Page 23 - ThePhoenix1989-90
P. 23
October 12, 1989/ Western Maryland College/ Page 3 Connor Accepts Challenge of Combined Roles by Andrea Covington Director Connor also ex- changes, " predicted Ms. Mary new position after the entry On September 8th, 1989, pressed concern over filling the Mangold, manager of the Ad- of WMC's latest class, and Caryl Connor, former Director gap left by former Associate missions Office. "I like Caryl before the beginning of the of Financial Aid, officially be- Director of Financial Aid, Connor. She and Ihave a very new recruitment season. gan her new position as Director Dwight Horsey. good working relationship." "As far as our goals go, of Admission sand Financial Aid. Mr. Dorsey left Western Melvin Delmar Palmer, theyhaven'trcallychanged," "It's always hard when you Maryland College on October Dean of Academic Affairs, noted Director Connor. take on a move," commented 6th topursueopportunities at the added, "Ms. Connor is our most "Right now. I'm still Director Connor. "Some re- University of Maryland. experienced person. She could getting used to everything. 'structuringandshortstaffing are The Admissions Office, hit the ground running." Dean But we're still working for causing some problems, but however, is currently fully Palmer also observed that "the better communication with otherwise thetransition has been staffed. time for this transition was per- thestudentsandthebestserv- feet" in that Ms. Connor took her ice sslble." Complaints on Chambers' "I don't want Lawn a lotof hype. 1just want Continued from page 2 menred Professor Richard W. something 1 Dillman. Otherconccms about Cam- can count on.~~ pus Safety, mostly about secu- rity zealousness and incidents where security guards did the work of residence staff, were addressed by Sergeant Joseph Owsianiecki, Director of Cam- pus Safety. "They are overzealous, I'll give you that. But we had major Some long distance changes over the summer, and companies promise you we wcnt Irom a smff offourto a the moon, but what you staff of twelve. Atorofthemarc really want is dependable, young and they need some time. high-quality service. That's "As Iar aswho'stncharge," just what you'll get when the Sergeant continued, "if we're you choose A1&T Long the first ones on the scene, we're Distance Service, at a cost supposed tojust keep things calm that's a lot less than you until residence life comes, then think Youcan expect low we're just supposed tohang back long distance rates, 24-hour until we're no longer needed." operator assistance, dear All campus officials pres- connections and immediate ent extended open invitations to credit for wrong numbers students to come and ask them And the assurance that directly any questions that their Virtuallyall of your calls will staff couldn't answer. go through the first time. Both meetings ended on a That's the genius of the positive note, with general ap- A1&TWoridwide Intelligent proval from aU involved. Network "Ithinkwehadabettercom- When it'stime to municauon system between the choose, forget the gimmicks students and the administration and make the intelligent than what we had in the past," choice-A1&T concluded Ms. Swanson. "I still Ifyou'd like to know think we have a long way to go, more about our products or but it's a step in the right direc- services, like International ............... tion." calling and the AT&TCard, call us at 1800222ยท0300. : Phoenix Hot Tip Lines: . 857-5289 AT&T The right choice. . ........ . : 876;.5657
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