Page 58 - ThePhoenix1988-89
P. 58
---------- ,...--------~---------- Page 2IWestern Maryland College/February 23, 1989 'FAN'S CHINESE RESTAURANT "Bachelors' Best" seeks play-off title By Jim Cardea Hazers game. Hazers, Schaber still managed to Fergieand his teammates have Hunan Downtown Three weeks into the semester, been struggling through a horrible kid around with Paul, "You know Szechuan Westminster Intramural basketball remains one shooting slump, which has ren- something's wrong when Iscore 12 Cantonese 59W. Main St. of the mOSI exciting forms of enter- dered the Preacher offense practi- points Holloway." Late in the non- The Polynesian 848-0919 tainment on campus. style of play cally non-existent. Power forward game Holloway went up for a re- stop, thrill-a-minute American 976-3166 has caused dozens of intramural Matt Palazzo has been the lone boundand was greeted by an elbow by the jovial bright spot, canning wee-pointers to the mid-section spectators to walk away from the at will and setting bone crushing Schaber. Cocktail Service Quick Lunches Carry Out PELC virtually speechless. With picks which Ricky Mahom would "You can't outjump me, the playoffs rapidly approaching, Jove. Holly" boasted Schaber to a II AM- 10 PM Sun -Thurs & II AM -II PM Fri -Sat there figures to be even more heart During the faculty game, stanled Holloway. stopping action on the horizon, as Palazzo's rough style of play pro- This revolting behavior which the field of teams prepare to battle vided one of the most memorable would be unacceptable anywhere moments of the intramural season. MONEY FOR for As expected, the "Bachelor's Early in the first balf, the hulking else, is taken light-heartedly in in- eight playoff the probable which tramural play, berths. adds to the Palazzo, beauty of the game. like who Karl Malone COLLEGE Best" team has a playoff spot plans on going into body building this column, without mentioning It would not be fair to conclude after his playing days are over, seta locked up; as do the Betes A team who continue to win despite sev- wicked pick which sent his startled the Independent team. According FREE SCHOLARSHIP eral off the court problems. The advisor Ethan Seidel sprawling. to captain "Iron" Skip Tyson, the Hazers have also emerged as a Palazzo however. being the true Independents considered changing INFORMATION FOR STUDENTS strong playoff candidate, while the sportsman. extended his hand tothe their name to the "Pythons" just [0 Every Student is Eligible for Some Type of Financial Aid Preachers have struggled follow- fallen Seidel and play continued. It get more recognition. This fact Regardless of Grades or Parental Income. ing Jim Cardea's frightening anlde is not true that Dr. Seidel has re- alone makes them worthy of men- We have a data bank of over 225,000 listings of scholarships, injury. fused to help Mall with his spring tion, but their play on the court has fellowships, grants, and loans, representing billions in private sector Since Cardea's mishap, the schedule. also been noteworthy. Entering funding. Preachers have dropped two games Speaking of rough play, has this week, the Independents had Many scholarships are given to students based on their academic in a row, including a lopsided loss anyone seen the Fearless Forecast- suffered only one loss and are interests, career plans, family heritage and place of residence. to the Hazers and an aggravating ers? These guys playa no holds- making a strong run for the play- There's money available for students who have been newspaper loss to a laugh talking Faculty- barred type of game which would offs. An intramural crown for the carriers, grocery clerks, cheerleaders, non-smokers. etc. Staff team. In the later game, they make Denney Van Isrendal smile. personable Tyson would cap off a squandered an early 19 point lead. The forecasters, led by Chris Sch- "dream year" for him which has CALL 1·800·888·9391 ~ -\ "It's just not fun anymore", aber, Dan Moskowitz, and Ben already seen him start a game at Preacher for WMC, and receive ANYTIME ASK FOR OPERATOR NO. 10 ~ remarked who seemed guard Dave Kling have had trouble winning, quarterback in College Algebra and to sum up but still seem to enjoy themselves. an "A" Ferguson the Preachers' frustrations after the During a runaway loss to the Trigonometry. Residence life changes proposed Continued from page 1 =ut~~I~f:!~!-:;:~~t~nn~ The RLC in charge of staff Another provision in the plan supervision will supervise and is for a faculty member to live on Your MBA at the coordinateRAsand HCs. Heorshe campus in one of the dorms, possi- will be responsible This person bly McDaniel Hall. for issues and concerns affecting the student would provide an adult presence staff. This RLC will work closely and would be a liaison between Rotterdam School of Management with the other four positions to faculty and students. The faculty monitor and aid staff members. member would also assist in pro- One RLC willbe focusing his gramming. Erasmus University Rotterdam or her attention on problems related uons, there will be fewer RAs and As a result of the added posi- to drug and alcohol use and abuse on this campus. Thispersonwillbe HCs. The concentration of their The RoHerdam SChool of Management of the Erasmus University in the Netherlands involved in programming, educa- responsibilities will be changed is a leading academic institution for management education in Europe. tion, counseling (with Smith from primarily disciplinary to in- As the scope of most c?,"po~ations t>eo::omesmore international. the entire wood is developing Into one big market. place. CareeropportuMles '~ International Buslnessare numerous. II a career in International business appeals to House), and minor disciplinary terpersonal, social, and academic. you.anMBAlromanlnternahonaUyonenledschootisane~tstep. cases in which alcohol is involved. "We hope to relieve the police- The RSM MBA is a two ~ars program in Generlll Management. The program covers aUre1evantaspectsolinterna. The RLC will serve as a member of man role [ofRAs] and toexpandon tlonal management. as well as tOpiCSilke Technology and Inlormatlcs. Classes are conocctec in English. Teaching methods area combination olleclunng. cases and prOlectS. designed to develop essential manageme<1t skills a three-college consortium (WMC, programing, peer counselling, and Participants represent t5to20dilferent nationallhes. They are select ed through a ngorous admissions procedure Mt. St. Mary's, and Gettysburg) to "interpersonal relationships with onlhebaslsofthelfacademicperiormance.managerialpotentialandstrongmotivation. share and develop ideas on how to students," said Dean Cole. II you consider yoursell a talented graduate in en deal with and curtail substance "Residence Life positions are Please send a brochure of the International MBA pro- gram 'n.. General Management of the Rotte
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