Page 60 - ThePhoenix1988-89
P. 60
Page 4/Western Maryland CollegeIFebruary 23, 1989 Editorial WMC battle zone Welcome 10the WMC battle zone. The wars are here. Greek vs. Greek. Freshmen vs. Greek. Independent vs. Greek. Independent vs. independent. Campus Safety and Residence Life serve as judges and referees to an ongoing batule between groups and individuals. In the first three weeks of this semester there have already been ten reported fights. But, according to one Campus Safety Officer, ''There are more fights that aren 't reponed. Only when the fights really get out of hand and people are gelling hurtare we called. No onecan estimate how many more there are every weekend." The first weekend of February was the worst There were a total of six reported fights in or near Whiteford, Blanche, ANW. and McDaniel. According to one observer, "They were aU part of the same fight They [Campus Safety and Residence Life Staff] would break up one fight and it would start up somewhere else." The unusual amount of violence is being perpetrated by a small potion of the community. The few who are using their fists instead of reason and turning the campus into their own private battle grounds. Sartre, Hartman examine prejudice Several remedies have been suggested to curtail weekend fighting. Those caught will go up against the Honor and Conduct Board as their next battle. Hopefully this will putthe fear ofpunisbmentfnto them and the next time they chose to use their fists they will thinkfirst, But, this Jean-Paul Sanre, who lived still despise the Jews." against those who have perpetrated Or Or Catholics. Or blacks. solution only addresses the consequenses of the act, not prevention. through-andresisted-theNazi whomever he has singled out as the discrimination and inequality and topracticeracism and continue Another suggestion is that groups holding club room panics should occupation of France. wrote a bril- hire off-duty police officers 10 patrol the area. The idea is thai the liant essay, "Portrait of the Antis- "the enemy." Or course Sartre is sexism. The white racist and the authority figure would prevent people from fighting. But is a police emite," which describes not only using the word "opinion" here male chauvinist scream for their presence really necessary to keep club room parties calm? the haler of Jews, but the person ironically, Any doctrine that wills of rights while ignoring, often quite the suppression that someone else is intentionally, inferiority, The suggestion that seems to address both the prevention and who has any prejudice against any of others is consequences is social pressure. Rightnow these fights are nothing short group, be it blacks, women, orien- rights, orextennination nor does it paying for those rights so long as thought, not a mere theyarenotsharedgenerallybythe of a Friday evening spectator span. If fighting was considered socially tals, Hispanics, brains.jocks, inde- belong to the category of ideas that human community since they rest unacceptable. rather than the confirmation of manhood or womanhood, pendents or Greeks. We glorify deserve protection by the right to onapositionofuneamedprivilege. less of it would occur. that prejudice by calling it "opin- Thefights of the last three weeks area disgraceful martoWMC. The ion." Sanre will have none of that: freedom of opinion. It is a passion Often the passion of prejudice anSW(2" lies in the social structure which also makes them possible. If prejudice is a passion. And it is a through and through. a1though it becomes an obsession. Sartre tells fighting is made unacceptable by the majority, the minority of fighters demonic passion through and appears under so many disguises of a Protestant he knew in Berlin will no longer be able to use WMC as their own battle ground. through, willing harm. destruction. that we often fail to recognize it as whose sexual desire took the form and the banishing of members of such. It is, in short. a love of hate, of indignation. "The sight of the hated group from the society of bringing instant certitude and re- women in bathing suits infuriated , -, equais. maining impervious to reason or him: he welcomed the rage, spend- Just who is this possessed per- discussion. One cannot argue ieg his time in swimming pools." son? Usually it turns out to be us, against prejudice; one can only So it is that the bigot may find you and me, for it is doubtful that expose it for what it is, refuse to himself/herself fascinated with. any of us completely escapes the dignify it by calling it "opinion," or even anracted to, certain members resenunents, the fears, the angers give it a platfonn. of the group that is held in con- and the antipathies that arise when Aboveall.uoffersastmplistic tempt. He/she may even admit we encounter "others" who are not solutionforaUtheevilintheworld. such individuals into hiSlher own or club. Business Manager.. . ..StefanieR. Shaffer just like us, or who threaten the The bigotalways blames the victim group, fraternity, sorority, The bigot Editor-In-Chief Beth Jones ofhis/her hate. For it is the intentto They are "exceptions." of power and privilege positions Production Editor Brian Sobus we have inherited because we be- keep the victim "in its place," that says, "Some of my best friends Production A.. itanls •..•.._ _..•..•..••_••.•_..•.......•• Michelle Kloss, Steve Harlan long to the majority (white. male, is, a place of defenselessness and are...(you can fill in the blank)." Copy EdltOf. . Tammie Gin, Bev Megenl"larcl: inferiority. The racial problem is This relieves the conscience of the Sports Editor .. . Bill Desciak Protestant,middleclass,etc.). Yet cartoonist. .. . Jeremy Verne, Andrea Covington it isdifficult to recognize prejudice the bleck'sprobtem. the Hispanics' bigot while at the same time he/she Photography Editor .. . Helen E. Lowe in ourselves. or in others like us. problem; it is· never the majority holds on to the positions of power New. Coordinator Lee Spector Says Sartre: "an antisemite opin- white's problem. Current racial and privilege enjoyed and conde- Reporter., Bob Brown, Shannon Byrne. Jim Cardea, Andrea Covington, tensions are now blamed on the scends to the people securely held Melyssa Denny, Melissa Engle, Chloe GarretlSon-BuIZ, Erwin Gonzalez, Steve ion appears like a molecule which the resentment Harian, Michael Kubacki, Michelle Kloss, Debbie Leopold, Ellen Marth,Brian can combine with any other set of "white backlash," in contempt Or bigots talk of Panettiere, Debra Rayne, Wend)' Ruderman, Laura Tull molecules without changing itself. of the white majority against the "qualified blacks" as the ones wor- Advlsor .. . Dr. Pamela Aegis A man can be a good father and a black. population because of their thy of admittance or hire; one sel- The Phoenixisa bimonthly publication ctwesem Maryland College. Theopinions good husband. a zealous citizen, efforts to achieve equal access to dom if ever hears them speak of expressed in columns and teners to the editor do not necessarily rellect those of the cultured, philanthropic and an an- jobs and education. Opposition to "qualified whites." It is assumed :tta~::~~~it!1~:ar~~~===~~~~:~~7n~:: tisemite at the same time. He may women's rights, especially those that to be white is to be qualified. edit for length, clarity, and libelous content. letters must be submitted by the like to go fishing and be may like that affect competition with males At heart, Sartregoeson to say, Thursday before publication to be considered. Allletters must be no longer than :the pleasures of love. be may be for jobs. focuses on the women the bigot is a coward. For such a one page. typed, double-spaced. and signed A phone number must be included tolerant about religion, full of gen- themselves as the source of the ~=~~~~~PhoeniX ,Western MaJyland College, Westminster, erous ideas about the condition of trouble. There is a conspicuous Continued on page 6 L.. ~~~i!iind2..l21!l'5ill7:..... ......J thenativesofCentraIAfrica-and absence of any moral outrage
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