Page 27 - ThePhoenix1989-90
P. 27
October 12, 1989/ Western Maryland College/ Page 7 Field Hockey Team Phoenix meetings are held each Monday evening at 6:00 in the Sticks It to Opponents basement of Daniel MacLea. Eve one is welcome. by Ed Rigling big win over Geuysburg Col- Last week didn't go our way Atthe beginning of the year, lege. even though we dominated the ADOPTION the field hockey team had high Last week, the team suf- last two [Frostburg and Get- hopes for a great season. fered another setback by losing tysburg]. Geuysburg was a big We are a happily married childless couple who With fifteen returning let- two close games, each by only ~~~~se of the rivalry be- cannot have children of ourown. We very much terwinnersas well as good depth one goal, to Frostburg State Uni- The field hockey team is want to adopt an infant. Legal and medical ex- provided by the sophomores and versity and Johns Hopkins Uni- freshmen, the ream looked solid. versity. led for the third year by coach penses paid. Unfortunately, the learn got The defeats were magnified ~~';:;n~:,:~~;:;;;~~~~: Legal and Confidential. off to a shaky, 2-2 start, com- by the loss of another letter bined with thedisheartening loss winner when sophomore Missy lege. Call Collect: Piper and Phil of senior Barb Wolf asa resultof Nelson torefigamems in herhand Barlow describes her as a 301-340-7472 abroken shoulderduring the first in the Johns Hopkins match, "greatcoach. She is very intense ~:::=:::=:::=:::=:::=:::=:::=:::=:::=:::=:::=:::=:::=:::=:::=~ week of games. putting her out for the season, and vocal. She's a greaunouva-. r- Rape Myth # 31 Since then, the Terrors have too. tor and tough but fair." bounced back to a 5-4 record Whenaskedabouttheirtype Upcoming home field ~: Training in martial artswill keep you safe from any rapist. with wins over Hood College, of game, Captain Becky Barlow hockey games include Catholic All you have to do toavoid rape is kick the rapist in the groin and Notre Dame College, replied, "We playa very physi- University on October 13 and run. Susquehanna University, and a cal and very aggressive game. Messiah on October 17. [atl: Training in self defense may build one's confidence However, this training cannot and reduce vulnerability. Volleyball Team Pushes combat weapons, multiple assailants, a surprise attack or the possible rage and strength of the attacker. It is impor- Record to 17-2 tant for the victim to cooperate with the rapist to whatever degree necessary to minimize harm to themselves. by Ed Rigling to Elizabethtown's favor when battled tooth and nail with some For help, or more information, call the Rape Crisis Intervention Service. Our services are free and all inquiries are confidential. After having rolled through the BlueJays held back theadre- spectacular volleys, only to fall the first part of their season suf- naline rush of the Green Terrors, short in the end 15-13. Hotline:8S7-7322 Office:857-0900 feringonlyoneloss,thewomen's earning a 15-6 win. Even with the loss, the vol- volleyball team faced their Game 4 became the rubber leyball team is having a great CHINESE RESTAURANT strongest challenge in Elizabeth- match as the Blue Jays jumped year, so far compiling a record 'FAN'S town. out to a quick lead. ofl7-20veralland 3-0inMiddle The result was a volleyball Defeatlooked Atlantic Conference play. Hunan Downtown tour de force full of action and Elizabethtown was one point Key players on the team, al- Szechuan Westminster excitement through the gut- away from walking away with though they all deserve com- Cantonese 59 W. Main SI. wrenching final defeat. the victory in the match. The mendation, are Captain Diana The first game set the tone score 14-8, with Elizabethtown Palmer, who leads the team with Polynesian 848-0919 for the match as both teams in control. I12kills; KimSL Clair, who has American 876-3166 served up several incredible The Terrors regrouped and 95 kills; and Heather Wakefield, Cocktail Service Quick Lunches Carry Out volleys which ended with an staged a dramatic comeback, who has 34 serving aces. II AM-lOPM Sun-Thurs & 11 AM-II PM Fri-Sat Elizabethtown win, 16-14. finally winning 16-14 behind the Upcoming matches include The momentum returned to serves of freshman Heather the North/South Classic tourna- Western Maryland as the Ter- Wakefieldandthespikingpower ment October 20-21 here at The final game proved to be College and Gallaudet Univer- RISIARCH PAPIRS rorsforgedarelativelyquick 15- of juniors Kim St. Clair and Western Maryland as well as 7 victory, evening the best of Diana Palmer. matches against Gettysburg five match at 1-1. The pendulum swung back the heartbreaker as the Terrors sity at home. 19,278 to choose from - ali subjects Franklin and Ripley lead cross- Order Catalog Today with Visa/MC or COD EIR 8qnq;I~,?'J;;~~~2 country team Or, rush $2.00 to: Research Assistance 11322 Idaho Ave. #206·SN. Los Angeles, CA 90025 by Andrew Krevotln country team was defeated by Custom research also available-all levels The WMC men's cross- Gettysburg and Catholic, as the country team lost three out of Terrors fielded an incomplete team. Freshman Shannon Fran- four last weekendinahomemeet klin lead the women with an r------"F;'&ge7aid;; - - - - - -, against Gettysburg, Catholic, Mount Saint Mary's, and Ca- 18th-place finish of 22:26 over tonsville Comrnunity the 3.1 mile course. Senior Jill Carriage House Liquors Catholic's Tom Cafferty blazed Richard rounded out the Ter- 113 W. Main Street through the course in a record rors'scorerswithatimeof23:01, time of 25:33. 20th overall, as Catholic's Terry Westminster The Green Terrors defeated LynnLaCoursierewonin 19:22. Specials this month .. Catonsville (24-31), as senior ished 26th in 29:29, a great ef- The women's results were Coors, Coors Light & Extra Gold Doug Ripley finished the tough fort considering recurring ankJe disappointing in light of the fact five-mile course in 27:54, 12th problems. Senior Bryan Timpe that freshmen Kounnay $t 1.99 case/cans overall,toleadtheWMCcharge. rounded out the Terrors victory Sweeney, Janel McBain, and Heineken 12·pack $8.99 Other strong performers in- over Catonsville with a time of Allison Dameron, sophomore Miller, Lite, & Genuine Draft cluded sophomores Joe Embrey 30:06,goodfor32nd place. The Kelly Wack, and senior Debbie $11.99 case andtjuido Smbenrauch,whofin- men's cross-country team was Camara were unable to run. ished 19th and 23rd, covering defeated by Gettysburg (1645), The men's and women's Peachtree Schnapps 750 ml $5.99 the course in 29:03 and 29:18, Catholic (16-47), and Mount teams will be back in action this Mix and Match Wine Coolers $3.99 4- pack respectively. Saint Mary's (20-35). Saturday at the Dickinson Invi- ~~~!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Senior Ben Gonzalez fin- The WMC women's cross- tational.
   22   23   24   25   26   27   28   29   30   31   32