Page 48 - ThePhoenix1988-89
P. 48
Page 12/Western Maryland College/December 1, 1988 All American and They Live worth seeing The Phoenix By Rock Reiser is looking for Dennis Quaid gives his best per- becomes caught up in the game reporters, fonnance yet in Everybody's All itself. Later, when his pro days American, a romantic story based come to an end, he fails at support- layout on the life of Gavin Grey, known in ing his family as he has no skills coordinators, his glory days as the "Grey Ghost." other than athletic ones. Director Taylor Hackford brings Quaid effectively portrays the and the story of America's greatest hurtof a man whose future depends running back to the big screen, and on people using his name and ma- photographers Quaid depicts the hero in a Sensi- nipulating his family to a point for next tive and realistic light. Jessica where he loses control and returns Lange portrays Babs Grey, the to football for a brief stint with the semester's Ghosts' wife, and Timothy Hutton Broncos, only to learn the hard w~y production. plays the Ghosts' nephew Donnie, thai age has a way of making a Director John Carpenter brings aliens in taking its natural re- who ultimately writes the book on person obsolete in the sports arena. another interesting theme to the big sources. Piper ultimately destroys which the movie is based. Quaid Eventually, the Ghost retires screen in They Live, a sci-f thriller the communication network that If you are and Lange combine their respec- for good knowing full well that he that pits human beings against an sends out the "sleep" signals which tive talents in a touching and senti- hasmadeafoolofhimself,andthe alien race that is exploiting the prevent human beings from seeing interested, mental look at the strain ona family movie centers on how he and his earth's resources. The aliens have the aliens, and at point, Carpenter once the "glory days" were over. family cope with the absence of . conditioned the human race into a leaves the viewer somewhat dis- contact the The movie opens with the Ghost stardom that all great sports stars stateof"s!eep"inwhichsubliminal sapointed. Phoenix leading his Louisiana football team eventually have to deal with. In the messages rule our lives and the ali- The story line is good, and the to the national championship and picture's finest moment; the Ghost ens appear human to us. idea of an alien race that has been through the Sugar Bowl, and director realizes that he played football Roddy Piper portrays an unem- with us for some time and has pre- campus mail, Hackford cleverly intertwines ac- towards theend of his career for the ployed constuction worker down vented us from seeing them is inter- tual footage of Greys' college and wrong reasons, and that it wasn't on his luck, who by mistake uncov- esting. One major complaint, and include pro football days with footage of money andfame whichwere thein- ers the aliens' plans and with the however, is that Carpenter never Quaidasthestarrunningback. The spiration for his success, but simply help of Keith David, manages to in- really develops his characters, and your name, film traces the Ghosts' subsequent theloveofthesportitself. This film filtrate the alien network where when Piper dies at the end, the post office box, first round draft pick by the Re- is a loving tribute to all sports he- they encounter select humans who viewer isn't too upset about it. dskins, and his personal life and roes everywhere, and a "must-see" have sold out their world to join the All in all it was a good movie, yet and interest. marriage to Babs. At this point, at the box office. it's one that can wait for cable. Hackford devotes the film to the tension that occurs as the Ghost OUlo[5(<'<<'<<'<<'<<'<) OUlo[5("":,<,<) CAPBOARD'S DECEMBER COLLAGE ... downright different! ------------------------------------------------ Thursday, December 1st Saturday, December 3rd 9:30- 11:30 pm 7 & 9pm FORUM FORUM free $1.00 admission -------------------------------------------------- Friday, December 2nd 9 pm - 1am Forum 1 pebble admission
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