Page 26 - ThePhoenix1989-90
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1-_-- ~P~ag~e~6~/~1N~~~te~r~n~M~a=r~Y=la=n~d~C=o~lI~eg~e~/~O~c=to=~~r~12=,~1=98=9~ _ New RLe's Provide Fresh Approach to Residence Life by Andrea Covington adult figure," explained Ms. viewthemselvesaseducatorsand He is working to establish an has been with the RA's and The Office of Residence Joanne Goldwater, Assistant providers as well as staff people Alcohol Task Force, composed RLC's. The rules themselves Life, in response to student and DirectorofResidenceLife. "It's and disciplinarians. of students, faculty, and staff. haven't changed," observed administrative concerns, is now easier for a 21-year-old to deal "It's up to us to educate the Mr. Chase also wants to increase Baur. She has also noted an actively carrying out many of with an older person. We also students beyond the classroom. BACCHUS' level of campus in- auitude change in the profes- the changes planned last semes- wanted to provide the students Things like prioritizing, balanc- volvement, and plans to hold up sional staff. and thatlherulesare ter, including alterations toresi- with a staff person with after- ing a budget, meeting deadlines, to fourteen programs during both "more enforced and encouraged dence hall staff supervision, noon and evening hours. It made and common etiquette. If the National Alcohol Awareness by more bosses." programming, and alcohol vio- sense to have more people avail- students don 'tlearn those things weekandtcaticnal Orug Aware- BaUTadded. "People can still lation penalties. able when they were needed." here, it's going to hurt them out ness Week. have fun, they just have to be To achieve thesechangesas Ms. Goldwateralsostressed there." "I have received some nega- more responsible about it" smoothly and successfully as policy goals, which include in- Subsequently, Maria De- tive feedback," mentioned Mr. "I'm nola prohibitionist. but possible,theOfficeofResidence creased communication, faster Pina, Residence Life Coordina- Chase. "They think I'm going to there's a difference between Life has hired five new staff service, improved living condi- tor for Programming, intends to cause total prohibition. But I'm responsibility and irresponsibil- persons, three of whom are tions, reduced damages, educa- emphasize education and cul- anenthusiasticperson, and when ity," commented Jim Kaufman, Residence Life Coordinators tion, and increased emphasis on ture at the many residence hall peoplearenegative.irjustmakes another veteran Residence As- (RLC's.) environmental concerns. programs she is planning this me dou~Jt efforts. sistaru, now on Rouzer Hall's The RLC position requires The Office of Residence fall. "Oniheother hand, I'vehad second floor. the staff person to live in a rest- Lifehasalso formulated an offl- Miss DePina, who is also a lot of positive feedback with "The new professional staff dence hall, among other duties. cial philosophy in order to pro- thesupervisorofWhitefordHall, the bartender's liability course. is...a lot of help. They're a lot of Each RLC is responsible for a vide a more consistent approach is hoping to see hall programs And the building has been support for the new alcohol pol- special set of tasks, as well as the by Residence Assistantsand Hall become a natural and desirable cleaner. A lot of the students icy. We see less alcohol now," work of supervising a residence Coordinators as well as the partofstudentlife. "Basically,I have an 'it's about time' aui- Mr. Kaufman is a1so eruhusias- hall. RLC's. The philosophy urges want to combine the social with tude. They like the adult pres- tic about Rouzer's fully organ- "The students asked for an residence hall staff members to the educational." enceandthccaring auitude, Part ized hall government, which is 1Fr'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ffi In order to make hall pro- of my job is to listen to the stu- planning to acquire a ping-pong Attention! Attention! gramsrnorenarural.therequired dents, and I think it's easier for table for the Rouzer residence staff than it is for professional to have lounge, and lobbying numbcrofhallprogramsperfloor staff." Attention! isnowthreepermonth,onesocial student Mr. Jude Yearwood is the Rouzer Hall's kitchen opened to student Fioorsare, use. and two educational. however, permitted to work third RLC, stationed in Blanche The residence hall govern- The Decker Center has together. Ward Hall, and he oversees the mernsystem itself isalsoa major Mr. Eric Chase, Residence staff. "It's different student magazines! Life Coordinator for Drug and me because I'm in charge of the for change. TheRcsidenceLifestaff is hoping will use that students Alcohol Education, is also en- RA's. But basically.Leo super- hall government to deal wilh You can borrow magazines to thusfasncaltycmbracing the role visean area and I do educate stu- issues such as common damage of educator. "I see myself as a dents." billing, building security, and read while you wait for a class, resource for students," com- Mr. Ycarwoodisalsotrying general maintenance. wait for a friend, or just hang mcntcd Mr. Chase, who is the in- to downplay the staff's image as to being formulated change is a formalized Another presently disciplinarians. have alcohol suuctor for the punitive "We out. educanoncourscforfirstoffend- move away from the role of system whereby students can crs and the bartender's liability 'buster.' Even though we arc repair their own damage. The Present your 1.0. to the course, as well as the advisor to disciplinarians, we are also re- plan was proposed by Stephen BACCHUS. sources for making students Fogle, President of Phi Delta Information Desk attendant in Mr. Chase also sees his better persons," Mr. Yearwood Theta Fraternity. He is confer- Decker in exchange for position as a positive addition "We to is now working to organize ring with the Office of Resi- Ward Hall's Blanche dence Life to have the plan ap- the residence life program. Hall Gov- Rolling Stone, People, Time, eat, live, and breath with the stu- ernment. Baur, Residence proved. The plan would call for the dents," Mr.Chaseobserved. "We Christie Ebony, Ms., etc. know where they're coming Assistant for Whiteford Hall's Physical Plant to supply repair from." Basement and Ground floors, is materials at cost, with a time Try it today! Mr. Chase also mentioned a veteran RA with experience in limit for the repair to be made, several changes he plans to make last year's system. and a final inspection upon Sorry, magazines cannot be inthealcoholanddrugsituation. "The only physical change completion. taken out of the building. Senator Winegrad Speaks at WMC ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,,:.,,:.,,:.R.~ Contiued from page 4 to describe High -Tech • mental statistics, will be extinct the on the subject. lack of knowledge question and answer support in the m sessron, including for Senator that 15-20% he showed which Wine- estimate of all of Greenpeace, finished designing species an increase Earth's grad recently Senior by the year 2000, that 2/3 of all a course on the cnvironmeru stressed for gasoline tax, and WMC's recy- cling program. of Maryland. live in areas where the University Americans and that 2.7 the air is unhealthy, Senator Winegrad of education importance the Portraits • billionpoundsofwasteareemit- that half environmental problems. Along to Last week's answers . he outlined ted into the air yearly. solutions when He also contended in the Patuxtent witheducation,heurgedinvolve- By Fa of the water largest nvcr m Mary- rnent in politics and decision River.the Don Kelly land, is treated sewage at its making, and expressed a need Photographer mouth where it enters the Che- for western civilization to move Senator tation to a more conservation- Call For Your JI sapeake The Bay. also focused away from consumption orien- society. Free Brochure on the importance of education focused The Senator concluded his in fighting pollution, using the ................................ term "environmental illiteracy" visit to Western Maryland with a (301) 8484624
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