Page 22 - ThePhoenix1989-90
P. 22
l' Page 21 Western Maryland College! October 12, 1989 Bookstore Births Beefs About Br'ing- Stu den ts Voice ing Home Bacon Grievances Continued (rom page 1 rained permission from the pub- "Dispenser Size" Kleenexbrand Continued from page 1 unsatisfactory quiet hours, no lows. is "twenty-five percent" Usher to copy the book, made ago, students all over America alcohol in residence hall hall- Mrs. Bellegreen also said severalcopies of the entire book foraboxof250atRite-Aid,and were building shanty towns on ways,andthc"3guestspermomh that the bookstore does not add at the copy center, and "took a $.99 for a box of 175 at K-mart. their campuses to protest South rule," as well as incidents of21- the freightcharge to the price of beating" as a result (56%) Africa's [policy of] apartheid; year-aids being fined for alco- the textbooks for students. Mrs. Bellegreen did not A two-pack of Maxell 60-' four months ago three thousand hoI. "Every bookwehave topay discuss to a great extent the minute Type I tapes sells for people, most of them students, Phi Delta Theta fraternity freight on. We are one of the convenience products sold in $2.90 at the bookstore, $2.49 at died in China trying to get de- member Steve Green also out- onlyschools[wherethestudents} the bookstore. Woolworth's, and $2.47 at K- mocracy in their country. lined questions about the rules, don'tpayfreighton books." She She did remark that "wedo mart. (17%) "The best thing that our such as not being on the fields then added. after a brief pause, not buy in such quantities as K- Asix-and-one-founh-ounce students have to complain about after dusk. and in which situ- "Yet." mart or even the University of can of Gileue Foamy shaving is alcohol." auonsresidenceassistants or the Thesamestudentemployee Maryland,"thustheexplanation creamsellsfor$2.20atthebook- President Chambers. who securityguards are in charge. alsocorroboratedthisstatement. for higher prices. store, $1.99 at Rite-Aid, $2.19 had just returned home before At the second meeting, on As an example, if a student Since there isnc need or re- at Woolworth's, and $2.57 for the demonstration began, chose October 4th, Dean Sayre, hav- payed fifty dollars for a text- sourcetobuy in largequantities, twelveouncesatK-mart,or$1.34 to ignore the situation. "I was ing organized the student con- book, the bookstore paid forty the bookstore does not receive for six and one-fourth ounces. too tired todeal with it," bestated. cems,presentedtheminconcise dollars forthebook,plus two or the samediscount per unit prod- (64%) Ms.Goldwaterwasevemu- form and addressed them. three dollars for freight. That uct as do purchasers of large Master brand combination allyable topersuade the demon- Quiethours, whichbeginat would make a seven- or eight- quantities. locks are priced at $4.85 at the stratorstoleavearound2:30a.m. 9:00 p.m. on Sunday through dollar profit on that textbook. Another student, also ask- bookstore, and are almost one by promising to hold a meeting Thursday, and at 1:00 a.m. on Similarly, in keeping with ing for anonymity, identifying dollar less at K-mart, at $3.87 withthestudentsabouttheircon- Friday and Saturday. are in ef- thesefiguresandesrimations, the herselfonlyas abusiness major, each. (25%) cerns. feet out of consideration for the bookstore might make two or offeredadifferentreasonforthe At the bookstore, an Ace Presently, two meetings, college's neighborson Pennsyl- three dollars of profit on a book highprices. nine-foot,3-wireextensioncord, presidedoverby PhillipR. Sayre, vaniaAvenue,UnionStreet,and priced at twenty dollars, and ten "Since many studentsdon't a much in-demand product on a Dean of Student Affairs, have parts of MainStreet, and for the dollars of profit on a book for orcan'tgetoffcampus,thebook- college campus, runs for $8.75. been held todefinetheproblems sakeofsrudentswhoretireearty. which it charged sixty-five dol- storehas somewhatof a monop- At Rite-Aid, a General Electric and proposesolutions to student The generally accepted lars. oly on the goods inside. Stu- nine-foot,3-wireextensioncord grievances. procedureis that, on Friday and Yet,thepriceofsomebooks dents arepaying fortheconven- sellsfor$I.99,andtheAcebrand, The first, a lunch meeting Saturdaynights, a "cool down" seemespeciallyinflated,accord- ience." exactly the same as at the book- held on Tuesday, September 26, period between 1:00 a.m. and ing to some students. How do the prices at the store. sells for $1.78 at.K-mart. wasusedtcexchangecomments 2:00 a.m. is observed, and the One language major ex- bookstore compare with the In other words, you pay almost and complaints. ru1eismorerigidlyenforcedafter claimed in exasperation that he major retailers in town? They four times as much at the book- The presidents of all of the 2:00 am. was "tired of paying it through were compared to the prices of store! (392%) Greek organizations, their advi- No open alcohol is allowed the nose for books, especially the same products at Rite-Aid, A roll of Scotch brand sors, the Intergreek Council, in the halls, because they are French literature texts. K-mart, and Woolworth. and "Magic