Page 84 - ThePhoenix1988-89
P. 84
Page 4IWestern Maryland CollegeiApril27,1989 Editorial Getting out of step At the last meeting of the Board of Trustees. long-time member and alumnus Don Clark told students, faculty, and staff that WMC should be a leader. It should break away from the pack and "get out of step." Mr. Clark was referring to the college's policies concerning alcohol and housing. He balked at a survey done of surrounding colleges which placed WMC in the center of everything. WMC was neither the most lenient or the most strict in regards to disciplining alcohol offenders. WMC is not a dry campus, but it does have dry dorms. And of course, WMCs tuition is right in line with other small liberal arts schools in the area. By"getting out of step," he meant reverting to an aImostdry campus (save the pub), and implementing very strict sanctions for transgressions of any kind. While Mr. Clark's methodsare probably outof step with mcstof the rest of the college community, his main idea deserves some careful thought It appears that WMC is so much in step with other schools that ithas fallen into the trap of basing its identity on what it is and is ootoruy in comparison to other schools. Administrators justify status quo or \ major changes by using polls that show that "everyone else is doing it" Jacobs critiques sexual assault policy WMC policy is set by using otheJ instituions' policy as standard. But, Mr. Oark has found a way to tum that practice around. He has found the spark that will keep WMC from decaying in the mire of complacency. IfWMC is to survive, it must fmd its own identity and After reading the article in the theonepersontobearapist Later, onthiscampusfeelsecureknowing concentrate on building structure and policy that are good for this Phoenix about the proposal con- it was published that this gent was that this isthe punishment awaiting institution and this community. The school must be proud of what it is cerningwhattodoabouttherashof being suspended for a year or two rapists? and what it has to offer rather than just satisfied that it can keep up with rapes occurring in our country's andofferedap1ace back at Western It strikes me that this is a truly everyone else. colleges, I have a few points to Maryland on s~cr terms. ineffectual policy that we haveand The liberal arts market is becoming moreand more competitive and, emphasize to those that have a"hand Forgive me if I don't find this that it needs to be significantly in order for WMC to compete, it must stand out as a leader. The in forming the policy at Western as a suitable punishment Any. toughened. Believeme.permanent admissions and faculty and staff search teams cannot sell the college by Maryland. where elsa but a college eppar- expulsion is NOT unreasonable. saying. "We're agreat school-just like everybody else." They have to The statistics themselves are antly, rape is treated as a serious Other schools waulddo itAND put re"abl~tosaY"Weareanjndependentliberalartscollege-we'respeciai apalling. Morethanaquarterofthe crime. Rape, I guess must be it on the record for all colleges to and proud of it" women in our colleges have been stated, is a FELONY. What both- see. In the real world. he would be The first step. as Mr. Clark has said, is to stop looking to other raped arid the trend is on the in- ers me is that we will have a con- put in the slate pen. This new institutionstoseewhatisbestforWMC. Theonly people who know what crease. It would seem to me that victed felon on campus in about policy would still be a slap on the is the best policy or action or change for the community are the people in some strong measures are in order one year, taking classes at the same wrisnncomparison towhatthereal the community. If an idea is brought fonh that is truly the best for WMC. to reverse this trend. school as his victim. 00 we really world would inflict, but our cam- it won't have to have the statistics of other colleges tojustify it. HereatWMC,asexualassauit value her security so little as to pus would be safer wilh rapists' expulsions and our college's Ie- It is time for WMC to take the first step out of step. occurred no too long ago in which allow this person back? Does one rapist and two accomplices Western Maryland need his money male students could hopefully feel wereconvictedofrapeandofbeing that desperately? Does anyone a UTILE safer. ,- --, accomplices to the crime. That is, really think that suspension for one Western Maryland now considers yearisadeterrent? Doany women Bill Jacobs Baha'i club challenges WMC Editor: in racism, however subtle or bla- sound initiative, mature wis- Edltor·ln-Chlef ~.~.~ ~ "._._ .•..".~ _ ~.. Beth Jones February was Black History tant; never allowing ourselves to be dom. and deliberate. persis- passive participants in racist ac- tent, and prayerful effort can =:~::-;'~=t:' ~:~~::~..~:::~~~=:::::::~~::::.~~~:~~:::::~:::::::::.~~~:n~~a:Month. It gave everyone the op- ProclucUon A .. lblnt _ _ __ ••_ _._,. steve Harlan portunity to gain a deeper under- tions. Wefeelthattheadvicegiven succeed in blotting out the Copy Editors _._.~. __ _~__ ..Tammie Gitt.Bev Megenhardt,A.jsa Rock standing of the Black American's in the Baha'i Writings establishes stain which this patent evil has Sports Editor __ .__ ._ ,. _ _ _._ _._ _ Bin Desdak culture and contributions made healthy guidelines for dealing with left on the fair name of the Cartoonists ~.-." - ..~ " ~.--.- ..~.-."._ Anetea Covington toward the upliftinga of humanity . racism: common country. :".,::;~~:I~~::~~~~.:.::.~:..::::.::.:..:::.::.:::.:..:..:::.~:..:::.~.e~~ EK~": Celebrating Black History Month News Coordlnator_._ _ _••.~ _.,...,...__ ,. " __ Lee Spector not only enables us to better under- Let neither think that the solu- While this letter specifically Report., •..... _......~.~._. ....." Bob Brown. Jim Cardea. Andrea Covington, stand the multi-cultural heritage of tion of so vast a problem is a addresses blacks and whites in the E:~s:!~.:~~~~~;:=~=~~~~.~ i::v.~. theUnitedStates,butaisobringsus matter that exclusively con- United States, it ~ be applied to one step closer toward race unity. cerns the other. Let neither people of all races in all countries. Advisor ~ __ .__ .__ ._.._.~. ._.~ •Dr. Pamela Regis The Baha'i Club of Western think that such a problem can Please join us in the effort to Maryland College would like to eithereasilyorimmedi3.telybe wipe out racism. Let it be this !";::s'::~~u~~~==rs~~~~:~~n~ktr:::c: presentachallenge to each individ- resolved. Letneitherthinkthat generation which ushers in a new staff or administration. Editorialsare the responsibilityof the edlor-in-chi9f. and ual member of the college commu- they can wait confidently for era "ofinterracial unity. al'9 approved by the EditorialBoard. The Phoenix reserves the right to headline nity to examine his or her own the solution of this problem and edit forlength, clarity. and tibelousconlenlletters must be submitted by the attitudes and actions toward until the initiative has been The Baha'i Qub of Western Mary- ~=.~=.=:~~~=:=·~~::~u:t!!r~~:f::a: achieving interracial unity. We taken. Let neither think that land College: Julie Badiee, Hesh- for verificationpurposes. cannot afford a moment's hesita- anything short of genuine met Badiee, Brenda Rickell,Johan Adaess all mail 10; ThePh06niX. Weslem Maryland College. Weslminslef. tion. We must strive to become love, extreme patience, true Jamshidi, Tom Reich, Meeghan L- ..;;""'=~=."'2.;.;"~57.;.;. ~ modeisofraceunity,takingnopart humility, consummate tact, Ziolkowski. Pat Blackman ".\' .... ,', .... ,', .. .' .\< .. ,
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