Palmer also noted that of intercultural awareness and "Some people feel they have been theAmerican Association of Un i- education on this campus. badly overworked, and I think versiry Professors has considered For four academic years, they are probably right. The the three-course load standard because of the very small number Academic Planning Committee since 1969 and that WMC is one of minority students, many West- agreed wholeheartedly." of the last schools in the area that em Maryland students will have Dr. Jones noted the "severe still requires four courses per se- only minimal interaction with budget implications" of the de- mester. other students who bring a broad. crease, and expressed concern Dr. ChariesE. Neal of the po- rich, and diversified history 10the about professors using the time Iiucal sciencedepanmcmalsofa- Hill. off campus instead of for student vors the course load reduction "if L. R. Scott, senior, President contact. "I have reservations," it means more time for the stu- of the Black Student Union; Dr. said Dr. Jones, "but I do support dents and work here on campus, Robert 'Hartman, Professor of it." bumotifit'sforresearchfaraway. Philosophy, who has served on MichclleMoses, Director of Research and Reeerds MelvinDelmarPalmer,Dean It can increase the quality of stu- several search and hiring com- all assert that the population of hy faculty, who serve not only as of Academic Affairs, favors the dent comact.but the peopte lpro- miuees; and MichelleMoses,Di- minority students is continually professorsbutassupponfonncsc load decrease, pointing out that Continued on page 5 rector of Research and Records low because of the lack of minor- Continued on page 2 .--------=.----=.---.....:....::...----, Palmer Announces Move Back To Sidelights' Teaching by Andrea Covington Melvin D. Palmer, Dean of How would you rate George Bush's Academic Affairs,isretiringfrom his post to return to the English first year as president? department this fall, noting in- creased faculty development money, higher salaries, and the new nine-hour course load. -- to Western Maryland twenty-five • Dean Palmer, who first came years ago and has served as dean for the last seven years, is looking 0""" ,.. moderate forward comparative to teaching literature "My first job as dean was to ter mark or my career. "I miss and freshman contact English. with Vice President Melvin D. Palmer, Dean of Academic Affairs close students," commented Dean break in the new president, and "I'm very proud of the fact Palmer. "I don't know as many after seven years, I've given up. that I've been able to build a hard students as I used to." "Seriously," Dean Palmer working, committed staff in Aca- Dean Palmer joked about continued, "working with a dy- demic Affairs." Sample Size: 255 Source: Phoenix when he first assumed his posl- namic person like President A search to fill the vacancy uon. Chambers has been the high wa- has begun.
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