Page 32 - ThePhoenix1989-90
P. 32
Page 41 Western Maryland College/ October 26, 1989 Editorial One Flew Over the Hill What was it that McMurphy, a.k.a. Jack Nicholson, said of Nurse Ratchet? "She likes a rigged game, if you know what I mean," He was referring to how Nurse Ratchet derived her power, but not necessarily any pleasure, from conttolling every aspect of the lives of the patients in the mental ward, even of the "voluntaries," (If you have never seen "One Acw Over the Cuckoo's Nest," you are missing one of the most extraordinary movies ever made.) She determined when the patients ate, slept, rook their medicine. what they discussed, at what volume the music was played, how many cigarettes they were allowed-rigidl y manipulating even the most competent patients. Nurse Ratchet, not evil or sinister, just abominable, even subtly black- mailed young. impressionable Billy, threatening to tell his mother about his sexual experiences, finally driving him to suicide. It was McMwphy who came and challenged the means and ends of F/N",Ji_y Nurse Ratchet's authority, although he eventually ... well, I won't spoil the 'NOR\<--:)TUD,' ro end of the film. Here, it's dangerous to make an analogy. It always is. There is the 100m~ri!~~:f:=~~:~~g:~:~~~game?" The question L ...I lirustee Suggests Alc.0!1o~. is merely rnelDrical",d'ot""'i"dg,meotal"',ccthere",m,,,y conflicting opinions, and many people to take up each side. tion,especia1ly from a monetary point of view. Although all of the students Bestrlctlons ' , But there is a case to be made for the affirmative response to that ques- here at this college are voluntaries, many are financially shack:led. First, t1ieevidence shows that there was a lot of debate in the last issue as to-whether the college bookstore had a monopoly on the market of books At the meeting of the Student hoi policy, viz., that drink:ing in rest- traffic fatalities in many areas of our and convenience products. Many agreed that it did. Affairs Committee of the Board of dence halls be banned. Second. even if the prices are fair, the wages students are paid for Trustees, Mr. Donald Clarke, WMC Bycouplingthatadvocacy ... with Addingtothatotheralcohol campus jobs simply make prices appear inflated. Even though WMC is class of 1950, requested that The our concern about alcohol related related fatalities, and a1eohol related' . """-"'-loc!Wd in rural Maryland, college experience on one'sresume is a guarantee Phoenix prim this teuer, which he College property damage. we did not injuries, impairments !O health, and of much better pay than $3.75 per hour. originally wrote to Dean Philip R. intend to imply that property damage impairments to familial; social, and Third,'thecharge for tuition, room, and board at WMC was $14,530 for Sayre. isour sole, or even primary, concern. business relationships leads us to the the 1989·1990 academic year. It presents his views on alcohol It runs much deeper. opinion thatdiscouragingdrinkingis I'll bet you a dozen I.Q. points that the tota1 for next year will be at least consumption by Western Maryland It runs as deeply as: (a) the desirable-atleastuntilonecanmake l $16,000. At that rate, freshmen this year ought to expect a near-$20,000 College students. respect one should accord to the le- an informed, intelligentcli'oice, dd- pac~~:~I:~;:'~u7:o~~!~~~ted in light of the trends. Tuition, Trw~;~;::;;~~~;;;t1"s;::t::~ ~~~7:!';ts;;~~e~:~a:~;!~z~ void~~=:er:~i:~' 0; ~e attitutl~) room, and board. were no less than $10,400 for my freshman year. As Isaac alcohol regulations on campus. instituuon of higher learning should of most young people toward drink- I Newton said, "An object in motion will stay in motion ...." Although this teuer was wriuen on play in fostering that respect. ing in America today and attendant - What is the game that the WMC administration has rigged? Nurse February 14, 1989,ltereajfumedhis It begins with the right to life peer and superior pressures, permit- Ratchet's goal was to turn the men of the ward into lucid, clear think:ing views at the October 13,1989, meet- itself, and the finding that drinking tingdrinicingincollegeresii:lcncehaUs' :i:v~~~~~~\:~:;::I~~O~::te their progress, not allowing ~f~Zt:;::7c:~~':t:e::;;:~~rw_as_a_fac_ID_'_"_8_0_1D_90_.:.pe_""_'_t_Of_C_O'_H_'"_"'_O_'~~c:ag:__'_5~_--,"I Yet, she was often the most irrational person in the asylum. ties-sand would like to see alcohol ,:1 WhatisWMChopingtodothroughtheeconomicboobyhatchthatithas removed from the residence halls created? It canonlydisrouragegoOO. students from attending the'insutuuon, completely. forevenahaif-tuitionschoiarshipleavesaminimumof$8,OOOofbilisforthc Alcohol has been an adverse Editor-in-Chief Bob Brown year. presence in Mr. Clarke's life, since Business Manager Stefanie R.Shaffer Yes, either the game is rigged, or I'm whining too much. Maybe all of he has friends and loved ones who Copy Editors Julie E. Baile, Meg Gobrecht, Alisa Rock: us students whine 100 much about books. classes, alcohol, et at. have suffered because of it. Sporn Editor Steve Harlan Joanne Goldwaterexpressed a similar sharp criticism in the last issueof Photography Editors 1 Helen Lowe, Jon Marsh' 1 The Phoenix about the alcohol demonstrations. She felt discouraged that Dear Phil, !:,ar1OO ">C'O'O'"'··~·~:·,.~;~,·'"···.·.·.·~·~~~~~·..Co ::,:·,·g··t·o···,··,··C···hKn.~loh,·e.lMK""".,h,.',!.'"",'M',SCh'an,lo,,: while the policy of apartheid governs South Africa, and when students were This responds to your detailed r. od '""'""~"" "'..11"'....... ~ " murdered in China, "'thebestthingthatoursbJdentshavetocomplain about letter of January 25th concerning the Kloss, Kellie Marsh f J is alcohol." And other petty grievances, of course. College's alcohol policy, which I ap- Reporters J. 1. Boggs, Matt Byrne, Andrea Covington. Grant WeU, let's reinstate apartheid to the campus, so we can have something preciate your writing. Disharoon, Juan Hidalgo, Andrew Krevolin, Mike Kubacki, Stuart to complain about. (But waitamoment, theracistalmosphere here has never I believe I faulysummanze year Pearlman, Ed Rigling, Todd Robb, Wendy Ruderman. Lee Specter been totally eradicated.) letter as saying: (I) the College's Advisor... ; :.. Dr. Pamela Regis Oh well, then how about holding a Kent-State·University-of- Tiannen- alcohol policy is currently more re- TIte Phoenix is a biweekly publication of Western Maryland College. The man-Square-on·the-Hillpartynextweek,sowecanreallygeldownanddirty strictive and is being more strictly opinions expressed do not necessarily renect those of the administration. into theart ofprotesl. (Hold on now, hasn't the number of Campus Security enforced than it was several years Editorialsare the responsibilityoftheEditor·in·Chief. Letters to the Editor I officers radically increased since last spring? Bah, this is all merely ago; and (2) thecosttorepairaJcohol must be one pa.g~, typed, double spaced, and signed. Include a phone 1 butmoneyisk:eepingthisschoolspinniqg. UnfortunatelY,manysbJdentsare related damage to residence halls is number for verification. ,. coinCidence.) Address allmail to: The Phoenix recouped from the residents. To be sure, alcohol does not make the world go around (just your head), Western ¥aryland College As you can see ...1 advocate a being flung off this crazy merry-go·round. major change in the College's alco- L:W:::",,,tm=ins::~::.:,,:::M~D-"2~1I::5:__7 _ • >
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