Page 82 - ThePhoenix1988-89
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Page 2IWestern Maryland CoUegeJApril27, 1989 Policies formed for next year Continued from page 1 and Hall Coordinators will be de- Also, Sayre hopes to find a At this POint. the visitation "These stricter penalties are from the past They are trained creased. According to Dean Sayre, faculty member to live in codes will be fairly relaxed as the meant to be a deterrent Present professionals with masters de- "Students are adults, but are still McDaniel Hall. He realizes "that change is basically an assignment' penalties are not stopping alcohol- grees," 'under peer pressure. StudentRA's faculty live in one world and stu- decision, not one of strict femalel related problems. There have been As a result of the additions, have to deal with this pressure dents live in another," butfeelsthat male segregation. Sayre feels that 90 first or second offenders this the number of Resident Assistants while an older adult would not" there can be a compromising students will want restrictions so semester up to April - mostly merger between the two. that there are no wandering males 'FAN'S, CIDNESE RESTAURANT PRIDE Vandalism Red!!ction in a female dorm and vice versa. freshman," Sayre said. fmmm: This program has at- The next two provisions have Besides the monetary in- Hunan Downtown readybeen approved by faculty and not yet been officially approved. creases, parent notification is a new Szechuan Westminster students. By giving incentives to But. according to Dean Sayre, will policy. According to Sayre this is could because "Students important Cantonese 59W.Main St. keep donn damages down, Sayre probably become policy. get kicked off campus without par- Penalties for Alcohol Viola- Polynesian 848-0919 said, "a very positive approach to a tions: A massive increase in penal- entsknowing. Sure,I'dratherhave ad- American 876-3166 difficult problem has been ties for alcohol violations is antici- students deal directly with me and dressed." Mom and Dad, but if not involve dry freshmen resj. pated. Previously, a first offense they lparentsl are going to be af- Cocktail Service Quick Lunches Carry Out ~: This is areturn to 1985 met with a $10 fine and warning; fected, parents ought to know about housing conditions. Whiteford second offense. $25; third offense a 11 AM· 10 PM Sun-Thurs & II AM·IIPM Fri· Sat referral to the Honor and Conduct it" will house only female residents Minimum sanctions for Unac- and Rouzer will contain only men. Board; and the fourth offense had ceptable Conduct Clear-cut sane- Summer Employment: Upperclassmen will have the OJ>-" no standard policy. The new policy tions will be followed next year. In portunity to live in a single sex will adhere to a $75 fme and alco- the cases of harrassrnent, physical The Kite Loft donn. ThefustfloorofRouzerand of hol education for first offenders, a abuse/assault, and a student will be of tampering $150 the ground floor and basement notification fme and parent fire equipment, Whiteford will be open to upper- for second offenders, removal from suspended from the residence hall. has come Ocean City, MD about through This change student and residence halls for a third ottense, for Also, students caught vandalising classmen. school from suspension and much Looking for athletic, parental support. fourth offenders. will berequired topay restitution, a minimum $100 fine, and perform personable, high achievers to 30 hours of community service. Sayre added that all these offenses assume responsibility in are 70 percent alcohol related. BV Andrea Covington fun retail. Excellent pay Five departments have re- tion Division of the Westminster cem1y experienced a series of City Police Department success- and extra rewards to the computer hardware and software fully retrieved fingerprints. staff members Several lost successful. thefts, ranging disks from and an actual disks taken from the Phoenix' op- computer to cords. 6th St. and Boardwalk According to Geri Shennan, there are erating office. A computer cord acting was also taken. Safety, Head of Campus Call (301) 289-7855 no suspects in the case. In addition, reported theft in A computer and several disk- general has increased during this eues were stolen from the Market- year. During the last six months, JOB ing Office during Jan-term. Sher- Campus Safety has received an that the door which average of eight reports per month. man theorizes job \'jobl 1. a: a piece 01work; specil. a connects the Marketing Office to A majority of the thefts Involve small miscellaneous piece 01work undertaken Rouzer Hall's basement was left . items stolen from cars (cassettes, or ordered at a slated rate. ;;?~~~~~a~l.wll;~;~~:~:~fE': rate Irall 1. a reckoned value. SCience. No SIgnS of forced entry _. __ . .~ . •.•. " lock up and hide computer equip- were evident and in all cases the ment The college's insurance mon-ey 1m n-el 1. something generally doors werelocked,accordingtothe Dr. Robert Boner also lost carriesa$l000deductiblefortheft accepted as a medium 01exchange or means victims. between $1100 and $1200 worth of but does not cover students' loss of 01payment. Dr. Wilbur Long, Professor of equipment, specifically, 40 disk. valuables. Students should be par- Biology, lost between 20 and 30 eues and two computer manuals. ticularly wary, due to the fact that Macintoshdisks,eachvaluedatbe· Dr. Boner also noted that the thief Campus Safety patrols residence tween $1.50 and $2.00. Dr. Long was careful to leave the area neat. halls only very late on Thursday, only discovered that someone had mighthavekeptsomelectucenotes Friday, and Saturday nights. been in his office because the on them. Campus Safety is initiating a computer was still on. (He uses a AsinDr.Long'scase,nosensitive program to promote individual MacintoshD, whichhasadifferent information was on the disks al- crime prevention. As well as dis- method of shut-down than the though Dr. Bonerlostseveral back- tributing security awareness forms, Macintosh commonly used on up disks as well as originals. they will notify the bead of a de- campus. The thief turned on Dr. Other victims in Lewis Hall partmem when doors are found Long's computer and could not and Memorial Hall could not be unlocked in thatdepanment'sarea. turn it off.) Dr. Long noted that the reached for comment. If any member of the campus thief was particularly neat. Diskettes were stolen from the community wishes to return any The thief apparently searched Development Office in Elderdice items anonymously, call ext. 735 to Long's desk, removed the box of Hall, sometime during the first accange a drop off of the the items. disks from the drawer, removed the week of April, probably between Persons remming items need not disks from the box, replaced the midnight and eight in the morning make face to face contact with LOOKING FOR A SUMMER JOB, CONTACT emptyboxintothedrawer,andshut according to Campus Safety rec- anyone. If any member of the THE MARKETING OFFICE AND SPEAK WITH the drawer without messing any- ords. The Development Office college community would like to thing up in the office. No sensitive would not comment because of a report unusual activity, please call MARY JO COLBERT. (EXT. 295) infonnation was on the disks, al- pending investigation. But, it is the same extension. though Dr. Long noted that he known that the Criminal Investiga-
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