Page 57 - ThePhoenix1988-89
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Inside: Sports- pages 6,7,2 Sixty Seconds- page 5 Vol. IX, Number 7 Western Maryland College Residence life changes planned New staff, freshman single-sex dorms proposed By Beth Jones ties will shift from being centered on the student-staff to being The Residence Life staff will supervisoroflheprofessional staff. undergo dramatic changes in or- The Dean will oversee the new ganization and personnel before professional positions of three the fall of 1989. RLCsandlheAssistant . The proposed plan will incor- Residence Life. poratean "adult presence" into the longer be "on call" during evening existing Resident Assistanl/Hall duty hours. Her major concerns will be the Honor and Conduct L_-"''''''''''''''';''''''''''''~'''''=o...!'!!"",,,,- Coordinator structure by adding -,=--_j three Residence Life Coordinators Board and disciplinary hearings Wrestlers go to MAC's Saturday, February 25 (RLCs). Also included in the plan and sanctions. The three RLC positions are is a provision for two single-sex the result of splitting the current AIDS program tonight dorms. Rouzer and Whiteford. because of "parental concern and position of Coordinator of Resi- problems and to provide more vari- dence Staffs and Programming, "The Hwnan Side of AIDS" will be presented tonight in the forum at ety in residence settings," said held by Doug Nolder. The RLCs 7:30. This program is part of Healthy Loving Week which began on Charlene Cole, Associate Dean of will berequired to have at least two Monday. Theprogram will feature three nurses: DebRoll,Shirley Lewis, Student Affairs. She added that no years experience in residence life and Lynn Sussman decision has been made yet about management and a SA. They will It will focus on AIDS as a disease, the care for patients with the disease, placement of Greeks or independ- live in thedorms, serve at least four and the need for tolerance and compassion in dealing with these patients ents. Philip Sayre, Dean of nights of duty every week, and - "The HumanSide"ofthedisease. Theprogram will feature among other According to Dean Cole, the Student Affairs coordinate their staffs. Each RLC positions of Philip Sayre. Dean of will be responsible for one spe- things a slide presentation and a good chance ro become familiar with the Student Affairs, and Joanne directly affected by the rearranging cialty area: student-staff supcrvi- other side of AIDS, the human side. This program is the focus of the 'first ever Healthy. Loving Week. Goldwater. Assistant Director of of old positions and the creation of sion. programing, or drug and alec- Coordinator MarleneClements hopes for a large tum-out at this important Residence Life will remain the new ones. hoi education and counseling. educational event same. However, current staff, both ateDr::~!:;~I~::~~~:~ Continued on page 2 professional and student, will be ~=---~-----==---~~--~~--==~~- Flu epidemic hits WMC Miller to direct Sidelights: Hairy Ape By Melissa Engel estimated 12,OOOcascsatlheendof After campus two weeks ago. By Debbie Leopold It's highly contagious January and actually closed thc Do you think the disarmament and.t'once it starts to spread up to speaking with several of her col- leagues, came to the halfofthecommunitycancatchit," Clemems , wnuen by The Hairy Ape alks are leading towards a nu- premier American playwright according to Marlene Clements. conclusion lhat the flu "is ex- Eugene O'Neill in 1922, will be RN. It's influenza and it's back in tremely widespread" and that prac- clear freeze? presented by WMC students in the most severe outbreak on this tielly all local campuses have felt Alumni Hall in March. campus since the winter of 1986. its effects. What can you do to prevent A tally kept in the Health largely an experimental play about a stoker on a steamIiner who Center indicates that since the first catching the flu? The most effcc- live prevention seems to be wash- reported case in September, some perceives himself to be the center lOOvisirs were for symptoms offhe ing your hands frequently since the of the universe. The Hairy Ape is a "stylistic challenge," said director flu or secondary infections associ- virus is spread most easily through Ron Miller. Professor in Commu- ated with complications of the viral hand contact (door knobs, utensils. nications. The main character is infection. Since influenza is a vi- etc.). Other than that the only real Yank, played by Andy Wood, rus, itcannot be treated with antibi- prevention is to eat and sleep well, whose vision of himself is crushed otics. Secondary infections are the key to maintaining a healthy when he interacts with women usually bacterial, however, such as ability to fight off the virus if you from the upper class. He goeson to bronchitis, ear infections or pneu- should get it. And if you already fmd out the truth about his place in monia, and these require antibiotic have some symptoms (severe the universe when he finally meets treatment, The tally includes stu- headaches, nausea and vomiting, an ape in the zoo. dents who have returned with sec- muscle aches, high fever) it is rec- Wendy Ruderman, who is ondary infections, but the term ommended that you: double cast with Connie Geerhart "epidemic" has still been used to l.Restinbed,especiallywhile as the aunt, says "The play is more describe the out-break, not only on feverish. 2. Drink fluids to loosen secre- a group effort. in some acts aJI14 of campus, but in the community as uons and to prevent dehydration weU,wherethelocalhealthdepart- llS are on stage at the same time saying the same lines and doing the ment has also recongnized it as an from fever. epidemic. 3. Take analgesics such as same movements." The Hairy Ape will debut on The WMC campus and sur- Tylenol. March 3 and will continue on rounding community are not the 4. Take cough suppressants only areas to feel me effects of tile and use a humidifier. source: Phoenix L:.:.:;.:..:.;......,;.:.... sample: 96 _' March and 11 at 8pm on epidemic. PennSta1e,forexample, .;_ the Mainstagein Alumni Hall.
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