Page 52 - ThePhoenix1988-89
P. 52
Page 4/Western Maryland College/February 9, 1989 Editorial YeaJ" btit look a.t tit.. br;Jl..t Jid~. Old problems revealed, IH o.llG«L oui; new solutions used The Fall of 1988 could easily beremembered as the semester otthe problem. Severa] major issues were forced to consciousness and the con- science of the WMC community. The possibility that racism might exist became the reality that racism does exist and is pracucedovertly on this campus. The unspoken fearofhazing by Greek organizations was openly discussed by WMC and the local press after charges were brought up against one group. The sexual assault of a freshman shocked the community and dispelled the myth that "it can't happen here." The use and abuse of alcohol by students led the faculty and administration to hold Q public meeting to discuss possible solutions. including a "dry campus." For some members of WMC. the end of the semester brought a feelingoffalserelieL After all, forgouenthoms willdry upanddie, right? Thatidea still exists in the attitude that since this is a new semester, those old briars can'teffecr anyone this semester. Tbaris the myth of newness. It is also wrong. The reality is that these problems are not going anywbere until aU of the issues are dealt with and some real solutions, both long and short term, are incorporated into the daily lives-of every member of the WMC Students suggest improvements community. As idealistic and somewhat unrealistic as the goal of a non- racist, non-Sexist, safe,and bumanecampusmay seem, some people have organized and our looking for the very solutions to help attain this goal. One example is the work that the BSU. other students. faculty, and result, innocent students are billed policy, and establishing hall gov- admisuato s have done to make Black History month a learning experi- By Lee Spector/ fer all of the damages. ernments, a self repair system, and ence fortheentirecampus. A BSU sponsoredprotestmarcb brought over Elizabeth Burkitt/Jim Joanne Goldwater, Assistant a check system. lOOpeople together in solidarity to show thatrscism will not be tolertated Cardea Director of Residence Life, is Currently, the policy states on this campus. Several speakers and activities are planned for this month aware of the fact that innocent stu- thatthestudent will beassessedany to educate WMC, not only about racism and its devastating effects. but Editor's Note: Suggestions in dents are being blamed for dam- necessary damages or repair also about Black culture. . • . .... this article have been adapredfrom ages. The freshman dorms (Rouzer charges. The policy should say that This and other organizations sucli as- Amnesty "tnrcmaconet, the assignments in lastfall' s Technical and "whiteford) are usually the "we should be fined for damages Women's Concerns Alliance. and the foreign students group are trying to Writing class. places where most of the damages instead of repairs" Students com- plain that we are charged for dam- provoke change in our envlomment, our behavior. and in our attitudes so occur, because students arecxpen- ages that are never repaired. This that WMC may become a more humane place to live and to learn. But There is a great deal of ccorro- encing their first time away from may alleviate the complaints. even these hard working few cannot accomplish anything overnight. Any versy surrounding the billing of home, and in some cases have not Hall governments can be or- kind of change requires lots of time and the cooperation of the entire com- damage and/or cleaning charges to yet learned responsiblilty towards ganized as assistants to theRA's in munity. Involvement in this commcngoal must come from all reaches of students at WMC. This policy their environment finding who caused the damages. the campus. holds students responsible for Students also feel that even This may prevent the anxiety of Last semester was marred by the uncovering of many problems. damages to their rooms and its when they complain, not much is Although there are no easy or quick solutions. WMC must make this a contents, and for damages to done about the condition of the "snitching" because these students are merely doing what they were semester of working towards problem-solving. common areas (corridors, laundry billings. Sometimes damages are appointed to do. Perhaps a "night- rooms, stairwells, bathrooms, lob- taken care of lightly, and students .------------------.....,~~'i:~~~~~~~~~~~:~ watch" could go into effect with will get bills for damages that students alternating duty. didn't exist or pay for something that the donns should stay in the that was.never repaired. Inaselfrepairsystem students same condition that they were in at Ms. Goldwater says that if a can provide there own materials to the beginning of each semester. If student finds that a damage has not fix damages. Students wouldnotbe the room is not in what the RA been repaired, she will report it to charged for fixing it themselves as deems an "acceptable condition", Physical Plant. They then have two long as the repair met standards. the student will be assessed any weeks to repair it. If the damage is Self repair may also make a student necessary damage or repair stillnotrepaired, then the student's more careful because they would Editor-ln-Chlef. Beth Jones charges. For common areas, all account is credited. have to fix it themselves. Business Manager ..Stefanie A. Shafter Another system could be that Production Edhor . Brian Sobus students living there will be as- What the campus deems as PrO;JSuctlon A•• hants M M Michelle Kloss. Steve Harlan sessed when no specific person can damages usually conflicts with students would bring their billing Copy Editors .. . Tammie Gitt. Bev Megenhardt be determined as the damager. what the students sees as adamage. receipts to the professional staff to Sporu Editor. . . BiU Desciak Students find it hard to accuse Dorms such as McDaniel and see if the jobs are actually being Cartoonists. . . Jeremy Verne. Andrea Covington done. Students would know if it Photography Editor Helen E. lowe another student of damages when Blanche areolder than manyothers Reporter •............ Bob Brown. Shannon Byrne. Jim cercea. Andrea C
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