Page 87 - ThePhoenix1988-89
P. 87
April 27, 1989IWestern Maryland College/Page 7 Trustees--------------------------------------~--- Continued from page 3 tern. tions are " merely tinkering with and make its own trend. He is ap- recent problems. stated, and acknowledged that she Dean Sayre said that single- the problem." It is his impression palled by the damage to McDaniel After Mr. Clark concluded his will try to communicate these con- sex residence halls are not a re- that the college "needs to com- Hall and he has shifted giving to the statements Annette Rapley reo cerns toher. sponse to the alcohol problem. It is pletely remove alcohol from the Annual Fund to other programs quested to be recognized. She The Year of Service presenta- to provide an option of a single-sex campus. 42% of nauonal colleges because of alcohol abominations. stood up and expressed her outrage tion was given by Kathy Dawkins residence hall for parents and stu- are dry. from29%threeyearsago. It is his belief that ''Thursday with the entire dialogue. She ac- (Director of College Activites), Pat dents who ask. Dean Cole added Dry dorm campuses tum out no night's Pub Night is laughable." knowledged that a 10 minute dis- Dail (Vice-president of Cap- that single-sex residence halls di- vandalism problems." Concerning Students are drunk and hungover in cussion on alcohol was allowed to Board), and Cathy Nosel (Career versify residence life. The new the Student Affairs Office's survey class and no one wants to come in become a 45 minute debate, and Counselor). The focus of the year staff will help freshmen, and the of other colleges/universities alco- on Friday. He feels these problems not once did anyone ever address was to steer away from the "Me" single-sex residence hall will give hol policies. he said that WMC stem from "peer pressure and supe- the problem of racism on campus. generation toward a service ori- parents what they are asking for. "shouldn't be followers. should be rior [upperclassmen] pressure, This was an example of the ented community. As part of this Don Clark. an attorney and leaders, should be more radical." It which is hard on the freshmen," college's unwillingness to address program a philanthropy class was Trustee of the college. said that the is neccessary to "get out of step," and stated that he cannot reccm- the problem. She reaffirmed that offered in thefall, funded by agrant new alcohol policy recommenda- stop competing with other schools, mend someone tocome here due to racism on campus is an important for three years. In addition, Keth- issue will not be ignored and must leen Kennedy Townsend was Glar------------- be addressed. She announced that brought in to lecture about her she will no longer sit and-have the and experierceswlthvolurueerism issue ignored. then grabbed her her current position in the state of Continued from page 1 spot and points were returned. For 4)floors were not properly: con- belongings and walked out. Maryland, as well as Greenpeace in example, Traeglercitedan incident structed, drained, clean, in good After she left, the room was the shelves and ice build- ups where an employee set a boUle of repair to cover installation, dustless silent fora moment, then Mr. Clark the Spring, and a program on volunteerism and careers in the on the floors and ceilings glass cleaner on the counter in the cleaning methods; S)lighting not announced to the Chairwoman, non-profit sector. Amnesty Inter- -rust build-up inside drawer second line during non-operation. provided as required; 6)necessary Dolly Snyder, that it wasn't his national and the Ecology club were containing utensils The inspector marked this as "toxic toxic items improperly stored, la- intention to overlook the issue, he acknowledged for their active in- -mixer had chipped paint chemical stored on food-contact beled, used. too felt it was important. Mrs. volvement on campus as well as
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