Page 53 - ThePhoenix1988-89
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.~, .-;---- ~. r __ •.-,,-, --;-- -~ February 9, 1989/Western Maryland College/Page 5 60 Seconds on Campus Helen Lowe/Wendy Ruderman If you could change one policy on the campus, which would it be? Being a Rouzer resident, I think The security guards should You should not be forced to be Have the dell bar open for Have hall parties reinstated. that when there are several fire make rounds every hour on on the full meal pian if you live dinner. drills in a row due to the fact that the hour-Instead of just sit- on campus. It costs 20 dollars someone has pulled them we ting around. a day and no one gets up for should not be made to stand oat- breakfast. No wonder there side when everyone knows they are so many pudgy freshman. are false alarms. Laura Bekoff JenGordon Martha Buckley Stanford Vinson Scott Robinette The world and WMC Plans are in the works for student run TV show "Maryland sues grace theBoardofTrusteesas well as the Alumni lists. Whenaskedif U.S. to recoup WMC would benefit from Black you laugh, cry or question, and get moving on a stagnant thought fortune, good Decker's loan funds" & Timothy R. Pyle '86, Director ,J[ By Shannon Byrne campus." That i~what Jamie Davis and his staff hope to achieve. (Balto. (,un, 1131) Corporate and Foundation A television show that is Relations. commented that, "the entirely run by students is being The Maryland Higher Educa- college is very appreciative of developed for the upcoming college tion Loan Corporation has sued the what Black & Decker bas done. I cable network. U.S. Deptartment of Education to hope the relationship between the lamie Davis, a senior, also the 00 CCJJDJ:D recoup $9 million, claiming that college and Black & Decker will executive producer of this major In Memory the U.S. Govt, insured these funds continue." Mr. Pyle predicted, production says that the show will be The producers hope that not under the Guaranteed Student however, that gifts from in the framework of a "live weekly only their staff will get involved, Loan program. Ifthe money is not corporations in general would production on the student cable that but that anyone who shows an of... recovered, the state "may have to drift towards equipment, services, isn't too obscene or slanderous, extreme interest in the field and is increase fees to students [and] cut and guest lecturers in addition to much ...." The show will be shown dedicated and willing to spend a lot back on the number of loans it money given to specific projects. on the Uplink Network, which is of time working for completion of guarantees." headed by Mary O'Hara. Presently the show will get involved as well. be On Sunday, February 5, a who not People On campus, Caryl L. Conner, the shows staff includes five may Director of Financial Aid, is "feel- producers: Ken Gelfano, Steve communication majors, but can memorial service was held for Anne ing fairly confident that we [WMC Nintendo signs Parsons, Jim Cardea, Doug operate a camera or work well in Lindsey Otenasek and George Wa· students with MHELC loans] Hitchcock, and Bonnie Grady. Dave oneofthemanyolherpositionsthat terson Williams, victims of the should be in good shape." Mrs. 40 licenses for Swezey and Paul Holloway are are involved in the production are December 21 Pan ~erican Flight Conner cited a recent "federalruling editors. These students are not only welcome to volunteer their 103 airplane disaster. in favor of an Ohio agency similar new products producers and editors, but they also services. Otenasek, daughter of Richard There is also a Central Casting to MHELC and that at least nine (USA Today, 211) double as cameramen and unit headed by Margo Schwartz, and Marg~el Otenase:k, Baltimo~, was a SOCialwork major wh~ spent other states have filed suit against technicians. Most of these students and advised by Professor Rick the fall semester abroad With the the Dept, of Ed. are serious communication majors Nintendo has contracted with Dillman, who will be in charge of Syracuse.Univ~rsity's study abroad Leisure Concepts, a New York who are competent in the field and collecting resume's of people who program m SOCialwork. She was a "Black and licensing finn, to allow manutec- who can be depended on to get the are interested in being part of the transfer from theUniversityof Dela- Decker 'is back' turers in non-video technology of job done right and on time. to cover productions, either in front of or ware,wholovedchidrenanddesired The show hopes fields to take advantage behind the camera. Margo's job is to work them someday. .with record Nintendo's "huge brand identifi- anything that anyone finds to be able to give the producer ofa Williams, a 1986 graduate of interesting, informative or funny. show people's names who may be WMC, was the holder of an ROTC cation." earnings" On Campus, Super Mario Student music groups, productions good for a specific part or has a scholarship as well as an economics videos, interviews for drama (Balto. Sun, 1131) Bros. and Zelda fans will soon be and art exhibits are a few of the specific [alent with camera work. and business administration major. able to go to the mall and buy A transfer from Tulane University. Anyone who is interested in that Black & Decker is continuing "lunch boxes, notebooks, and ceil- subjects that will be shown. Jamie field should contact her. Williams had been stationed in Bad its tum around with earnings of ing fans" bearing the names of also thinks that "any student who This half-hour show nm by Kreuznach, West Germany as a for- $97.1 million. Nintendo brand products. In thinks they have a good idea for a college students for college wardobserver inatwcman helicop- On campus, Black & Decker, foods, Ralston-Purina has pur- production should not be afraid to students will hopefully begin ter. He was the son of George and as well as the Decker family, have chased a contract to produce a approach one of the producers and production soon. It should be a Helena Williams of Joppa, MD. been long time friends of WMC. breakfastcereal named "Nintendo suggest it. Who knows, you may show that will "infonn you; make Members of the Decker family Cereal Systems" see your ideas on television."
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