tape," one-half inch by several active independents. the publicareas.and Marylandstate "I paid $21.50 for one that were found to be significantly 450 inches. sells for$1.15 in the Student Government Associa- law forbids drinking in public. hadbarelythatmanypages, writ- higher. bookstore, $.83at Rite-Aid, and tlon, the Residence Hall Gov- The three guests per month ten by some guy who's been Thefollowinglistcomparcs $.74 at Woolworth's. (55%) emment. the Residence Life rule means that a resident can't deadforthreecenturiesandisn't the prices of certain products ASix-ouncebottleofNyquil staff, Campus Safety, and all haveagueststayovemigbunore seeing one red centime of the found in the bookstore to the is $5.06 at the bookstore, $4.39 other interested persons were than three times in one month. profit." prices of the same products at at Rite-Aid and at woolworth's, invited. The rule is meant to prevent However. Mrs. Bellegreen Rite-Aid and/or Woolworth's and $3.M at K-mart. (39%) Atthemeeting, itwasdeter- "mooching" and displacement did supply an answer. half ex- and/or K-mart A box of thirty l-by-3-inch minedthatthedirectcauseofthe of roommates. cuseandhalfexplanation,tothat At the end of the compari- Band-Aids is $2.42 at the book- demonstration was a misunder- Five guests plus the two complaint. Books from over- son of each product, a number store, $2.29 at Rite-Aid, and standing. roommates per room is a Slate seas are expensive in the first appears in parentheses. This $2.59 at Woolworth's. (6%) A member of the anony- fireregulation. place. number will indicate how much Sixteen caplets of Comtrex mous social organization who No rule exists concerning But on one occasion last percent more one wouldhave to are priced at $4.51 in the book- had been banned from the resi- being on the fields at dusk, al- semester, citing inexperience in pay for a product at the book- store, while you pay $7.57 for dence halls was visiting friends though students are advised not suchsituations,Mrs. Bellegreen store than at the cheapest of the fifty at Rite-Aid, and $6.27 for inaresldencchalland wascaught to go to the fields at night for went by the maximum enroll- other three stores. fifty at K-mart,or $2.01 for six- by residence hall staff. their own personal safety. mentnumber forone French lit- The prices were recorded teen. (125%) The other members of the Students are required to erature class. during the month of September. Memorex HS 120-minute socialorganizationbelieved that carry ID for the sake of safety Like most foreign language At the bookstore, a box of video casseues are $4.99 at the their friend had been automati- (medicalemergencies wherethe literature classes, the total en- ten scentedBouncedryer sheets bookstore and at Rite-Aid, and cally expelled from the school, student is unconscious) as well rollment is only one-fourth to were $1.00. At Rite-Aid, forty $4.97 at Woolworth's and K- which was not the case. as discipline (identifying con- one-half of the maximum en- sheets are $2.83, and at mart (0.5%) All the same, the misinfor- duct violators when appre- rollmem, Sheasked, "What was Woolworth's, forty sheets arc A package of 100 sheetsof marion caused their frustrations hended). - theretodowith the (extra]books? $1.50,or 38cents per ten sheets. Springbrandcollege-rulednote- to peak, and they subsequently This rule has been in effect We couldn't sell them back." (163%) book paper sells for $2.30 at the began the dernonsrrauon on the for over six years but has only She implied that they had to A 2.7-ounce tube of Crest bookstoreand$1.47atRite-Aid. President's lawn. recently gained attention due to make up for the loss by over- toothpaste is $1.51 at the book- (56%) The indirect causes of the increased diligence on the part charging for the books. store, $1.25 at Rite-Aid, and A packageof 200 sheets of demonstration were many and of Campus Safety. There are other problems, $1.39 at Woolworth's. (21%) Spring brand wide-ruled note- varied. However, Lynn Swan- Both students and faculty like books going out of print. A slx-ouece bottle of Lis- book paper sells (or $1.09 at the son, representing the Alpha Nu have voiced disapproval of this Such was the case regarding a terine is $2.26 at the bookstore, bookstore and $.68 at both Omega sorority and the Inter- rule,cIaimingthata"policestate" botany textbook. $1.99 at Rite-Aid, $2.19 at Woolworth'sandK-mart.(60%) greekCouncil,outlinedspecific situation will arise if it is en- The professor teaching the Woolworth's, and $2.57 for And, fmally, a box of four policieswhichsheandherGreek forced. course insisted on using a book twelveouncesatK-mart,orSI.29 GE Soft White. tOO-wattlight sisters and brothers felt were "This is a small enough thatwasoutofprintandnolonger for six ounces. (75%) bulbs is priced at $3.69 at the unfair. schoolso thatsecurity should be being distributed. AttlIebookstore,you'dpay bookstore,$3.09atRiteĀ·Aid,and These included having to able to recognize me," com- The bookstore finally ob- $1.15 for a box of 130 2-ply, $2.27 at K-mart. (63%) carry identification on campus, Continued on page 3
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