Page 81 - ThePhoenix1988-89
P. 81
Inside: Letters- pages 4,5 Bob Brown- page 6 New conduct policies set for Fall Semester J By Jenny Otto "I see there is clearly a prob- lem. Technically, you can't have a New changes in the college s meeting because of fire codes. I conduct policy were recently an- understand it is your clubroom and nounced by Philip R. Sayre, Dean that's where you want to have your of Student Affairs. The new poli- meetings and parties," Sayre said. cies, which involve residence life, Even though the law stands, clubroom parties, and alcohol vio- Sayre sees other legal options. lations. place strict penalties on Dean Sayre is willing to explore The next track meet wll~be this ~aturday. ~prIl29. transgressors. physical changes in the clubrooms In creating these policies. he to make the fire code limit larger, but stresses that he can't make any has taken suggestions from the promises because the project might Bachelor decision Faculty/Student Board. the Parents' Board.theAdministrativeCowx:il, bearchitecturallyimpossibleortoo There are also other expensive. and the Honor Board. "In making places on campus to have parties rendered up my mind,I try totaIktoasmany people as possible," but ultimately, such as the dining porch or the "it is up 10 me to make the final forum. On Monday, April 17, Dean Philip Sayre and a special panel met to decision," said Sayre. Additionally, other clubroom discuss Alpha Gamma Tau's violation of the probation period resulting The following are policies party rules such as no uninvited from a hazing incident last fall. Dean Sayre and the board decided that which will be implemented in the guests, the installation of a as a result of their actions, the fraternity will loose the privilege of living fallofl989: I "trained, approved bartender," and together as a group. They will also be prohibited from using their Restrictions for Fraternity and Ii. _ ....._ ...... no serving of alcohol to persons clubroom until the model pledge period program they have been working Sorority Cluhroom Parties: Ever under 21 will be strictly enforced. on has been completed and approved. since the march on President Residence Hall Staff: As a The Board found that on March 11th and 12th the Bacherlors were Chambers' lawn and the phasing- Philip Sayre, Deanof previous article indicated, the staff "pptting on an unauthorized pledging program with disruptive behavior out of hall parties a year and a half Student Affairs will undergo dramatic changes in that affected students in Blanche and Alben Norman Ward Halls," ago, clubroom parties have been structure and personnel before the according to Dean Sayre. one of the main sources of social Because of Maryland fire fall. A search is underway to hire Although the fraternity does continue to be recognized by the life on campus. The sponsors have codes, no more than 49 people will three professionals to live in Ron- college, the group will still be on probation until December 31. 1989. had a "relatively relaxed agree- be allowed in a clubroom at one zer,BlancheWard,andWhiteford. Thirty-three Bachelors had signed up to live on the founh floor of ment with the administration," time. This will cause a conflict These people will serve as an adult Blanche Ward Hall next year. Because lotterynumbershavealready been according to Sayre, but violations with the sororities and fraternities presence in the dorms. But, Sayre given out, they will be assigned rooms in Blanche, ANW, McDaniel, of the present rules have convinced on campus which have more than said, "They are not donn mothers Rouzer first floor. and the Garden Apartments. members of the administration that ::~~~~;~':~thosegroups Continued on page '2 stricter policies are necessary. Sidelights: Dining Hall inspection record prompts Health Department letter By Beth Jones and ity License." ceived a raw score of 64. A mini- o you think that the first 100 Stefanle R. Shaffer The letter was signed by WiI~ mum acceptable corrected score is Early last week, Director of, Ham K. Burris, Director of Com- ays of the Bush presidency have Administrative Services. Geri munity Hygiene for Carroll 700utoflOOpoints. Aftercorrec- tions were made, Glar received a een successful? Shennan received a letter from the County. ~ corrected score of 84. Carroll County Heallh Department But. according to Richard S. According to therecords oflhe concerning the low raw scores re- Traegler.Food Services Coordina- Department of Environmental ceived by Englar Dining Hall on tor. "The raw scores don't mean Hea1th,someoftheviolationscited thelastfivehea1thinspections. The anything in the industry," Hesaid inGlaronApri15,atl:35pmwere letter reads as follows: that most points areretumed on the as follows: ''Review of our records shows spot as they are sufficiently cor- -five orthe six walk-in refrig- the taw scores for Englar Dining reeled. erators had build-ups of rust Ha1l'slastfiveinspections to be64, Traeglerfuttherexplainedthat and mildew on the shelves, a 70,77.66, and 88. This means the the-raw scores are "false readings" dust and mildew build-up on raw score was less than 70 for two because of the exceptional besi- the fans. as well as "split pro- of the last ftve inspections. Wecan ness during this time of year. He duce" on the floors which only interpret this as a lack of con- said that the inspection on April 5 ''need general cleaning" cern for proper sanitation. As of directly preceeded the "worst -ihetemperaturectonefreezer May 1.1989, your establishment is weekendoftheyear"becauseofall was 8 degrees. should have being placed on a more frequent the different catering events. been 0 degrees Yes No Neither inspection schedule. If the raw This routine, although unan- -two of the three walk-in score of any future inspection falls nouoced, inspection on April 5, freezers had rust build-ups on below 70, steps will be taken to 1989prompted the follow-up Jetter Source: Phoenix Sample Size: 128 suspend or revoke your FocxlPecil- because Englar Dining Hall re- See Glar on page 7
   76   77   78   79   80   81   82   83   84   85   86