Page 86 - ThePhoenix1988-89
P. 86
Page 6IWestern Maryland Coliege/April27, 1989 A Sports Minute ... Mike Kunzer C.E.C. .What do you want for your team this season? Presents ... The Coalition for Environmental Concern has placed red and yellow cans in the lobby ofeach dorm for the collection of aluminum cans. Please show your support by placing all empty cans in these re- ceptacles and making sure that no other trash is mixed in. The Coalition is also looking for volun- teer help with gathering cans from these recep- tacles. Ifyou are interested in helping, contact Rick Wagman at 857-0535, or see Dr. Iglich in Lewis 212. To win the Southwest .For each athelete to 4 x 100 team to place in conference for the improve on each per- MAC's. For each athe- Middle-Atlantic Con- formance and have lete to improve in each ference some fun event and run at MAC's Coach Sybert Coach Case Coach Martin (Baseball) Field (Track & Field) Sprint (Track & Field) Bob Brown Looking back at the Year of Service Like all the papers I have to do look back to early last September, for seasons under filthy rags in the by the end of the semester. I've put we remember that the theme of garage of ignorance and prejudice. offwriting this column until the last Orientation was volunteerism. When steps aren't being made moment Sometimes, procrastina- Now, as the year is drawing to forward. students must get in- tion is the best policy; sometimes. a close, Ihave finally realized why volved. Porexample.alotofgroup it's the only poIicy. What else can volunteerism is so important And consciousness has been raised this you do with two 15·page papers many other students have also. year concerning racism. sexism, due next week? Volunteerism does not find its and .environmental concerns on I. a.uet; omaIIllllol But don't knock it until you merits in substantial lists of good this campus and around the world. I.CooklqylNld 2.lroqlolstriM don'uryit. Procrastinationpermits deeds that appear impressive on Mainly through the efforts of 4. Sbleofbd .. 3. Football KOft(.bb r. ) 6. eo"tm am 4.Afflml a writing style that enables one to your transcript Rather, volunteer- Dr. NeaJ, Dean Cole, the Black It. Salad p.... , 5.Fru.l1 write morequiclcly and efficiently, ism is the only way to bring about Student Union, and some support- I). Type of wiIIdo .. 6. NeptM a. Foolball posllJoo (.bbr.) 7.Fe .... ~r without constant worry or thought change on this campus. ers, there is an active effort under 16. Sud •. MunulU .. to clarity and meaning. The campus as a set of build- .1. SO..t..... N... · Elliland 9. S.W.stalt(lbb r.) way to bring about the kind of col- Shle(.hbr.) 10. Lolly However, students wouldn't ings merely holds the Hill down. lege environment that promotes '9. Top of rolliallll" 1l.N.W.llI.le(abbr.) be faced with such crises if profes- The campus as a set of buildings academic, interculturallearning as 11. Rhk(p.I.) 14. Allam ll.""" '7.nOll,bl sorsweren'ttaugbtnumbersovetz and faculty still will bring about no wellasharmonyinthecommunity. U. M"b ""'1"'0 dluXU lO,SJaaIltoill or words with more than three syl- changes (except in tuition-the Other groups,suchas the Women's >l...... 16. ROlDUllemperor "...... 21. No (Scot.) lables. I've seen the gleem in their truly liberal art.) But the campus as Concerns Alliance and Amnesty. 19. Domestkala 17.Gom eyes when they hand out term paper administrators, faculty, staff, and have seen a revival in student 31.SukQ 3oO.StalD,bIot 3J.TkplKeof1H 31.s.:..... assignments: students is the only foundation on awareness unparalJed in several , .. of I..,ards "Compose a brief 261·page which to lay the groundwork for years. Western Maryland College 35.ulltbmHSI'rec! _'(L.,.bbr.) )4. CIIk:llJiPI reform and positive social enlight- 37.Elllploy 38. T tIdloD lI.OW expository composition on the in- enment. students have begun to lay down fluenceofsixteenthcentwyN.N.E. 4O.rl'Ol J9. Fomt-d .. tUllil a.1 42. 0..... of. luded 41...... ,poIaltd~ European fate-spring agricultural So, what (not "So what!?") is tracks in territory that would likely ntllle{SmI.) 43. ",-"lfo,collSkSendo" techniques on neo-dadaisrsketches the pivotal factor here (at least in be ignored had we not become 45.Hlp~ "".Need 47. Sare 46. TIlt Idter"m" illustrated by hairy-ankled, celi- my biased viewpoint?) The stu- involved. Yes, the tracks are laid 49,0.."
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