Page 31 - ThePhoenix1989-90
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October 26, 1989! Western Maryland College! Page 3 5.tud,ents Recall Experiences From Studying, Abroad l, I Car tinued (rom page 2 basis. She also enjoyed having nine Shewas abletoadjustwell to the she forgets where she is. anyhow. She believes that French is Good whring skills were essen- credits as a major load of classes. country. By the end of the semester, Tori heartil.yrecommendssrudy- alanguagethatcanbeleamedquick1y. tial because all exams were essays. Tori was also fairly well in- shefeltlikeatrueresidentofCannes. inginFmnce.However,shedoesnot There is also a big social life "I took Dr. Badiec'sarthistory formed of events at WMC. Unfortu- "I was comfonable with the givethe same blessing toliving in the outsideofthecol1ege. There was a course. It was great when we had to nately, they too were in the midd1eof streets, going shopping, and going to dorms. She contends that it is much pub near the college where onecould write our term paper 00 an art work, a postal strike. thephannacy to order aprescription. better to live with a family, if pos- purchase beer inexpensively. and no one used the same art work "ItwasreallyweirdwhenIwouId You find that the little things add up sible. Sheconcludedthatshehasgrown because there were thousands of think about May Day. I kept think- to a lot." She adds that if you have no ex- as a person because shewentabroad. galleries and museums allover Eu- ing it was only last year, but it was She feels very sentimental about perience with the French language, For example, she was also able to r~~ ~~:k~~f~~;f~~~ :~::_ rm.:_Y_SO.:_Ph..:.om_ore_:y_"",..:.!_" FrnTIC__ e n_o_w_. E_,_,,;_yon_,,_i_n a_w_hi_"..:., ,;,y_o"_w_il'_be_ab_"_lo_"'_""'v_,_in_Fffin_'_' ..:.o~,,"::.:::,om::':.:h::"'..:.Sh:::y::",::,,:.... __ --, laxton. Some audentswere in frater- niti~ and sororities, but there were no designated groups. "Greeksandindependentsmixed "I may be an art major, well. Iwish we could do that here." April recommended spending a but 1know semester or a year abroad. Harlaxton is especially good for political sci- a little something ence and communications majors about economics." because of the access to the BBC. Art majors can also benefit be- cause of the many museums around Europe. Students sometimes have a hard ume adjusting to coming back to· WMC. 1"We had to find out later about a lot qf the problems that went on last semester. It was also strange learn- ing abcutnewpolicies. I also missed not having roommates." .Tori Fulton is another student who studied abroad. She is a senior- Ibu've done your home- whospentthespringsemesterof 1989 "on the beach" in France. work, You know where the Tori went to meCouegetmerna- best values are. You also" ' tionaJedeCannes. ThisschooJhoused know that withA1&T, it costs students from the United States, less than most people think Swiu.erland,Japan,Scandinavia,and to stay in touch with your many other countries. family and friends. "It was great being able to tan for two months. Butat night, it was very In fact, you can make a cold," stated Fulton. 10-minute, coast-to-mast Tori was also able to do some call any time, any daj( for less traveling. She went to Italy and Paris than $3.00 with A1&T. And and spent her Easter Break in Spain. who else can promise lmme- She was also able to experience diate credit for wrong num- a famous cultural event-the Cannes bers, the fastest connections, Film Festival. She declared that she reall y enjoyed being in the midst of a and the iargest worldwide 1000fFrenchculrure. long distance network' "We had special passes because Nobody but AT&T. we were students. We got previews fur more information and saw old films and foreign films. on A1&T Long Distance We also saw Jimmy Smits, Jane Products and Services, like Fonda, and Bo Derek." She says there was very little in- the AT&T Card, call l 800 tracultural unity among the students. 525'7955, Ext. 100. AIlofthe different nationalities stuck "A
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